Everything goes well!
the other side,

Wu Shaoying, who finally got Tang Zhenli’s promise, walked home happily.

For her, she had waited too long for this promise.

It’s been so long that even she herself doesn’t know when she started looking forward to it.

So today is destined to be a special day for her.

Not because of anything else, just because Wu Shaoying felt a little hard to think about the scene a few months later

With this thought in mind, Wu Shaoying’s footsteps became much lighter.

In the living room of the villa,

The little assistant and Ye Yingxin were sitting on the sofa playing with their mobile phones, while Miss Xia was busy in the kitchen beside her.

At this moment, there was a sound of keys being turned by the adults, and the next moment, Wu Shaoying with a smile on his face appeared directly in their field of vision.

Seeing the three people in the villa, Wu Shaoying finally couldn’t restrain the joy in her heart, and shouted at them directly.

“I’m back! Does anyone want to meet me?”

As Wu Shaoying’s slightly cheerful voice fell, the two people on the sofa, including Sister Xia from the kitchen, couldn’t help but poked their heads over, with a bit of questioning in their eyes.

Obviously, she also didn’t know why Wu Shaoying was in such a happy mood.

But when a few people thought about Wu Shaoying’s absence from the Four Saints Research Institute last night, their eyes suddenly became strange.

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Sister Tianxian has become Mrs. Tianxian?

Thinking of this, the little assistant who was sitting on the sofa was frightened away from his cell phone.

Looking at Wu Shaoying strangely, there was an indescribable complexity in his expression.

“Sister Yingying, you don’t know how to do it?”

After she finished speaking, Ye Yingxin on the other side of the sofa and sister Xia in the kitchen also looked at Wu Shaoying leisurely, as if waiting for her answer.

At this time, Wu Shaoying looked at the reactions of the crowd, and suddenly realized that they had misunderstood that aspect.

For a moment, a red mass visible to the naked eye went up along the delicate neck, extending to the snow-white pretty face.

In the next moment, Wu Shaoying waved her hands hastily, and hurriedly explained.

“No, no, where are you all thinking!”

Unexpectedly, sister Xia said directly to Wu Shaoying.

“Yingying, there is no need to explain this kind of thing, they are all energetic young people who understand everything”

After speaking, he gave her an ambiguous look.

Ye Yingxin and the little assistant also nodded after hearing the words, a look of agreement.

Seeing everyone’s reaction, Wu Shaoying didn’t know how to explain.

In the end, in desperation, he could only tell a few people the ins and outs of the matter.

Otherwise, as far as she knows, Sister Xia and her mother have always been in touch.

If you are misunderstood by your parents, then things will become serious!

Therefore, Wu Shaoying still told a few people about the matter, anyway, it is not something that cannot be said

“It’s probably like this, don’t get me wrong.”

A few minutes later, following Wu Shaoying’s last words, the expressions of the three women moved in unison.

The mood is not much better than before, but it is still not much better.

If so, wouldn’t it

In a few months, they will witness a wedding of the century? ? ?

Thinking of this, several people couldn’t help but suffocate, as the two most well-known people in Dragon Kingdom.The scene of a young man getting married at that time will be so grand!

They are already short of breath just thinking about it now. Although the parties are not them, it is obviously a fortunate thing to be a witness.

Thinking of this, the assistant also reacted and said to Wu Shaoying with a smile.

“Sister Yingying, don’t we want to congratulate you in advance? Wait a few more months, and the lovers will finally be married!”

At this time, Ye Yingxin also added.

“Yes, yes, then we will be your bridesmaids!”

Seeing the reaction of the two good sisters, Wu Shaoying also said with a smile,

“Yes, yes, yes, yes!”

After speaking, he seemed to think of the scene a few months later, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch upwards.

In three months at most she will be the happiest bride in the world.

But before that, the three months when she couldn’t contact Tang Zhenli at all was the biggest difficulty she had to face.

Thinking of this, Wu Shaoying’s expression subconsciously dimmed slightly, and the accompanying melancholy came to her heart.

At this time, Sister Xia, who had not spoken, also noticed the change in Wu Shaoying’s expression.

Watching her words and expressions, she remembered what Wu Shaoying said earlier, and she naturally knew what Wu Shaoying was worried about.

Immediately, he walked to Wu Shaoying, put his right arm around her shoulder, and said in a soothing tone.

“Okay, okay, I won’t be able to contact you for a few months soon! You have endured it for so long before, can you still bear it for just a few months?”

As Sister Xia’s voice fell, the assistant and Ye Yingxin also came to their senses and noticed the change in Wu Shaoying’s expression, and they couldn’t help but comfort each other.

“Sister Yingying, relax, aren’t we still with you these few months!”

“Yeah, from another angle, enjoy the last few months of living alone, and when you get married, you should take care of your husband and children!”

Listening to the two people’s slightly sarcastic words, Wu Shaoying’s heart filled with shame, which dispelled the faint melancholy before, and then looked at the two little girls who were making fun of them and spat softly.


However, after such enlightenment from several people, Wu Shaoying’s mood was much better.

Think about it too, I could have survived it for so long before, and now it’s not less than a few months.

It’s like enjoying the last few months without Tang Zhenli, because for the rest of my life, I really can’t live without him.

Thinking of this, a peaceful smile appeared on Wu Shaoying’s face.

Hope everything goes well!

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