Miluo who regained his strength!
Sisheng Research Institute, on the third basement floor,
After Wu Shaoying left, Tang Zhenli did not go to the core laboratory immediately, but arranged the last thing before leaving.
Tang Zhenli stared blankly at a letter, and after a long while put it in a hidden corner.
This time, even Miluo may not have the confidence to bring himself back. The danger of the universe, even with the protection of high-order life individuals, the human body is still too fragile after all.
Although Miluo has sworn to himself that he can bring him back, there are many places that cannot be violated by human beings in the universe. Even if Miluo has great powers, he is not completely omniscient and omnipotent.
Although he was willing to believe in Miluo, he was actually prepared in his heart that he would never come back.
Just like the farewell letter in front of me,
It’s best to be able to come back. If you can’t come back, let Tang Zhenli’s name be fixed on this historical letter.
After doing this, Tang Zhenli let go of the last trace of nostalgia in his heart, and then strode towards the core laboratory.
After a while, he came to a place that could be called the starting point of this journey.
After passing the identity verification, Tang Zhenli drove straight into the depths of the laboratory’s warehouse.
In the warehouse at this time, except for the original ‘Hanguang’ unmanned 677 tactical mecha and the finished curvature engine, all the boxes that were shipped before were all large and small.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also had a wry smile on his face. It seemed that before leaving, he had to open the boxes one by one.
At this moment, Miluo, who had been silent for a long time in his body, finally spoke.
“That’s right, it’s this breath, boy, I sensed the breath that belongs to me!”
Between the words, Miluo’s tone was very excited. This was also the first time Tang Zhenli felt such a strong emotion in him.
“Quick, boy, quick”
Afterwards, Miluo also said anxiously.
“it is good!”
Seeing Miluo’s appearance, Tang Zhenli also nodded, without procrastinating, and then walked quickly towards the control room of the warehouse.
After working for a while, the last box was opened by a computer-controlled robotic arm.
What catches Tang Zhenli’s eyes now are the fragments of the “Death” asteroid that Tang Zhenli first saw before.
Looking at the dark ‘stones’ that covered the warehouse, Tang Zhenli was also a little surprised.
I didn’t feel anything when these ‘stones’ were in the box before, but now I opened all the boxes, and the dark ‘stones’ made the lights in the huge warehouse seem so insignificant, and abruptly reflected the originally bright warehouse. The darkness was full of visual impact for Tang Zhenli.
Seeing this scene, whether Tang Zhenli reacted violently, Miluo was also very excited at this time.
“Boy, hurry up, touch those things with your hand, Lord Miluo’s power is coming back!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also nodded and walked towards those ‘stones’.
When he reached the nearest ‘stone’, Tang Zhenli stretched out his right hand, and then gently touched the right hand into this ‘stone’.
As soon as he touched it, Tang Zhenli felt a warm feeling in his hand.
I don’t know if it was because of the fear of being suppressed by the system last time, but this time, Miluo’s consciousness did not surge out, but an inexplicable suction force emanated.
Then, through Tang Zhenli’s arm, the ‘energy’ in the ‘stone’ was slowly absorbed.
For a while, Tang Zhenli’s right hand flashed a bit of luster, and then Tang Zhenli only felt an inexplicable and powerful force pouring into his body.
Miluo seemed to be afraid that Tang Zhenli would notice that it was parasitic under his feet, and did not directly introduce the energy in the ‘stone’ into his parasitic position.
Instead, it circulates up and down along Tang Zhenli’s body.
Under this circumstance, Tang Zhenli didn’t feel the slightest discomfort at this time, and the original strong and domineering feeling disappeared without a trace.
Just when he didn’t know why, Miluo’s voice came to his mind at the right time.
“Boy, doesn’t it feel amazing to you now?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli just wanted to answer, but Miluo didn’t seem to let him answer at all, but continued talking.
“It just feels amazing! Even if it’s just a trace of my ‘shredded body’ energy, it’s enough to raise your life level to a higher level!”
As Miluo’s voice fell, Tang Zhenli’s expression froze, his eyes flickered, and he spoke directly.
“Your consciousness is that my body is undergoing transformation?”
“It doesn’t count as a transformation, it only counts asIt’s a subtle change, a change that makes you feel more attuned to the universe.”
After finishing speaking, Miluo silently added in her heart, the thing in your mind is called transformation.
In fact, since Miluo realized the existence of the system last time, it paid much less attention to Tang Zhenli.
Similarly, Tang Zhenli was naturally found to be different from ordinary humans.
And this difference is precisely the brain that the previous system has strengthened for Tang Zhenli, which is also known as the cognitive concept!
This is also the reason why Miluo wanted to tell Tang Zhenli the truth about the universe before. On the one hand, there was a friend factor, and on the other hand, he wanted to indirectly deepen his understanding of Tang Zhenli.
And the fact is true, if an ordinary Ninth Sequence civilization life individual suddenly heard such a description of the grandeur of the universe, it would be absolutely impossible to be as calm as this kid.
So the reason is obvious
It previously suspected that the level of Tang Zhenli’s consciousness carrier is no longer the same as that of ordinary human beings.
That is to say, the transmission of brain signals of ordinary humans is through neurons, while Tang Zhenli may use a deeper transmission method, which makes Tang Zhenli’s thinking more agile than others!
Now it seems that the ghost thing in this kid’s mind is helping him
Thinking of this, Mi Luo also continued to think about it, but began to concentrate on recovering.
All the reasons, as long as the time comes in the future, you will naturally know

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