Galactic Black Hole—Sagittarius a!
Finally, after a whirlwind feeling passed.

Tang Zhenli, who had regained his consciousness, held his head with a splitting headache, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

If he had to do this every time he jumped, to be honest, he might not be able to bear it.

But fortunately, it won’t be like this in a short time.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli also got up and walked towards the upper floor.

When I came to the last time, what I saw was a super-large black hole in front of me. Compared with the previous unicorn black hole that was closest to human beings, this black hole seemed much bigger.

If you don’t look at anything else, you can see it just by looking at the ‘event horizon’. The range of the ‘event horizon’ of this black hole seems to have expanded to a terrifying level!

Fortunately, the spaceship was rapidly moving away from Miluo under Miluo’s control.

But even from the current perspective, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel shocked.

He even felt that if he looked at it for a while longer, maybe his mind would be attracted by this invisible gravitational force. After all, the human body is still too weak.

Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli also looked away, and for a moment he understood why Miluo wanted to create this spaceship, and then subconsciously asked.

“Where are we now”

Listening to Tang Zhenli’s words, Miluo pondered for a while, then spoke.

“Well, let me think about it according to what you humans say.”

“It should be in the center of the Milky Way”

As Miluo’s calm words fell, Tang Zhenli’s heart had already set off a turbulent sea.

If what Miluo said is true, isn’t the black hole in front of him Sagittarius A?

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli felt uncomfortable, and once again glanced at the black hole that was getting further and further away from the corner of his eye.

Unexpectedly, the previous human conjecture turned out to be true, and the center of the Milky Way is really a giant black hole!

That is the legendary galactic black hole!

As one of the previous major conjectures in human astronomy, it has been fully confirmed in front of Tang Zhenli’s eyes.

According to previous human speculation, the mass of the galactic black hole is about 3.7 million times that of the sun. It is a very bright and dense radio wave source located in the galactic center of the Milky Way. It belongs to a part of Sagittarius a. Good target!

In the decades since the galactic black hole was speculated, humansIt took a lot of time and energy to observe this black hole. Until recent years, the academic community has believed that there is preliminary evidence for the existence of this supermassive black hole.

In fact, at first, humans also inadvertently had the speculation of a galactic black hole.

The cause has to start decades ago, when astronomers discovered a star numbered S21 in the center of the Milky Way with a mass 15 times that of the sun.

After a long-term follow-up study, many astronomers found that it moves in a circle around a center with a cycle of about fifteen years.

And its closest distance to the center of circular motion is only 17 light hours, which is actually close to the “event horizon” of the black hole.

According to calculations, its orbiting speed has reached an astonishing 5,000 kilometers per second, so at that time, from the way it moves, humans have used formulas to calculate the mass of the celestial body around its center.

In the end, it was learned that in this range, celestial bodies with such a huge mass are impossible except for black holes!

Therefore, with the publication of the calculation results, the existence of the galactic center black hole has become an established fact.

It’s just that humans have not directly observed it. Due to scientific rigor and lack of evidence, there has been no conclusion on the galactic center black hole.

And now this superheavy black hole is correctly and truly reflected in front of Tang Zhenli’s eyes.

This means that the galactic center black hole is real!

I have to say that Tang Zhenli was a little excited at this time. This discovery undoubtedly proves that human’s understanding of the universe is not useless. At least at this point, human’s cognition is correct.

Now Tang Zhenli really needs this kind of recognition!

Because since embarking on this journey, he has seen a lot of things beyond human cognition.

There is one thing that is rare now that is in human cognition, and it is difficult for Tang Zhenli not to feel a kind of psychological comfort.

So much so that the discomfort he felt when he looked at the galactic black hole was slightly relieved.

According to Miluo’s interpretation of the universe, this galactic black hole, in a sense, can also be regarded as a destination.

The next time I see him, it’s probably time for the return trip

Of course, it’s also possible that you’ll never see it again

Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli had an inexplicable intimacy with this galactic black hole for no reason.

Under the premise of psychological sustenance, this black hole is like a ‘beacon’ that illuminates home in the vast universe.

Even if this ‘lighthouse’ is still more than 20,000 light-years away from his parent star

At this time, Tang Zhenli also suddenly realized that in this short period of time, he had actually crossed a distance of tens of thousands of light years!

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli looked at this dark and cold black hole, and seemed to have an inexplicable emotion attached to it.

After a long while, Tang Zhenli shook his head vigorously, his eyes turned, and he looked at the direction the spaceship was traveling at the moment, his eyes were a little leisurely.

“Where are we going next?”

Hearing this, Miluo first chuckled lightly, and then said with a bit of mystery in his tone.

“It’s hard to come out, of course, I’ll take you to meet the ‘compatriots’ of mankind in the Milky Way!”


Listening to Miluo’s words, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment, and then his pupils shrank slightly, as if he realized something.

in this case

There are other civilizations in the galaxy where humans are located!

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