The Last Night!
Sisheng Research Institute, on the third basement floor,
The night passed, and the couple just hugged each other quietly,
At this moment, Wu Shaoying’s eyelids quivered slightly in Tang Zhenli’s arms. In the next instant, a pair of extremely clear eyes slowly opened. After a few breaths, the confusion in the eyes gradually turned to clarity.
After reacting, Wu Shaoying looked at Tang Zhenli who was so close in front of her, a bit of shame flashed in her beautiful eyes, but after looking at it for a while, a strong sense of reluctance flooded her heart again.
But she still watched quietly after all, and didn’t speak.
After a while, Tang Zhenli also opened his eyes, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he felt Wu Shaoying’s gaze.
I saw him turn his head slightly and glance at Wu Shaoying with a smile on his face.
After thinking of something, he turned his eyes and turned to the ceiling. From an angle that Wu Shaoying could not see, his eyes flashed with determination.
I’m leaving today
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli held Wu Shaoying’s hands tightly, and finally let go of Wu Shaoying’s shoulders, then got up from the bed, and had no choice but to destroy the warm atmosphere at this time.
I don’t know if Miluo can also sense the emotion of parting. From last night until now, it seems to have fallen into a deep sleep and has not said a word.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying also came to his senses and got up at the same time as Tang Zhenli.
After taking a shower, Tang Zhenli was enjoying a breakfast that might not be available for a long time in the future.
Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying sat opposite each other at the dining table. In a sense, this was also his practice banquet, although there were only two people, and even one of them didn’t know about it.
But for Tang Zhenli, it was already very satisfying.
Until after the meal, Tang Zhenli knew it was almost time.
Afterwards, after taking a deep breath, he turned to look at Wu Shaoying. At this time, Wu Shaoying seemed to know that he was leaving, and looked at him reluctantly, her beautiful eyes were a little red, a look that I still felt pity for.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel soft in his heart, and wished he had to leave and stay with Wu Shaoying to live a simple life.
He doesn’t even want to think about whether human beings can survive in the universe
But this thought only appeared in Tang Zhenli’s mind for a moment, and he forced it out!
A man is born between the heavens and the earth, his anger cannot be short, and his bones cannot be broken!
If Tang Zhenli really chose to stay, what’s the difference between this and escaping?
In his heart, he would not allow him to do this!
Although I don’t know the future this time, I have a clear conscience!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli was firm in his heart, but he still restrained his emotions, for fear of being seen by Wu Shaoying.
“Yingying, go back first, I’ll be leaving soon.”
Saying that, Tang Zhenli looked at Wu Shaoying with a faint smile on his face, and on the surface he didn’t seem to notice the slightest abnormality.
When Wu Shaoying heard the words, she answered, but she remained unmoved, her head bowed slightly, and she held Tang Zhenli’s right hand with both hands.
In this situation, anyone can feel Wu Shaoying’s deep reluctance to give up.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli was also a little silent, but after that, he seemed to have thought of something, and said in a soft tone.
“By the way, I haven’t told my family about the business trip. When they ask, you can help me.”
As Tang Zhenli’s voice fell, Wu Shaoying raised her head slightly, a pair of clear eyes staring at Tang Zhenli, a bit of resentment flashed in her eyes.
“What? If you don’t want to know with them, you want to let me know?”
After speaking, Wu Shaoying lightly beat Tang Zhenli’s chest with a bit of resentment.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s face flashed a bit of regret, and then he said comfortingly.
“Don’t think about anything else. Then you don’t say that the first thing that comes to my mind before I leave is you?”
Listening to Tang Zhenli’s comforting words, Wu Shaoying’s expression became a little better, but she still pouted and gave Tang Zhenli a self-confessed look.
It’s like saying ‘this is about the same’
Then, the atmosphere between the two fell silent for a moment, and finally both fell silent.
For a while, neither of the two wanted to leave first.
After a long while, Tang Zhenli’s mind moved, then he lowered his head and said to Wu Shaoying in a soft tone.
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and looked at Tang Zhenli, a little doubt flashed in her eyes.
However, these doubts were quickly answered by Tang Zhenli.
In the next moment, Tang Zhenli said to Wu Shaoying in a soft tone, and a pair of eyes also looked at Wu Shaoying tenderly.
“When I come back, shall we get married?”
Listening to Tang Zhenli’s words, Wu Shaoying was stunned for a while, then her mind went blank.
The next moment, Wu Shaoying’s beautiful eyes instantly became wet, and she looked at Tang Zhenli tenderly.
Although this is just a short sentence, no one knows how long Wu Shaoying waited for this sentence!
Thinking about it, Wu Shaoying’s nose was slightly sour, and after reacting, she nodded quickly.
“Okay, it’s done! I’ll wait for you to come back!”After speaking, Wu Shaoying plunged into Tang Zhenli’s arms again.
Feeling Wu Shaoying, whose body was trembling slightly because of emotional excitement, Tang Zhenli also patted her back lightly with his hands.
After a long while, until Wu Shaoying’s emotions finally calmed down, Tang Zhenli also slowly let go of his hand and nodded towards Wu Shaoying.
“I’ll keep my word, but now I’m really leaving, so you should go back earlier too”
“Well, I will definitely wait for you to come back and fulfill the promise!”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying also spoke to him in a firm tone.
After finishing speaking, Wu Shaoying gave Tang Zhenli a deep look, then slowly turned around.
Here, Tang Zhenli looked at Wu Shaoying in one step and turned back three times, and finally disappeared from his field of vision. He was also slightly relieved.
I saw him closing his eyes tightly and taking deep breaths, as if he was making the final adjustments.

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