Cosmic Ecological Chain!
Hearing Miluo’s apology, in fact, even Tang Zhenli was a little surprised.
Miluo’s apology, this is the first time he has seen
You must know that although Miluo said at the beginning that it wanted to form a bond of friendship with Tang Zhenli, in fact, its words have never revealed any way of getting along with friends.
Therefore, Tang Zhenli never cared about this so-called bond of friends.
After thinking about it, he knows that as a high-level intelligent individual, he is just a small member of a low-level civilization that is on the verge of being wiped out. How can He De be friends with Miluo.
Although Tang Zhenli used the name of a friend to ‘blackmail’ Miluo a few times before, but he only thought that it was Miluo’s face forced by him.
But now it seems that things are not like this
Could it be that Miluo really regarded herself as a friend?
At this time, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help thinking about Miluo’s EQ. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was.
Thinking about it carefully, Miluo’s attitude towards himself has indeed changed step by step compared to when he first started.
That is to say, it is trying to understand the concept of friends in its own way of thinking, and has beenworking towards this
That is to say, it has been learning how to treat so-called friends!
And myself, it seems like I’ve been using it all the time
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli had lost the confidence that he could easily handle Miluo before, and with the change, Tang Zhenli’s eyes gradually became more complicated.
At this moment, Miluo’s voice sounded again.
“My friend, are you willing to forgive me?”
Listening to Miluo’s voice, Tang Zhenli’s mood became more and more complicated, but after quickly adjusting, he immediately replied with a smile.
“Of course, my friend”
When it comes to the last two words, Tang Zhenli’s articulation is very clear, and his tone is also a little heavier.
Maybe only he can understand the deep meaning
After hearing the words, Miluo also continued to speak, his tone changed a lot compared to just now, returning to his previous appearance.
“Okay, then, human boy, let’s continue.”
Feeling the change in Miluo’s mood, Tang Zhenli also subconsciously showed a smile on his face.
For Miluo, perhaps it is better to understand it in a straight-forward way.
Then, only the voice of Miluo continued to come.
“Speaking of microns, this is the biggest difference between higher-order lifeforms and lower-order lifeforms!”
When the voice fell, Miluo’s tone deliberately paused, as if he understood Tang Zhenli.
And here Tang Zhenli, after hearing the words, his heart suddenly twitched.
Sure enough, my previous guess was correct!
The difference between higher-order lifeforms and lower-order lifeforms lies in the micron level!
And this difference is gradually differentiated at the level above the micron, and finally it has been differentiated into a high-level sequence and a low-level sequence!
It turns out that Miluo didn’t want to hide it deliberately, but stayed here to say it.
Speaking of which, he still has the heart of a villain and the belly of a gentleman.
At this moment, Miluo’s voice continued to sound.
“At the micron level, we can achieve preliminary control, which means that we can form the micron structure into the composition we want, which means that we can control all matter above the micron level!”
“What can you say about any matter? It changes with our consciousness, of course, intelligent individuals of higher matter cannot themselves!”
As Miluo’s voice fell, Tang Zhenli was shocked, and even his breathing was inexplicably fast.
Matter can be changed with consciousness. For human beings, this is almost no different from the Creator.
It is no wonder that higher sequences are called unquantifiable life forms, so it can be explained.
Suddenly, Tang Zhenli seemed to have thought of something, and frowned slightly.
At this time, Miluo also seemed to sense Tang Zhenli’s doubts and continued.
“This ability to change matter is innate to us, but it is not permanent. Simply put, in the matter of the universe, we have the ability to change matter with consciousness only once.”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed a bit of comprehension.
Indeed it is
Miluo’s meaning is clear to Tang Zhenli, if according to what it says, then for human beings, the matter of the universe is undoubtedly divided into two types, one is produced at the very beginning of the universe and can be called the initial matter.
There is another kind of material that has been changed through high-level sequences. The structure of this substance after the micron level can no longer be changed. This is why Miluo said that it can only be changed once. substance.
In this case, the constant existence of high-level sequences proves that this acquired matter is constantly being produced at every time node.
If things go on like this, the total amount of acquired matter in the universe will greatly exceed the initial matter!
Until finally acquired matter fills the entire universe, then the universe that can no longer change will become a lifeless universe.
At that time, any life or celestial body will perish in the dust of history!
So from a certain point of view, and also from Tang Zhenli’s point of view, perhaps the higher sequence is the cancer of the entire universe.
Compared with the utilization of material resources by lower-level sequence civilizations, the utilization of material resources by higher-level sequences is undoubtedly one-off!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes narrowed, and his eyelids drooped.
The problem now is that even after realizing this, Tang Zhenli can’t do anything.
Tang Zhenli believes that the higher-level sequence is obviously aware of this, but looking at the situation that has not changed, it seems to be a laissez-faire attitude.
After all, this matter has already involved the foundation of all higher-level sequences!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s expression was a little weak.
This kind of concept that is close to the ecological cycle of the universe, as a low-level sequence, he can’t change it at all.
Could it be that the meaning of the birth of the universe is to destroy it?

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