You can’t use your mind to figure out the universe!
On the other side, in the dark and lonely space, a spaceship shuttled through the vast universe at an extraordinary speed.

It’s like a boat in the sea, heading towards an unknown destination.

This spaceship is nothing but the spaceship where Tang Zhenli is.

After several hours of exploration, Tang Zhenli also roughly understood the structure of this so-called alien spacecraft.

The spacecraft is not big. According to Tang Zhenli’s previous visual observation, it is estimated that it is the size of a cabin of the ‘Phoenix’, about 30 meters long and about 10 meters wide, and is divided into three layers: upper, middle and lower.

The upper layer is the control room of the spacecraft, which controls the operation of the entire spacecraft. From this perspective, it is very similar to the spacecraft developed by humans.

The middle level is a traditional rest cabin, like a small room. To Tang Zhenli’s surprise, Miluo made the rest cabin on this floor exactly the same as that of the Sisheng Research Institute.

To be honest, he could feel that as time passed, Miluo’s emotional state and cognition became more and more similar to that of human beings, which also led to his perception of the current Miluo getting better step by step.

As for the lower layer of the spacecraft, it is the power cabin, but the power cabin at this time is empty and empty.

Because the spaceship at this time was just an ’empty shell’ that Miluo made Tang Zhenli adapt to the space environment. In essence, it was not the spaceship that was moving, but the spaceship that Miluo was moving around. Naturally, the power compartment was just a simple Just decoration.

Otherwise, even if this spacecraft has a power system, it is absolutely impossible to fly so fast now.

According to Tang Zhenli’s estimation, it is estimated that the speed of the spacecraft is now approaching the speed of light, and he can feel it. This is still under the circumstance that Miluo has not exerted his full strength. It is estimated that he is taking care of Tang Zhenli.

In fact, it stands to reason that Miluo can also directly wrap Tang Zhenli in space, but the problem is that this kind of experience, it is estimated that even Tang Zhenli’s state of mind may not be acceptable for a while.

This kind of fear is not something he can bear now.

Just imagine, a human who has never seen the universe suddenly can navigate in space with a ‘physical body’, and will inevitably have a great sense of fear. This sense of fear comes from a loss of reality.

Therefore, this spaceship is actually mainly to give Tang Zhenli a psychological sustenance.

Let Tang Zhenli not be in a state of collapse while watching the vast universe.

In fact, Tang Zhen Ricoh has been looking through the window of the spaceship so far, and he can’t bear it for a long time.

So after a period of time, he would go back to the rest cabin on the second floor to calm down.

Just like him at this time, he was lying on the bed in the rest cabin, breathing heavily, his eyes full of vibrations.

At this moment, Miluo’s voice sounded in his mind.

“Human boy, feel the horror of the universe!”

Hearing this, Tang Zhenli swallowed hard, trying to force the disgusting feeling away, and then nodded.

“It is true”In fact, his most direct pictures of the universe before were the descriptions he saw in science magazines when he was a child and some magnificent sci-fi films.

Plus personal experience on the ‘Phoenix’, etc.

This kind of thing made him think that there would not be such a big fluctuation again.

But now it looks like it’s too early to say

Whether it is a movie or a text description, or the space trip of the ‘Phoenix’, compared to now, it can only be said that it is completely different from the personal experience at this time.

This kind of feeling was something he had never experienced before, and it was a great horror for human beings.

If he had to use words to describe it.

That is loneliness, darkness, coldness, and vastness!

The universe is not the sea of ​​stars and stars as he imagined before, but more of an endless darkness that makes people feel hopeless!

If it weren’t for the starlight emanating from some distant stars, Tang Zhenli would definitely feel that he was in a completely dark space.

It sounds contrary to popular perception, but it is true.

The main tone of the universe is cold and darkness, in addition to that, there are those relatively few and pitiful celestial bodies.

“Okay, kid, don’t think about it, the biggest taboo in cosmonautics is to try to figure out the universe with one’s own mind. This is something that even higher-order life forms dare not do.”

“oh, I understand now”

Hearing this, Tang Zhenli nodded, that was indeed the case.

Comparing the life individual with the universe, even the life individual of the higher sequence is a drop in the ocean, and it has no effect except to increase one’s own sense of fear.

Tang Zhenli also asked Miluo before, how big is the universe?

But Miluo only said a few words, don’t use your thinking to measure the size of the universe!

To say that he didn’t know what it meant before, but now he finally knows

At this moment, Miluo’s voice sounded again.

“I think you should get used to it. If 517 gets used to it, Lord Miluo will start to jump. After all, this speed is too slow.”

Here, listening to Miluo’s words, Tang Zhenli’s heart moved.

It stands to reason that the speed close to the speed of light is not too slow.

But for Miluo of the advanced sequence, it is indeed too slow.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and replied calmly.

“Okay, let’s get started!”

Hearing this, Miluo also responded immediately.

“Okay, let’s start!”

As soon as Miluo’s voice fell, Tang Zhenli felt a strong sense of distortion, and that feeling was like tearing his body apart.

I think it should be Miluo who started the space transition.

Just when Tang Zhenli couldn’t bear it anymore, the sense of distortion disappeared.

I saw his whole body, a mist of tiny particles enveloped him, like a hood, protecting him heavily.

At the same time, from the perspective of the outside of the spaceship, ripples of space appeared around the spaceship.

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