Spectacular forest city!
, Under Tang Zhenli’s constant attempts, the Sha Jin below finally reacted.

“Is your lord calling your subjects?”

After a buzzing sound, that Sha Jin raised his head and looked at Tang Zhenli suspiciously.

Upon seeing this, Tang Zhenli also conveyed a positive answer.

Then I saw that after Sha Jin got the answer from his heart, a bit of joy appeared on a face that didn’t know whether it should be called a face or not.

“I would like to serve the Lord!”

As he said that, the expression on his face looking towards Tang Zhenli became more and more respectful, although Tang Zhenli couldn’t tell.

For this Sha Jin, the feeling in the shadows made him believe that Tang Zhenli at this time was a god passed down from ancient times in the clan.

Here, after seeing that he could really communicate with this Sha Jin, Tang Zhenli’s eyes lit up slightly.

Then he threw out all the questions he wanted to ask. Of course, this was a euphemism based on the premise of maintaining the identity of a god.

After all, the current Tang Zhenli still needs to use this identity to inquire about the news of Dora Star.

However, what surprised Tang 337 Zhenli later was that Sha Jin did not answer him directly, but said that he should stay with the clan.He kept shouting that he was just an ordinary Sha Jin, and that receiving gods should be something that Yale is qualified to do.

The Yale in Sha Jin’s mouth, in human terms, should be a priest like a priest.

In the end, Tang Zhenli had no choice but to follow it to the gathering place of the Shajing tribe and flew towards the depths of the forest.

Along the way, in the communication with this Sha Jin, he also learned what kind of world Dora Star is roughly.

Completely different from the earth, there seems to be more than one kind of intelligent population of Dora!

Just from the mouth of this Sha Jin, there are no less than four other races of wisdom civilization, and they live together peacefully.

In other words, the Shajing tribe is just one of the many intelligent groups in Dora!

It must be said that Tang Zhenli was surprised by this knowledge for a while, if he hadn’t listened to what this Sha Jin said.

Tang Zhenli had never thought before that there would be several intelligent races that could harmoniously exist within a single planet.

You must know that in the current earth, the only remaining Homo sapiens of the human race are still fighting each other.

But in the case of Dora now, he didn’t know whether it was better to have a multi-racial group or a single-race group on a planet.

But no matter how good it is, it will not change the fact that the Homo sapiens on Earth are the only existing human race.

After all, 70,000 years ago, there were many human races living on the earth. In addition to Homo sapiens, there were Homo erectus, Flores, Neanderthals, Thoreaus, and Denisovans.

But with the passage of time, Homo sapiens gradually occupied the earth, and other races went extinct because of the difficulty in adapting to the environment, but Dora lived in this intelligent group of different races

At this point, Tang Zhenli gradually came back to his senses, and his eyes were a little thoughtful.

Because he thought of what Sha Jin said to him, although there are many intelligent groups in Dora Star, there is one thing in common between them.

That is the same belief, that is to say, they all worship the god they call Zeru!

Previously, he thought it was a kind of inclusiveness due to the vastness of the universe, but after asking Miluo again, he was told that this kind of civilization composed of different ethnic groups interdependent was extremely rare.

Needless to say, the civilization of the higher sequence, after the ascension sequence of the iron-based civilization, I am afraid that the higher sequence has become wary.

Although there are different ethnic groups in the higher sequence, it is also a division of one ethnic group and one civilization. It does not mean that a higher sequence as a whole is a civilization.

As for the low-level sequence, the currently known civilizations have no precedent for such diverse ethnic groups to form a civilization together, even if its civilization level sequence does not even reach the lowest sequence.

Of course, all of the above are based on the premise of natural evolution.

So even Miluo was confused at this time.

“Boy, I feel like something is wrong. My consciousness has searched the entire Dora star, and I haven’t found any aura from an alien star.”

After Miluo finished speaking, he spread his consciousness for the first time, and seemed to have an extremely strong aura towards Dora Star.

You must know that Dora can be regarded as the only one that can generate interest in intelligent individuals who have born billions of years of advanced sequence civilization.

Here, listening to Miluo’s words, Tang Zhenli’s eyes twitched subconsciously.

If this is the case, then the reason behind it has to be pondered

Needless to say, this must have something to do with the gods they worship

But before he could think about it, the sight at the moment made his pupils shrink slightly.

It turned out that after several hours, under the leadership of Sha Jin, he had passed through the dense and tall forest and came to another “forest” that was more unusual!

It’s not so much a forest, it’s a city built on a forest

The trees here are taller and sturdier than the forest that we passed by before, each of which is so high that it reaches the sky, but the difference is that the density of the trees is much smaller.

Some of the sturdy tree trunks were hollowed out to make things like residences, while others were bare, but there was a large shadow falling on the top, and it seemed that there should be something more special on it.

At this moment, strange creatures were walking back and forth in this ‘forest’ city. From Tang Zhenli’s perspective, they looked like tiny ants crawling up and down the trees.

But this kind of insignificance is compared to the entire trunk. If he is, there are probably not even ants on the trunk.

I don’t know if it’s because of the terrifying high oxygen content, the plants and creatures of Dora Star are all growing extremely huge.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli glanced at it, and his heart also fluctuated abnormally.

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