The Dora Star!
Under Tang Zhenli’s anticipation, the spacecraft slowly landed.

While landing, Miluo’s voice came slowly.

“Dora, the air pressure is similar to that of the earth, and the gravity is smaller than that of the earth. Eighty percent of the air is oxygen, nine percent is nitrogen, eight percent is carbon dioxide, and the remaining three percent is mixed gas. , depending on the situation later, boy, you might be able to go out and have a look.”

Listening to Miluo’s introduction, Tang Zhenli’s eyes lit up slightly, and his breathing became disordered for a moment.

I saw his eyes looking through the window of the spaceship, looking down, and the ground composition of Dora was in full view.

Compared with the surface of the earth, Dora also has an ocean similar to that of liquid water, but according to its proportion, it should not be as large as land.

Simply put, this is a planet whose land area is larger than its ocean area.

After a while, while Tang Zhenli was contemplating, the spacecraft slowly landed on the ground.

In the next instant, Miluo’s voice 28 slowly sounded from his mind.

“Boy, do you have an idea?”

Hearing this, Tang Zhenli breathed a little short of breath. Looking at the colorful environment around him, he nodded lightly.

This is the first time that humans have landed on aliens. Although everyone is unaware, it is hard for Tang Zhenli not to be excited.

The moment he nodded, Tang Zhenli only heard a burst of air.

His eyes followed the voice, and at some point, the control cabin of the spacecraft had already opened a door.

Seeing this, Tang Zhenli moved his footsteps and slowly walked in that direction.

not waiting for himTo the front of the door, just a few steps closer, Tang Zhenli felt an extraordinarily fresh air avoid coming.

It seems that this is the reason for the excessive oxygen content that Miluo said earlier.

Tang Zhenli’s footsteps were brisk, and soon he stepped on the land of alien stars.

For human beings, this is the first example of human beings stepping on an alien planet. If it is normal, it will definitely cause a sensation around the world.

It’s a pity that no one knows about it

Feeling the solid ground, Tang Zhenli felt a special sense of security in his heart.

For human beings, there is no solace better than a solid ground.

The next moment, Tang Zhenli first looked at the surrounding environment, and saw that the ground of Dora was also covered by some vegetation that Tang Zhenli did not know.

I don’t know if it is because the oxygen concentration is too high, the plants on the ground of Dora star are very tall.

Just like a vine next to the spaceship at this time, the length is almost the same as the spaceship of dozens of meters.

Not to mention the tree-like plant it was clinging to, from Tang Zhenli’s point of view, he couldn’t see the edge at a glance.

At this moment, Tang Zhenli, who was looking up, suddenly felt an inexplicable chest tightness and dizziness. At this time, Tang Zhenli knew that he might be drunk.

The reason for the narcotic reaction is that the human body has just adapted to the hypoxic environment in the plateau area, and re-enters the area with relatively high oxygen content, it will re-adapt, resulting in fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, chest tightness, dizziness, diarrhea and other symptoms. .

The environment of the earth, which was completely simulated by Miluo in the spacecraft, suddenly came to the outside of Dora, and the oxygen concentration suddenly increased. It was also expected to have such a reaction.

The human body is still too weak after all

But fortunately, in the next instant, there was a wave of fluctuations in Tang Zhenli’s body, and the original uncomfortable reaction all dissipated.

Seeing this, he knew that Miluo had taken action. Dissolved his discomfort in a way he could not have imagined.

For some reason, since Miluo came to Dora, his words suddenly became much less.

Doing a lot of talking, it is reasonable to say that this is not like its habit at all, but at this moment, Tang Zhenli is still in the novelty of discovering the New World, and he does not care about it.

The place where the spaceship stopped just now seemed to be at the edge of a forest. The side that Tang Zhenli was facing at this time was in the dense and towering forest. At this time, a unique cry came from the depths of the forest, making it look incomparable. The quiet forest adds a bit of liveliness to it.

Seeing this, Tang Zhenli felt a little curiosity in his heart.

Although he had heard before that Dora’s civilization was even an extra-sequence civilization that did not meet the erasure standard, he still couldn’t control his curiosity at this time.

To say that when he was on Earth before, Tang Zhenli was still able to restrain himself, but now that he has seen so many unknown things, his curiosity seems to be fully activated.

It feels like the more you know, the more you just don’t know.

700 For example, the knowledge is like a line, and the process of knowledge acquisition is the process of extending the line.

But now the problem is, the end of knowledge is not the end of this line, but a circle with this line as a radius.

The longer the line, the more knowledge you know, the bigger the circle is!

Therefore, even a being of a higher order like Miluo would not dare to say that he could completely understand everything in the universe. This is an unrealistic thing.

Of course, Tang Zhenli didn’t have any ambitions in this regard, and now he is just curious as a human being.

Looking at the dense forest in front of him, Tang Zhenli’s mind became more and more active.

For now, Dora’s forests are similar to Earth’s forests, except that they look much larger and the types of plants are different.

Just as Tang Zhenli was walking towards the depths of this forest, there was a sudden fluctuation in the depths of the forest.

At the next moment, a strange creature appeared in front of him, looking down at him at the moment, as if he was looking at ants all the time.

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