The ‘neighbor’ on the other end!
Thinking of this, Rao is Tang Zhenli, and his breathing is also subconsciously rapid at this moment.

Immediately, he asked Miluo with a slightly hopeful tone.

“So, there are other civilizations in the galaxy?”

Listening to Tang Zhenli’s question, Miluo’s tone paused slightly, as if something was brewing, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

It wasn’t until after a few breaths that Miluo’s voice came slowly.

“Well, if you count the past, there should be no less than ten civilizations in the Milky Way. Now, including you humans, as far as I know, there should be three.”

Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes lit up, and he continued to ask.

“What about the previous civilization?”

But at the moment when the voice of the question fell, Tang Zhenli suddenly came to his senses, and then went silent.

If these civilizations are all low-level sequences, if they are known by high-level sequences like Miluo, I am afraid there will only be one end.

“Of course it was wiped out. Three of them were made by me.”

Sure enough, Miluo’s tone was still understatement, as if erasing a few low-level civilizations was as simple as eating and drinking water for him, and he didn’t realize that behind every civilization there were countless creatures.

“Then are you trying to erase them now?”

Immediately, Tang Zhenli seemed to have thought of something, and asked Miluo in a low tone.

Hearing the lessons learned from Miluo’s mouth, it was hard for him not to feel a sense of sadness.

In any case, being in the same galaxy is, to a certain extent, a different kind of ‘neighbor’ to the vast universe.

Now suddenly thinking of the possibility of seeing his ‘neighbor’ being wiped out next, Tang Zhenli is very difficult to be happy.

At this moment, Miluo’s voice continued to come.

“Of course not. Why do you want to erase this civilization that can’t even screen the sequence? Have you misunderstood the advanced sequence civilization?”

Unexpectedly, Miluo’s answer was somewhat unexpected.

But what Miluo said seemed to answer him.

He had heard before that their condition for erasing civilization was that civilization reached the ninth sequence.

The most important one of the ninth sequenceThe first evaluation criterion lies in the general gaze direction of its civilization.

As long as the civilization can already set its sights beyond the parent star, it can be regarded as the civilization of the ninth sequence.

Just like the current human beings, their eyes are constantly turning to space.

In other words, if the human society at this time goes back a thousand years, it will not meet the standard of being wiped out at all.

That is to say, the civilization we are going to now does not even meet the standards of the ninth sequence.

The benevolence of advanced sequence civilizations is only limited within the scope of one planet!

Before, Tang Zhenli also thought about letting human civilization stop its current exploration and return its gaze to the ground, so as not to meet the standard of being wiped out.

But Miluo said that besides eyesight, potential is the criterion for judging a civilization.

In terms of the current human potential, even if you keep your eyes on the surface, one day in the future, people with unbearable fate will eventually look up at the starry sky.

At that time, it will undoubtedly be a repeat of the same mistakes.

More importantly, even if human civilization cannot meet the standard of being wiped out, at least this generation of civilization faults is needed. In other words, all humans of this generation must be wiped out.

From this aspect, in fact, this is almost the same as the erasure of the entire human race.

Without the blessing of knowledge, human beings are just ordinary animals.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli seemed to have thought of something again, and after being silent for a while, he still couldn’t help asking that question.

“Miluo, to be honest, how long is the deadline for human civilization?”

Following Tang Zhenli’s words, Miluo was also silent for a long time, before responding after a while.

“According to the current distribution of space inspectors in the star area, it is very possible that it can be hundreds of years long or decades short.”

After finishing speaking, I don’t know if Miluo sensed Tang Zhenli’s general mood, and finally added.


“Although I can’t help you in this matter, as a friend, I will not destroy my friend’s home planet with my own hands.”

Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s face was slightly startled, he lowered his head slightly, his expression changed slightly,


To some extent, Tang Zhenli was obviously satisfied with this answer.

He knew that Miluo, as a life individual of a higher order civilization, was considered quite good at this level.

The reason is that Miluo is only Tang Zhenli’s friend, not the whole human being.

He didn’t expect at the beginning that Miluo would shelter human beings in some way, giving them a chance to breathe.

As Miluo often said, everything in the universe has its own rules!


But it has its rules, and Tang Zhenli is actually very satisfied that Mi Luo can violate some rules for him.

At this moment, Miluo interrupted Tang Zhenli’s thinking again.

“Okay, don’t think so much, let’s get to know your human ‘near neighbors’ first!”

After finishing speaking, Tang Zhenli only felt that the celestial bodies passing by outside the spacecraft accelerated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All kinds of stars and planets are fleeting in Tang Zhenli’s eyes.

Until Tang Zhenli looked a little dazzled.

The spaceship stopped suddenly, but the spaceship wrapped in Miluo seemed to be completely immune to the laws of physics, and it didn’t even have inertia.

But Tang Zhenli seemed to be used to it.

At this time, his interest is all on this so-called “near neighbor” of human beings.

I saw his footsteps moving lightly, heading towards the end of the spaceship.

when walking to the window. A whole body of emerald green planet appeared in his field of vision, and even his pupils were faintly green.

Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flickered slightly, with a bit of blazing light in his eyes.

For the first time in human history, the picture of alien civilization is fixed here

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