Zhou Lei, who still didn't understand the whole story, was so angry that Director Zhao hung up on him that he stomped his feet.

"If you don't want to help, just say so. You are still trying to trick me. Who doesn't know that you, Director Zhao, have a security guard?"

Zhou Lei said, looking angrily in the direction of Chen Qiong's villa, with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Chen Qiong, you will be mine sooner or later. If you are too soft, I will be hard."

Finally, with the roar of the engine, Zhou Lei disappeared into the villa area.

Chen family,

There was still a trace of tears hanging from the corners of Chen Qiong's eyes, and Liu Cong beside him was still holding Chen Qiong tightly in his arms. When Chen Mingcheng saw this scene, he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

"Liu Cong, let's go." Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong and said coquettishly.

Chen Mingcheng was furious when he saw that his daughter was not shy in front of him and her mother.

Before Chen Mingcheng could speak, Liu Cong took the lead.

"Uncle, aunt, it's almost noon. Don't keep me here for dinner. Chen Qiong and I will leave first."

Liu Cong looked at the two of them politely with a smile. Chen Mingcheng frowned when he heard what Liu Cong said.

He had never seen such a shameless person. It was too late to drive him away, so how could he invite Liu Cong to dinner.

However, seeing that the gift sent by Liu Cong was to his liking, Chen Mingcheng didn't say much. He just looked at the happy couple in front of him expressionlessly.

"If you leave this gate today, don't come back again."

"If you don't come back, you won't come back. Who cares?"

"It was my fault just now. I shouldn't have hit you in public."

"This is no longer important, I'm leaving."

With that said, Chen Qiong pulled Liu Cong outside without looking back.

Upon seeing this, Hua Cuimei immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"Qiong'er, your dad is here for this family too, so please be considerate. Your dad didn't mean to hit you just now."

Chen Qiong heard her mother say this and ignored it. Many parents did it in the name of doing good for their children and never really considered their children's feelings.

"Mom, don't say anything more. I will take care of myself when I am alone outside."

Then, Hua Cuimei didn't stop her, and just watched eagerly as Chen Qiong led Liu Cong out of the door.

After getting in the car, Chen Qiong couldn't hold back her tears anymore and started to flow.

Seeing Chen Qiong so sad, Liu Cong didn't know how to comfort her for a moment, so he could only pat her back gently.

At this moment, Liu Cong suddenly felt that this girl who had been so strong in the past might also need to be taken care of.

"Sister, if you have no one to talk to when you are sad, I am willing to be your listener."

When Chen Qiong heard what Liu Cong said, she cried even more sadly, and hugged Liu Cong tightly, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Liu Cong was shocked by the sudden hug, but Liu Cong did not avoid it this time, but hugged Chen Qiong in the same way.

Liu Cong knew that this was not the time for him to be shy. Women were generally very sensitive, and every little detail would be captured by them.

Or they may be moved for a long time by a warm gesture.

Because of Liu Cong's actions, Chen Qiong's mood suddenly calmed down.

"Liu Cong, do you know? Although my family is so rich, in fact, I am not happy at all."

Liu Cong gently stroked Chen Qiong's back, his words were very gentle.

"I understand, I understand everything you said."

"Growing up, I didn't have any freedom. Since elementary school, my schedule has been full."

"In addition to studying every day, I have to be forced by my parents to learn things that I am not interested in, just for their face."

"When I grow up, I can't choose my marriage, because in their eyes, marriage is nothing more than a transaction..."

In this way, Chen Qiong said a lot in Liu Cong's arms.

After Liu Cong heard what Chen Qiong said, he felt the same way, not to mention himself.

Since childhood, his mother has always been strict with him. Like Chen Qiong, he also spends a lot of time studying things that Liu Cong is not interested in.

Even after passing the college entrance examination, his life was almost controlled by his family. Fortunately, Liu Cong did not compromise this time, but stood up and fought with them bravely.

Obviously, Liu Cong won this time.

"It's okay. I will support you silently in the future. I will also work hard to realize what I said to your father today."

It is precisely because I have been caught in the rain that I want to hold an umbrella for others.

Each of us is born in a cage. Even if we are lucky enough to escape, we will enter a bigger cage.

And Liu Cong wants to hold this cage tightly in his hands, and I think Chen Qiong does too.

Chen Qiong didn't understand what Liu Cong was talking about at this time, but just kept nodding.

After seeing Chen Qiong calm down, Liu Cong gradually let go of his arms.

"Can you still open it in this situation? How about I do it?"

Seeing Liu Cong's sincerity, Chen Qiong did not refuse and directly handed over the main driver's seat to Liu Cong.

Since Liu Cong had not touched a car for a year after getting his driver's license, he was not very familiar with it when he first got started.

Chen Qiong suddenly became happy when she saw Liu Cong driving with a timid look.

Liu Cong also knew what Chen Qiong was laughing at, and he felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Stop laughing, where are you going now?"

Liu Cong glanced at Chen Qiong angrily, and then immediately turned his head away.

"Hey, brother, this is not how you drive a car. Let me teach you how to drive..."

Afterwards, Chen Qiong began to teach Liu Cong step by step.

Soon after, the two came to the original cafe. Liu Cong was ready to go back after getting the motorcycle, but at this point, there was no food left.

However, Chen Qiong warmly invited her to her home to show off her skills to Liu Cong.

Soon after, Liu Cong came to Chen Qiong's villa.

"You go play by yourself for a while, and I'll go cook first. I'll be ready soon."

Seeing Chen Qiong wearing an apron, Liu Cong couldn't help laughing.

Later, Liu Cong really couldn't stand Chen Qiong's busy look, and planned to take action himself.

"You're still cooking like this. You can't even fry an egg. You might as well let me do it."

Chen Qiong was a little surprised to hear that Liu Cong could also cook.

"You are the only one who can cook. Can the food you make be edible?"

Liu Cong glanced at Chen Qiong, then skillfully tied on another apron next to him, and grabbed the spatula directly from Chen Qiong's hand.

"Go ahead and get me two green onions from the refrigerator and cut them up."

Chen Qiong was surprised to see Liu Cong cooking so skillfully, and then she helped Liu Cong obediently.

It's about one o'clock in the afternoon.

Four dishes and one soup were neatly placed on the table. When Chen Qiong saw these delicacies on the table, she almost cried out.

"I'll get the bowl." After saying that, Chen Qiong ran all the way to the kitchen.

Because the food was so delicious, Chen Qiong no longer cared about her own image. She ate voraciously and even had a bowl of soup from time to time.

It seemed that all Chen Qiong's worries disappeared after lunch.


"Brother, why don't you work as a chef for me and I'll give you a salary increase."

At this time, Chen Qiong had her legs crossed and a toothpick stuffed in her mouth. She looked like a woman.

"I don't dare. A man's hands are for conquering the country, not for cooking for women."

"What? Who are you calling a bitch? I'll kill you!"

With that said, Chen Qiong took off his slippers and prepared to fight.

"Look, you admitted it yourself."

"Stop! Don't run, the dishes haven't been washed yet."

(The writing pace of these chapters is relatively slow, and the number of words is not high. I just want to slow down the pace a little when writing about the Chinese New Year. After all, in reality, we usually have a very fast pace. With the Chinese New Year in the novel, I want to Write about your life well.)

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