When Chen Qiong saw her father embarrassing Liu Cong, she immediately stepped forward and said, "Dad, age is not a problem."

"Besides, there are so many sibling relationships nowadays. Isn't it normal for someone to be five or six years older?"

"Liu Cong is very good. He is also a singer."

When Chen Mingcheng heard what his daughter said, Chen Mingcheng calmly looked Liu Cong up and down.

"As a young man, what good songs he can write is nothing more than piecing together here and there."

"Young man, I heard you right just now. You said you were a junior college student, right?" Chen Mingcheng said calmly.

"Yes, uncle, but I have already graduated from junior college to bachelor's degree, and will also take the postgraduate entrance examination in the future."

"Postgraduate entrance examination? The most you can do is take the 211 exam. Do you know what degree my daughter has?"

When Chen Mingcheng mentioned his academic qualifications, he knocked on the table majestically.

"Dad, stop talking."

Chen Qiong saw her father like this and immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"I want to make it clear today so that he can give up."

"My daughter graduated from the University of Faria in the United States and is a returnee with a master's degree."

"Let's put aside family background. You are already a long way behind him on this point. In this way, you won't have too many common topics when you get married. After all, this is where you have knowledge."

"Besides, the biggest problem is that she is six years older than you. There may be an age gap between the two of you when you get married."

To put it bluntly, Chen Mingcheng said this because he was extremely dissatisfied with Liu Cong.

Liu Cong just stood in front of Chen Mingcheng, unable to say a word.

"Dad, please stop talking. Liu Cong and I really love each other."

With that said, Chen Qiong held Liu Cong's arm tighter.

"Can love be used as food? What if he is incompetent and you get married in the future? Do you expect him to support you with a salary of tens of thousands of dollars a month?" Chen Mingcheng said with a serious face.

What Chen Mingcheng said is indeed a reality. Comparing Liu Cong's current family with Chen Qiong's family, there is indeed a huge difference.

However, Liu Cong doesn't think that he will be worse off than Chen Qiong's family in the future. From the current point of view, Liu Cong's bearing company has gradually moved on the right track. If it does well, it can still make a profit from selling bearings and patented technology in a year. Less money.

"Dad, you underestimate me too much."

"Although he is only in his twenties now, he is already the boss of a company, and he is still a contract star under my company. He can earn tens of millions a year."

Hearing what his daughter said, Chen Mingcheng looked at the young man in his twenties with some curiosity, and couldn't help but ask: "Oh? Do you still have a company?"

Facing Chen Mingcheng's question, Liu Cong nodded gently.

"Yes, uncle, I am currently running a bearing company."

Chen Mingcheng was a little shocked when he heard this, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"You said you own a bearing company? Then why did you become a singer?" Chen Mingcheng asked in disbelief.

"Uncle, these two things won't delay you, and the latter won't take me long either."

Chen Qiong on the side was beating her drum when she heard that Liu Cong opened a bearing company, thinking that Liu Cong said something bad and insisted on saying that he opened a bearing company.

"If there is no delay, there will be no delay, but the domestic bearing business is not easy to do at present. Many domestic bearing companies are in a state of loss."

At this time, the aunt next to him brought tea. When the aunt handed over the tea, Liu Cong politely thanked the aunt. This polite gesture made Chen Mingcheng look at Liu Cong much more relaxedly.

At the very least, being polite to others proves that the person's character may not be too bad.

Liu Cong took a sip of tea, then slowly put the cup on the coffee table, and said: "It's not bad, it can be profitable."

With Chen Mingcheng's understanding of the market, he would never believe what Liu Cong said.

"Oh? What's the name of your company?"

Chen Qiong became anxious when she heard her father ask this.

"Dad, it's a little awkward to ask someone the name of his company like that."

Chen Qiong's anxious look instantly aroused Chen Mingcheng's curiosity.

"Oh? What company can't I ask?"

Liu Cong smiled and waved his hand when he heard this, and said: "There is nothing to say. The full name of my company is Beiping Kangerna Bearing Co., Ltd."

Chen Mingcheng's eyes widened when Liu Cong said this.

"You said that the company that announced high-precision bearing technology some time ago is yours?" Chen Mingcheng asked incredulously.

When Chen Mingcheng said this, Chen Qiong and her mother were confused. What is a high-precision bearing? Mother and daughter have no idea at all.

But this is not the case for the well-informed Chen Mingcheng. He knows what high-precision bearing technology represents.

"Yes, uncle, I am the CEO of this company and currently own 70% of the company's shares."

Chen Mingcheng still didn't believe it when he heard this, so he took out his mobile phone and started searching.

After searching, it turned out that it was indeed true. Isn't the general manager Liu Cong? Chen Mingcheng once wondered if he had the same name.

However, looking back, I realized that my daughter wouldn't be so stupid that she didn't even know Liu Cong was starting a company.

In fact, Chen Qiong did not know. He only knew that Liu Cong was extraordinary, but he did not know that Liu Cong had opened a bearing company.

"Mingcheng, what is a high-precision bearing?" Hua Cuimei walked to Chen Mingcheng and asked.

Just when Chen Mingcheng was in a state of shock, a voice interrupted what Chen Mingcheng was going to say next.

"Uncle Chen, Aunt Hua, I'm here to wish you a happy New Year."

Suddenly, a familiar voice reached Liu Cong's ears.

"Hey! Xiao Zhou, why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming, so that I could let your Aunt Hua prepare the meals in advance."

Chen Mingcheng immediately sat up from the sofa and stepped forward to greet him.

"Look at you, you're already here, and why are you bringing any gifts?"

"Hey! Xiao Zhou, what's wrong with your face?" Chen Mingcheng asked curiously.

"Oh, uncle, it's okay. I just fell and hit my face. It will be fine in two days."

Chen Qiong looked back with a look of disgust on his face, then turned to Liu Cong and said, "Zhou Lei is here."

When Liu Cong heard this, he turned around and looked at Zhou Lei. Sure enough, it was him.

"Xiao Zhou, you're here, why don't you bring any gifts?"

"Quick, come in and sit down."

When Hua Cuimei saw Zhou Lei coming, she went up to him enthusiastically and said hello to Zhou Lei.

"Hey! Okay, Aunt Hua."

So, Chen Mingcheng and Hua Cuimei led Zhou Lei in.

"Uncle Chen, is Chen Qiong at home?"

At this time, the three of them had already reached the center of the living room. When Zhou Lei asked, Chen Mingcheng pointed to Chen Qiong who was not far away from the coffee table with some embarrassment.

When Zhou Lei saw Liu Cong appearing next to Chen Qiong, he felt a little uneasy for a moment.

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