In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 100: Chen Qiong was beaten, Liu Cong stepped forward to comfort him

When he saw Liu Congzheng and Chen Qiong holding hands, Zhou Lei almost didn't catch the gift in his hand.

"Why are you here? This is impossible!"

Zhou Lei looked at Liu Cong in disbelief, while Chen Mingcheng and Hua Cuimei looked at the two men in front of them in surprise when they heard what Zhou Lei said.

"Do you know each other?" Zhou Mingcheng asked.

"Uncle, it's like this. I met Chen Qiong some time ago when we walked out of his company's gate."

"This seems to be my girlfriend's suitor. I just don't understand the other things." Liu Cong explained to Chen Mingcheng, who was standing not far away.

Liu Cong said nothing about what happened yesterday.

If Liu Cong told Chen Qiong's parents that they had a fight yesterday, I think Chen Qiong's parents would definitely not believe it.

As the eldest young master, one of the four major businessmen in East China, who would dare to mess with him unless they don't want to live anymore.

However, the fact is that Zhou Lei's face was made like that by Liu Cong, and the swelling had only just subsided after a day and night.

Moreover, even if Liu Cong said that Zhou Lei hurt his face, Zhou Lei would refuse to admit it, and Chen Mingcheng and Hua Cuimei would not believe it.

"Xiao Zhou, have you met before?" Chen Mingcheng asked.

Due to Liu Cong's arrival, Chen Mingcheng and Hua Cuimei could clearly feel that he was a little unhappy.

So, Hua Cuimei hurriedly stepped forward and explained: "That little Zhou, some things are not what you think."

"He also just came over. We didn't know that Chen Qiong had a girlfriend outside."

At this time, Chen Qiong saw her mother like this. She walked to Hua Cuimei with a very cold attitude, hugged Hua Cuimei's arm, and then turned to look at Zhou whose face was not completely swollen. Lei.

"Zhou Lei, I will make it clear today that I have a boyfriend."

Chen Qiong pointed at Liu Cong behind him, and then said: "So, don't bother me by sending flowers to my company often. I don't like you, so don't bother me."

"Chen Qiong, what are you talking about!" Chen Mingcheng scolded in a low voice.

Then he turned to Zhou Jin with a smile and said, "Xiao Zhou! In fact, Uncle Chen supports your marriage discussion."

"I'll do some good ideological work on my daughter later."

Hearing what Chen Mingcheng said, Zhou Lei's expression softened a little, and then he stepped forward and handed the gift he had brought to his aunt.

"Uncle Chen, Aunt Hua, I know that Chen Qiong has no feelings for me for the time being, but I will not give up pursuing her." Zhou Lei said seriously with a half-green and half-purple face.

Liu Cong couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhou Lei's funny expression. Unexpectedly, Chen Qiong was one step ahead of Liu Cong.

Seeing Chen Qiong laughing loudly, Zhou Lei obviously felt a little embarrassed, because he knew what Chen Qiong was laughing at him.

In this regard, he hated Liu Cong even more, because it was Liu Cong who made him become like this.

What Zhou Lei couldn't figure out was why Liu Cong was released. Was it a prison break?

Seeing Chen Qiong and Chen Qiong's parents in front of him, Zhou Lei couldn't help but ask.

"Zhou Lei, let me tell you this."

"If you give up on this idea, I won't marry you."

The next second after Chen Qiong finished speaking, a loud slap hit Chen Qiong directly.

This crisp slap stunned Liu Cong, who was standing not far away. Chen Qiong covered half of his face and looked straight at his father, with two lines of tears flowing down his face. The corners of his eyes streamed down.

"Chen Qiong, you are no longer a child. You should consider the situation at home before doing something."

"Today's slap is a lesson. You will not be allowed to say such words in the future."

At this time, Zhou Lei, who was standing next to Chen Mingcheng, showed a meaningful smile. Looking at the situation, Zhou Lei knew who was benefiting.

When Chen Qiong was beaten, Liu Cong immediately stepped forward to check Chen Qiong's condition.

"How's it going? Does it hurt?"

Liu Cong stepped forward and caressed the half of Chen Qiong's face that had been beaten just now. Chen Qiong was beaten by his own father, which Liu Cong did not expect.

When the two people's eyes met, Chen Qiong saw the tenderness in Liu Cong's eyes that he had never seen before.

At this moment, just looking at Liu Cong's face, Chen Qiong felt that half of his pain could be alleviated.

The next second, Chen Qiong jumped directly into Liu Cong's arms. When Liu Cong saw this, he patted Chen Qiong's back to comfort Chen Qiong.

Zhou Lei on the side felt even more uncomfortable when he saw the two of them being so close. It was uncomfortable for the woman he loved to show affection to him in front of him.

Zhou Lei now just wants to leave here quickly, and then call Director Zhao to figure out the situation.

"Well, Uncle Chen, Aunt Hua, I still have some things to do at home, so I won't stay here any longer."

"Chen Qiong, I'm leaving. I'll come back to the company to see you when I have time."

This time, Chen Qiong ignored Zhou Lei and just looked at Liu Cong in front of him quietly.

Seeing that Chen Qiong did not respond at this time, Zhou Lei shook his head helplessly.

"Xiao Zhou, how can this be possible after coming all the way and not even having a cup of tea?"

"Why don't you have lunch here before leaving? I'll ask your Aunt Hua to show you off at noon." Chen Mingcheng said to Zhou Lei.

"No need, Uncle Chen. There is indeed something going on at home, so I won't bother you here."

Afterwards, Zhou Lei went out with a straight face.

After Zhou Lei left, Chen Mingcheng's face was not very good-looking, and his eyes looking at Liu Cong were even more malicious. Even Hua Cuimei next to him looked at Liu Cong unfriendlyly.

"I'll make it clear now. I don't care what happens between you and my daughter. If you want to be with my daughter, you must first have that strength."

"I don't want to ask too much anymore. As long as your worth reaches 50 billion within a year, I will not interfere with anything you do in the next two days. What do you think?"

When Chen Mingcheng said this, anyone with a discerning eye could see that he didn't want Liu Cong to be with his daughter, and sensible people gave up immediately.

But who is Liu Cong? He is the ignorant person.

"Okay, uncle, I will accept your bet. If my net worth does not reach 50 billion within a year, I will take the initiative to quit."

Hearing this, Chen Mingcheng, including Chen Qiong and her mother, were all shocked. Even her dog barked twice in the living room when Liu Cong said this.

At this time, Chen Mingcheng smiled, and he smiled happily.

"Young man, of course it's good to be confident, but if you are arrogant? You won't be able to pull back ten cows."

Chen Mingcheng didn't say anything bad this time. He just patted Liu Cong's shoulder gently and looked at him meaningfully.

the other side,

At this time, Zhou Lei, who was outside Chen's house, dialed Director Zhao's phone number.

"Director Zhao, why was Liu Cong released? You can't just accept money and do nothing." Zhou Lei said reproachfully on the other end of the phone.

"It's because of you, you big-headed devil! My position as director has been removed."

"You and your father should never come to me for business in the future, broom star."

Zhou Lei, who was scolded for no reason, didn't even react. Just when he was about to refute, a busy tone came from the other end of the phone.

(Thank you to little cutie Li Wan for sending me likes and sending messages of love. I also want to thank all the cuties for sending me reminders and free reminder videos.)

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