In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 104: On the first day of work, take Chen Qiong to visit the factory

Liu Cong saw that these two people were brought here by Li Rui, so he didn't care about them again. After all, everyone was here for the company.

After the three of them entered the factory, Chen Qiong boldly took Liu Cong's arm.

Liu Cong wanted to get rid of him, but Chen Qiong held him tighter.

As the saying goes, love must be earned. When the old employees in the factory saw Chen Qiong holding Liu Cong's arm intimately next to them, they all thought that the woman in front of them was Liu Cong's girlfriend.

"Boss, my dad is in the office now." Li Rui reminded from the side.

Liu Cong waved his hand and said casually: "You go ahead and do your work. On the first day of work, I want to go to the workshop for a walk."

After Li Rui saw it, he immediately understood Liu Cong's intention. After making an OK gesture, he retreated on his own.

"Your company is quite big. I have seen several workshops."

Chen Qiong stood at the door of Workshop No. 1, looking at the huge factory building with some surprise.

"Let's go. Aren't you clamoring to come to my company to have a look? I'll show you around today."

After speaking, Liu Cong directly greeted Chen Qiong and entered the No. 1 workshop.

At this time, all the workers were in working mode.

When the director of Workshop No. 1 saw Liu Cong coming for an on-site inspection, he immediately came to Liu Cong's side.

"Boss, you're here."

"Next to me is my sister-in-law, she's so pretty."

The small middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses looked at Liu Cong with envy.

"Director Gong, all the workers in the workshop are here."

Liu Cong put his hands behind his back, completely transforming into a domineering president.

"Go back to the factory director, everyone is here."

"This year we have five new technical workers in our workshop, and they are all graduate students."

Director Gong said this with pride in his eyes.

When Director Gong said this, Liu Cong never expected it.

"Five graduate students?"

"Where are they?"

Hearing Liu Cong's question, Director Gong pointed in the direction not far away, and soon, Liu Cong captured their figures.

I saw five graduate students debugging the equipment at this time. Liu Cong didn't say much when he saw this, but just regarded this matter as a normal thing.

After all, now that my company has become stronger, it is not surprising to have graduate technicians.

Liu Cong nodded slightly, and then said: "Well, I understand, the treatment given to these five graduate students must not be bad."

"Your sister-in-law and I..."

"She and I will go shopping first, and you can do your business."

After Director Gong left, Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with an unhappy look on his face.

"Why didn't you say the last word?"

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with a look of awe in his eyes.

"Hey! You really think of yourself as my girlfriend. I didn't agree to it. It was just your own wishful thinking."

Although Liu Cong said so, his actions had already betrayed him, but he didn't feel it himself.


After some investigation,

Chen Qiong's original interest slowly turned into the current lack of interest.

So, Chen Qiong wanted to drag Liu Cong to his company, but Liu Cong told Chen Qiong that he still had something to do.

Then, Chen Qiong left alone.

After Chen Qiong left, Liu Cong came to Li Zhihua's office.

"Boss, long time no see. Happy New Year."

Li Zhihua saw Liu Cong, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and greeted Liu Cong enthusiastically.

"Boss Li, happy New Year." Liu Cong also responded politely.

Then, the two sat down on the sofa.

"Boss Li, you also know that I don't come here often."

"This year is the first day of construction. Let me take a look. At the same time, I also have something very important to tell you."

Liu Cong, who was smiling just a second ago, was completely serious now.

"Boss, you said, as long as I can do it, I will do it." Li Zhihua patted his chest and said.

Liu Cong nodded slightly, then took a sip of the water he had just poured on the table, and exhaled slowly.

"That's right, the purpose of me coming to you today is to talk about the company's listing."

"IPO?" Li Zhihua looked at Liu Cong in disbelief.

"Yes, it's going public!" Liu Cong said decisively.

"I plan to transfer 30% of my shares for the company's listing."

"Since I took over the company last year, it has been in a profitable state, and our company does not owe any debt now."

“As long as you have all the information ready, you will be eligible for listing.”

"We will strive to get the company listed by the end of this year."

Liu Cong looked at Li Zhihua with a firm look on his face.

Li Zhihua was completely stunned. Starting from his father's generation, he had never thought about the issue of listing the company.

His father and he believed that as long as the company does not lose money and makes a profit, it will be fine.

"Boss, can our company be listed on the market?"

Li Zhihua, who was originally full of confidence, immediately lost confidence when he heard that Liu Cong was going to list the company.

"Why not? Have you forgotten what technology our company has?"

"As long as I want to buy high-precision bearing technology, I can easily earn 10 billion. Why haven't I bought this technology? Have you ever thought about this problem?"

Asked why Li Zhihua, who had been running a business for decades, didn't understand what Liu Cong meant, he nodded immediately.

"Boss, you want money to make money."

"However, we now only have three high-precision workshops. Although there are many orders, our production cannot keep up."

Liu Chongming understood that Li Zhihua's concerns were nothing more than the problem of not being able to keep up with production.

"Our company account now has money to expand, and we can rent out our patented technology. There must be many companies squeezing out what they want..."

After listening to Liu Cong's story, Li Zhihua also understood Liu Cong's full intention.

"I know boss, I will do what you want." Li Zhihua said.

"Well, this company will be handed over to you from now on. I will rarely come here in the future. I will leave everything here to you to take care of. I believe you can do it."

"By the way, I may need to transfer some money to the company account in the future, about 100 million, but I won't need it for the time being."

When Li Zhihua heard this, he had no objection. After all, the company now belonged to Liu Cong, so he could do whatever he wanted.

Later, Liu Cong and Li Zhihua left after exchanging a few words.


Li Rui, who was on duty at the gate, ran over quickly when he saw Liu Cong coming out.

"Boss, why isn't your sister-in-law with you? I just saw her going out alone. What happened to you and your sister-in-law?"

Seeing Li Rui's curious look, Liu Cong rolled his eyes at him.

"Children don't ask about adult matters."

"I just told your father that you should be the factory director, but it will take some time."

"How long we have to wait?"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Li Rui couldn't hide his excitement. After all, he had been working as the security captain for several months.

"It should take another month or two. Workshop No. 4 and No. 5 need to replace equipment." Liu Cong thought about the approximate time and then said to Li Rui.

Later, after talking to Li Rui for a few words, Liu Cong left on his motorcycle.

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