"Well, are your parents fierce?" Liu Cong looked worriedly at Chen Qiong who was driving.

Chen Qiong laughed when Liu Cong asked.

"It turns out that you are scared sometimes. Aren't you usually very proud?"

"What? Are you panicking now?"

When Liu Cong heard this, he pretended to be calm.

"I didn't, I was just asking casually."

While the two were talking, Chen Qiong's car stopped at the door of a single-family villa. Chen Qiong skillfully turned off the car, then turned to look at the nervous Liu Cong next to her.

"This is my home." Chen Qiong pointed to the villa on her right and said.

Liu Cong turned around and saw that the entire villa was painted with real stone paint, giving it a light yellow color.

Liu Cong looked in through the gate. The yard inside was very large. The ground of the yard was paved with granite-style tiles, and it was filled with all kinds of flowers.

Seeing this, Liu Cong had to sigh that rich people really enjoy it.

"What are you still doing? Get off the car."

Chen Qiong opened the driver's door on his side and stood outside looking at Liu Cong who was in a daze inside.


The next second, Liu Cong opened the car door and slowly walked out of the car.

After seeing Liu Cong come out, Chen Qiong walked to the trunk, took out the gift he had prepared in advance and handed it to Liu Cong.

"This is the gift I prepared for you. Don't reveal the secret when you go in. Just pretend to be more like me."

Liu Cong took the gift from Chen Qiong's hand, nodded lightly, and then said: "I understand, the secret will not be revealed, don't worry when I do the work."

Seeing Liu Cong patting his chest and looking confident, Chen Qiong nodded and chose to believe Liu Cong.

Liu Cong looked at the gift in his hand and saw that the outer packaging was not just any ordinary gift. There were three or four kinds of gifts, including a purple clay pot, which was wrapped in a transparent box and immediately covered with foam.

"Let's go, don't hold on, my parents probably can't wait any longer."

Before Liu Cong could react, Chen Qiong took Liu Cong's hand and walked into the villa.

"Hey! Be gentle, it hurts."

Liu Cong could clearly feel that Chen Qiong held her hand very tightly today, which showed that she was actually very nervous inside.

After Chen Qiong pulled Liu Cong into the courtyard, Liu Cong looked around the courtyard and found that the yard of the villa alone was almost 200 square meters. It would be even bigger if he brought the villa with him.

At this time, Hua Cuimei had been waiting for her daughter at the door for a long time.

When Hua Cuimei saw Chen Qiong leading Liu Cong back, her brows frowned slightly, but she quickly returned to her original state.

Chen Qiong saw her mother waiting at the door, so she led Liu Cong and quickly walked to Hua Cuimei.

"Mom, I'm back." Chen Qiong looked at her mother with a smile.

"Qiong'er, is this the boyfriend you brought back?" Hua Cuimei asked with some confusion.

The reason why Hua Cuimei asked this was because when she looked at Liu Cong in front of her, she didn't look like she was the same age as her daughter, but more like a young man in his early twenties.

"Hello, aunt, my name is Liu Cong, and I am Chen Qiong's boyfriend."

Liu Cong came forward and bowed politely to Hua Cuimei. After all, the richer the people, the more they pay attention to these etiquettes.

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face.

Seeing that Liu Cong was so polite when he came up, Hua Cuimei waved to let the two of them in.

"Well, young man, come in, it's quite cold outside."

"Hey! Okay."

So, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong followed Hua Cuimei into the villa.

When Liu Cong saw the luxurious decoration in the villa, he couldn't help but be shocked.

The whole house is decorated in European style, with marble tiles on the floor, exquisite carpets underfoot, and French-style wall hangings...

In the villa, the entire decoration style is luxurious, gorgeous, and full of strong dynamic effects. Even Chen Qiong's aunt is wearing brand-name clothes.

"Go and make a pot of tea." Hua Cuimei said to a woman next to her who was about forty or fifty years old.

"came back."

The voice of a middle-aged man startled Liu Cong. Liu Cong calmed down and saw that on the coffee table not far away, there was a man who put down the teapot in his hand and was staring at him.

Yes, this middle-aged man is Chen Qiong's father, Chen Mingcheng.

Liu Cong could feel Chen Mingcheng's different aura from a long distance away. This was something Liu Cong had never felt before.

Chen Qiong turned Liu Cong's arm and glanced at Liu Cong with ulterior motives.

The next second, Liu Cong knew what to do.

So, Chen Qiong hurriedly pulled Liu Cong and trotted all the way to Chen Mingcheng's side, and said happily: "Dad, this is the boyfriend I told you, Liu Cong."

"Oh, ah! Hello, uncle, my name is Liu Cong."

"When we first met, I didn't know what you, uncle and aunt, liked."

"But I heard Chen Qiong say that uncle, you like purple clay teapots, so you bought one specially."

Liu Cong put three or four gifts on the coffee table, then found the purple clay pot bought by Chen Qiong and handed it to Chen Mingcheng.

When Chen Mingcheng saw that it was a purple clay pot, his eyes shone slightly. Regardless of Liu Cong's presence, he quickly unpacked the purple clay pot, then put the purple clay pot into his hands and played with it carefully.

When Liu Cong saw this scene, he knew why he saw Chen Qiong collecting so many purple clay pots and various calligraphy and paintings when he went to Chen Qiong's company that day. It turned out that they all followed his father.

"Well, young man, pay attention."

"This purple clay pot looks like a high-quality one. Didn't it cost you a lot to find this purple clay pot?"

Chen Mingcheng turned to look at Liu Cong, very seriously, as if he was inspecting a prisoner.

"It didn't cost much. I just bought it from an uncle. As long as you like it, uncle."

When Chen Mingcheng heard what Liu Cong said, the reason seemed reasonable, so he agreed.

Chen Qiong next to him breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Liu Cong smoothing things over.

Where did I find this purple clay pot? It was obviously collected by me. Among my collection of purple clay pots, this purple clay pot can definitely be ranked among the top three.

For this reason, Chen Qiong felt distressed for a long time when she took him out.

Seeing that this lie was about to come true, unexpectedly, the question Chen Mingcheng asked next made Liu Cong even more troublesome.

When Chen Mingcheng heard that Liu Cong was only 22 years old after the Chinese New Year, Chen Mingcheng frowned.

"You mean, you will only be 22 years old after the Chinese New Year? No wonder you look quite young to me. Do you know how old my daughter is?" Chen Mingcheng asked seriously.

Liu Cong nodded slightly, and then said: "I know, it's the 28th of the New Year."

"Then you know, why are you still with my daughter?"

Chen Mingcheng's tone obviously became higher, as if he was asking if he was trying to gain our family's property.

(Little cuties, please watch the free update reminder video. Thank you all.)

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