Miluo’s Human Friend!
Sisheng Research Institute, on the third basement floor.
Miluo’s incessant voice resounded in Tang Zhenli’s mind, all explaining the level knowledge of microns.
Of course, Miluo controls some degrees very well. At least from the current point of view, the things it expounds sound completely irrelevant to the sequence of the universe.
But for Tang Zhenli, a low-level human with a mind full of Ascension Sequences, these irrelevant arguments kept confirming his guesses in his mind.
Because through the comparison between Miluo this time and the last time he spoke unconsciously, Tang Zhenli found that compared to the last time, Miluo seemed to have deliberately left out something.
So now in Tang Zhenli’s mind, the separate information flows are like isolated islands, and Tang Zhenli is manipulating his consciousness to connect these seemingly unconnected ‘islands’.
There is no way, compared to the fact that higher-order beings can easily and possibly the truth of the universe, as a lower-order being, he can only constantly improve his cognition of the universe in this way.
It sounds a little unfair, but this is how the universe is. Fairness is always based on equality of status!
This is one of the eternal laws of the universe, and it is also one of the earliest truths understood by human beings!
In fact, for Tang Zhenli, even so, as long as he can understand the universe more clearly, he can get closer to the sea of ​​stars he longs for., no matter how cumbersome the procedures are, he is already satisfied
After all, it is also a very fulfilling thing to constantly seek the truth in one’s own exploration, isn’t it?
At this moment, Miluo’s voice paused, and then continued.
“So, after understanding the micro, Lord Miluo will explain to you how the higher sequence uses the truth of the universe.”
After finishing speaking, Miluo felt Tang Zhenli’s emotions for a while, and saw that Tang Zhenli frowned at this moment, as if he was thinking about something.
This reaction directly made Miluo a little stunned. This little one of the low-level sequence actually lost his mind when it was “lecturing”? ? ? ! ! !
For a moment, when did Lord Miluo, who is billions of years old, have been wronged like this!
You must know that there are not a few low-sequence civilizations that it wiped out in its hands. It knows the truth of the universe that many low-sequence life individuals want to understand when civilizations perish.
But at that time, it didn’t know how to answer questions for ants
The destruction of ants has nothing to do with the ants themselves, and it will not show any sympathy for this.
but now
Some cosmic truths and cognitions that countless low-sequence civilization life individuals can’t wait for, let it personally tell a low-sequence kid, and he is still distracted? ? ?
Thinking of this, the consciousness that it has experienced for billions of years is still out of breath.
“It’s unreasonable! It’s really unreasonable! Humble human boy, since you don’t want to hear it, heh.”
After talking about it, Miluo snorted coldly in a low tone, looking a bit like a teacher who hated him.
At this time, Tang Zhenli also came back to his senses slightly, listening to Miluo’s words, his expression was a little dazed.
What’s what?
What’s going on in Miluo?
It’s a pity that Tang Zhenli had been deducing it just now and didn’t notice why Miluo had such a big reaction.
But no matter what he does, Tang Zhenli naturally has a way to deal with it.
He was stunned for a moment, and then he pretended to be a little disappointed.
“Master Miluo, do you think that human cognition can quickly respond to the truth of talent? As a friend, you should understand that as a low-order life, cognitive ability has a limit, and this limit is the limit. It takes time to make up if we don’t realize this, are we really friends?”
Following Tang Zhenli’s twists and turns, he threw it over.
Tang Zhenli could clearly feel that Miluo’s mood was gradually developing for the better.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli didn’t continue to speak.
Instead, he waited quietly for Miluo’s reaction. Tang Zhenli’s understanding of the universe may still be greatly lacking.
But four words for Miluo’s cognition!
Take a pinch!
In fact, sometimes Tang Zhenli can’t understand that the high-order life that has lived for billions of years is even lower than him in terms of emotional intelligence.
You know, even if you put it outside, your EQ is lower than Tang Zhenli’s. This is not a compliment.
Of course, it’s not incomprehensible when you think about it. Tang Zhenxiu remembered what Miluo said before, that the contact between higher-sequence life individuals may take hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.
That is to say, the communication between higher sequence life often takes a long time span, and within this time span, each individual is independent of each other.
In this way, EQ and IQ are naturally a world apart.
After all, emotional intelligence is a derivative of group coexistence
In layman’s terms, every high-level life individual like Miluo is socially phobic and autistic.
At this time, just as he was thinking, as expected, after a little understanding of Tang Zhenli’s meaning, Mi Luo’s emotions slowly rose.
Up until now, Miluo has unexpectedly developed an emotion that has never been experienced before for no reason. This emotion is also learned from humans, and it is called guilt.
Yes, it couldn’t help feeling a little guilty towards Tang Zhenli, as if it really regarded Tang Zhenli as a friend.
Because the fetters of friends are also an emotional rule that it has never experienced before.
“Human human friends, it is Miluo’s fault for not considering these things. My friend, Miluo apologizes to you!”
In the end, Miluo once again felt a different kind of emotion.
That kind of emotion is called a sense of cognitive accomplishment!

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