Starting point, unicorn black hole!
I don’t know how long has passed,

Tang Zhenli’s eyelids trembled slightly in the rest cabin. After opening his eyes, after a brief period of confusion, Tang Zhenli’s eyes gradually returned to clarity.

But in the next moment, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he only felt groggy in his mind for a while.

“I am”

Tang Zhenli subconsciously put his hand on the back of his head and murmured in a low voice.

Apparently he didn’t know why he fell asleep all of a sudden.

At this moment, Miluo’s voice sounded.

“It’s just the sequelae of the first space transition, just get used to it later.”

“Is that so?”

Listening to Miluo’s words, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed.

He immediately got up and wanted to go up to the control cabin to have a look.

But at this time, Miluo stopped him.

“Boy, do you want to go up and have a look? Before that, I kindly remind you that you have to be mentally prepared, or else hehe”

Speaking of the back, Miluo smiled, showing full of evil interest.

On this side, Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, subconsciously raised his vigilance in his heart, and then walked slowly towards the control cabin.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got into the control cabin, Tang Zhenli was shocked by the scene in front of him!

What catches his eye now is nothing else, but an endless darkness. Under the influence of this ‘darkness’, the light is even pulled into it.

Fortunately, there is a halo outside the spaceship that is not pulled by the ‘darkness’ and protects the entire spaceship.

Undoubtedly, this is Miluo’s approach to being almost the creator.

At the same time, Tang Zhenli also felt a strong sense of distortion diffused from the outside of the spacecraft.

In this situation, he still can’t understand, where is this place?

The position of this spaceship is clearly on the edge of a black hole!

It even seems to have entered the ‘horizon’ of this black hole. If it weren’t for Miluo, this spaceship, including him, would be pulled into countless pieces by the huge gravitational force in an instant!

After reacting, Tang Zhenli’s shock to Miluo’s method immediately surpassed the shock to the black hole itself.

You must know that being within the ‘event horizon’ of a black hole is equivalent to being captured, because any matter within the ‘event horizon’ of a black hole, including photons, cannot escape the ‘palm’ of the black hole!

In this place, the curvature of space-time is already close to infinity.

But what is unbelievable is that the spacecraft that has withstood the protection of Miluo stays firmly in the black hole’s “horizon”.

This completely contradicts human physicsThe matter of the law happened directly in front of his eyes, which is why he was shocked by Mi Luo’s methods.

Although Miluo said before that higher sequences generally achieve the purpose of space navigation through celestial bodies such as black holes.

But saying it is one thing, doing it is another thing, nothing can have a greater impact on Tang Zhenli than the sight in front of him!

But after being shocked, Tang Zhenli forced himself to start thinking.

From this point of view, the microcosmic level covered by the black hole should not involve the micron level, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for such a scene to occur

Who would have thought that the top celestial body at the top of the food chain is just a tool for travel in front of advanced sequence civilizations

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli sighed slightly in his heart. Although this trip has just started, Tang Zhenli has broken his own cognition time and time again.

At the same time, I can more clearly perceive the gap between the high-level sequence and the low-level sequence!

This made him ask himself, can this trip really have any results?

But this idea only appeared for a moment, and was shattered by his more determined thoughts.

In fact, it can’t be completely blamed for him popping up this idea from time to time, it’s because the impact brought by these things is too great!

It is so big that this kind of thought cannot be suppressed at all, but in fact, this process of self-doubt is also a process of enhancing cognition.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli shook off the messy thoughts in his mind, and then asked Miluo.

“Where is this black hole? Was it discovered by humans?”

Tang Zhenli knew that Miluo had been absorbing some of human cognition during this period of time on earth. Of course, for it, it was just to enhance communication with Tang Zhenli.

So after pondering for a while, Miluo spoke.

“If according to your human beings, this is the closest black hole to you, well, your human beings should call it a unicorn, yes, it is a unicorn”

“The distance from the earth should be 1,500 light-years according to your human unit!”

Here, listening to Mi Luo’s explanation, Tang Zhenli’s breathing became somewhat inexplicably disordered.

Even though he may be aware of it subconsciously, it still feels different when he speaks in detail through Miluo.

Who would have thought that within a short period of time, he would be separated from his mother star by thousands of light-years, that is to say, all the familiar things within his cognition were separated from him by an insurmountable distance!

Thinking of this, an inexplicable sadness lingered in his heart.

Human beings are creatures with complex emotions. Even if he wants to control this sadness, he can’t control it, because it’s an instinctive sense of loneliness!

At this moment, when Tang Zhenli was stunned, Miluo continued to speak.

“Boy, get ready. I advise you to go back to the rest cabin. The big jump of a black hole is completely different from the small jump.”

Hearing Miluo’s words, Tang Zhenli shook his head quickly.

There will only be more and more scenes like this in the future, now I can only get used to it slowly

Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli also listened to Miluo’s words with interest, and walked slowly towards the rest cabin.

When exploring the unknown, all redundant emotions are cumbersome!

Now he is learning how to get used to it slowly

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