The essence of travel!
At this point, without waiting for Miluo to continue talking, Tang Zhenli probably knows why intelligent individuals of higher sequence can use consciousness to control some physical laws that humans understand.
Because what they can control is something close to the source of matter like a micron!
That is to say, they can use consciousness to make whatever they want, or transform it into whatever they want.
At least as far as Tang Zhenli knows, the level of human understanding, no matter it is any substance, is not lower than the atomic level!
Not to mention microscopic particles that are hundreds of millions of times smaller than atoms.
From a certain point of view,If Miluo wants to, it can transform everything it wants!
In this way, it can travel to the universe only by virtue of its physical body, and this aspect also makes sense.
According to this principle, Miluo can completely reproduce all the substances that Miluo has never seen before, and among them, there can be some phenomena that humans cannot understand.
It’s like Miluo can use the black hole in the broad sense of mankind to achieve the purpose of space navigation.
After it can control the microscopic world at the micron level, it goes without saying that Tang Zhenli can also know the principle.
It is nothing more than assimilating the source of matter around the body to the same compositional matter as a black hole, or a material composition that is even more microscopic than a black hole,
Under such circumstances, cosmic travel is not difficult to understand.
It can be said that at the level of micron, even in the universe, it is already a level close to the origin of matter!
At this time, Miluo seemed to be afraid that he would not know, and explained it in great detail.
“So being able to control the micron level means that you humans have control over the entire universe. Of course, the control of all the higher sequences on the micron level is not comprehensive enough. That is to say, we need to pay some price when transforming matter. ”
“This price is the source energy required to transform matter, that is, my fragments, which are the most basic energy for me as a higher sequence, which is why I needed these things before to take you on a cosmic journey. ”
As Miluo’s voice fell, Tang Zhenli stroked his right hand on his chin, his eyelids drooping.
Miluo’s words at this time are undoubtedly equal to pointing out the difference between low-level sequences and high-level sequences!
However, under the circumstances that he had already deduced, the reaction when he heard it now cannot be regarded as a special surprise.
As for what Miluo said later, it is actually quite understandable.
That is to say, when it transforms matter as mentioned earlier, it is not completely free of cost. In the process of transforming matter, it should lose some of its own energy.
Of course, this kind of price is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket for such a high-ranking life individual.
He has now figured out how Miluo, an intelligent individual with a higher sequence, achieves the purpose of space voyage, so now Tang Zhen ideally knows how Miluo travels the universe with himself.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows and asked.
“If that’s the case, how could Lord Miluo take me on a cosmic trip? Can a human being’s fragile body really withstand this pressure?”
This question is his most curious question at present.
After all, this is about his own life. Although Tang Zhenli is ready to dedicate himself, it is not such a meaningless devotion!
But at the moment his voice fell, Miluo’s straightforward voice sounded immediately, as if he had expected this question from him.
“Boy, with Lord Miluo here, I can naturally keep you safe. At that time, I only need to convert the transformed matter into one-way, until the human body can accept it. Naturally, you can adapt to the needs of cosmic travel. Everything you carry!”
In the end, as if afraid that Tang Zhenli would not believe it, Miluo added another sentence.
“Cosmic travel is only the most basic way of manipulating matter for high-level sequences. What is the difficulty level? It’s like your human instinct to eat and drink water, although I haven’t brought low-level sequences before. The living individual is a space travel country, but for this, Lord Miluo is still very confident!”
Listening to Miluo’s vows, Tang Zhenli’s heart could not help but relax.
Although the influence Miluo left him before was somewhat unreliable, Tang Zhenli still believed in Miluo when it came to this professional level of cosmic cognition.
But after that, Tang Zhenli seemed to have thought of something, and then continued to ask.
“Master Miluo, I have one last question!”
“Tell me”
For some reason, Miluo seemed to be very talkative at this time.
And here, listening to Miluo’s response, Tang Zhenli also asked the last question.
“If we leave, when will we be able to come back?”
Speaking, Tang Zhenli’s tone was a little expectant.
Hearing that, Miluo didn’t hide it either, so he answered immediately.
“I believe you humans have also argued that the faster the speed, the slower the time. In a sense, cosmic travel through what you call black holes also follows the effect of time dilation.”
“If you look at your time, this trip may take years or even decades, and I can’t control these. But if you look at the time of human beings, your disappearance may only be a few days later. months”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression softened slightly. If that’s the case, then that’s fine.
In fact, what he was worried about was indeed the emotions of his relatives.
But now it seems that, if nothing else, the cycle of several months is not unacceptable when you think about it.
Of course, this is based on the premise of being able to come back.
In fact, for this so-called cosmic trip, I am afraid that Miluo cannot guarantee that he will be able to come back.
However, Tang Zhenli did not shake his mind because of this.
As a human being, being able to see such a vast and boundless sea of ​​​​stars is a worthwhile life.
Besides, he still has a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders.
Thinking of this,Tang Zhenli’s eyes flickered slightly, looking forward to that day.

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