Sha Jin!
at the edge of the forest,

A huge creature leaned over and was staring at him at the moment, as if wondering how there could be such a small creature in the world.

This creature is not similar to all animals on earth, but its arthropod characteristics are still very sufficient.

If you have to use something to compare it, the creatures in front of you are more like the hybrid life forms of various arthropods on the earth.

What’s more peculiar is that it does not have an exoskeleton attached to the outside like arthropods on Earth, but has layers of skin, which are covered with a layer of something similar to floc.

But these are not the point. The point is its body. From Tang Zhenli’s point of view, the huge creature in front of him is like a small building, huge and unusual!

And Tang Zhenli can be sure that this huge unknown creature in front of him is definitely an intelligent creature.

The most direct argument is that even at a height of more than ten meters, Tang Zhenli could still perceive the emotions revealed in the creature’s eyes. He seemed to be very curious about him, but he seemed to be apprehensive.

For intelligent life, the eyes, as an important sensory organ, have always been one of the windows for expressing complex emotions.

This kind of complex emotion is only the most obvious characteristic of beings with decent intelligence, and it is impossible for ordinary animals with simple thinking to show such complex emotions.

At least this is the case with this unknown creature that I saw before my eyes.

just in tangWhen Zhenli looked at it, suddenly, the unknown creature moved.

In Tang Zhenli’s eyes, it manipulated something like a hand or a paw to reach towards Tang Zhenli.

It’s just that the movements are a bit slow in Tang Zhenli’s eyes. At this time, he also deeply experienced the reason why the giant creatures in the movie move slowly in people’s eyes.

Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed slightly, but he did not panic. He just watched the movements of this huge creature intently, because he knew that under the premise of Miluo, the indigenous creatures of Dora Star couldn’t hurt him.

Sure enough, just when that unknown creature was about to touch Tang Zhenli.

A thin light curtain appeared beside him, and under the lightness of his body, Tang Zhenli even slowly floated up, and in a short while he came to the top of the giant creature’s head.

In this regard, Tang Zhenli’s expression did not fluctuate much. He had experienced things that were too far beyond cognition. In comparison, it seemed that it was not difficult to understand simply floating in the air.

I don’t know if Miluo did it on purpose, but Tang Zhenli’s current location is less than one meter away from the unknown creature.

In other words, he is now facing the unknown creature.

During the eye contact, Tang Zhenli had an inexplicable sense of eccentricity, and the eyes of the unknown creature suddenly changed, as if he had received some great shock.

In the next second, this unknown alien creature suddenly slumped down with its entire body. In an instant, the body that was more than ten meters tall was shortened by one head, lying on the ground and trembling slightly.

Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes were stunned, and then he heard only a buzzing sound in his ears.

When Tang Zhenli turned his eyes, the buzzing sound was from the alien creature below.

Tang Zhenli was suspicious, and when he was about to ask Miluo, he never thought that Miluo’s voice just came.

“Sha Jin is afraid of you, forget it, just listen to it yourself.”

Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was slightly startled, and his brows wrinkled subconsciously.

Sha Jin? Is it the indigenous race of Dora Star?

While thinking about it, Tang Zhenli suddenly found a cool feeling in his mind, followed by a strange wave.

Later, Tang Zhenli found that he seemed to be able to sense Sha Jin’s mental fluctuations below.

At this time, Tang Zhenli also knew in his heart that it was Miluo who made the move.

At this moment, what Sha Jin was shouting was probably some sinful words that did not intend to offend the gods and asked the gods to sin.

So after Tang Zhenli felt it, his brows slightly wrinkled.

“God? The concept of god actually appeared”

Of course, the gods mentioned here are definitely not the gods in the human consciousness, but the nouns that Tang Zhenli felt the mental fluctuations of Sha Jin and used human words to refer to.

According to the transliteration, it should be called Zelu.

The meaning of its representation is almost the same as that of the gods in the human mouth, so Tang Zhenli also used human thinking to simply translate what Sha Jin said.

But in any case, in the case of similar meanings, it is also appropriate to use the word god.

What Tang Zhenli was curious about at this time was that Dora’s civilization seemed to be stuck in the theocratic period.

No wonder Miluo said before that Dora’s civilization couldn’t even match the lowest first-level sequence, and the root knot should be here.

The social structure of human beings has indeed had a theocratic period until now, but thousands of years have passed since then.

Don’t think this is unimportant, on the contrary, Tang Zhenli is very interested.

Subconsciously, Tang Zhenli was like communicating with this Sha Jin, wanting to know more, but for a while he didn’t know how to speak.

But to his astonishment, the moment an idea arose in his heart, the lower Sha Jin seemed to have heard something, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

Then I saw the buzzing sound again, but unlike last time, Tang Zhenli could clearly realize what Sha Jin said.

“The gods come to the world, and the Shajing people listen to the oracle!”

After finishing speaking, the Sha Jin’s body no longer trembled, and he was still lying on his back, with a pious aura coming from his body.

Seeing this, Tang Zhenli knew that the misunderstanding had deepened, and of course he could not be their god.

But under the premise of urgently wanting to understand this civilization, Tang Zhenli did not explain at this time.

Instead, he tried to use his mind to communicate with Sha Jin, who was lying on the ground respectfully.

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