Soon after, Liu Cong returned home on his motorcycle.

Zhang Guimei was also confused when she saw Liu Cong coming back, thinking that Liu Cong was fired on the first day of work in the new year.

"Son, why did you get off work so early today? Have you been fired from the company?"

Seeing Zhang Guimei's worried look, Liu Cong shook his head.

"No, it's the first day of work in the company. There's nothing much going on, so I came back early."

Hearing her son say this, Zhang Guimei also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Son, although you are somewhat famous now, your main focus is still on work and study. You won't be able to stay in the entertainment industry for long."

"You still have to work and study hard. The most important thing is to study. If school reopens, you should go back to school as soon as possible. We will not charge you any living expenses."

Zhang Guimei looked at Liu Cong, her tone full of sincerity.

Looking at the few white hairs on his mother's temples, Liu Cong also knew that his mother was no longer young.

But when he thought that she was still thinking about herself, Liu Cong's eyes were filled with emotion and guilt.

"I got it, Mom."

"I will study hard and work hard. I will only treat singing as my side job in the future and won't put too much thought into it."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Zhang Guimei nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, do your best and don't let your grandpa laugh at you again."

Hearing Zhang Guimei talk about his grandfather, Liu Cong really missed the time during the New Year.

Although the two of them were always noisy, Liu Cong felt from the bottom of his heart that this stubborn old man was actually quite interesting.

Since Liu Yang went back to school to deal with things today, only his mother and himself were left at home.

Originally, Zhang Guimei also planned to go to work, but Liu Yang refused to let Zhang Guimei go and insisted on letting her rest for a few more days.

Liu Cong was bored staying at home alone, so he opened the rental app and looked online to see if there was a suitable factory. After all, a place is needed to manufacture ultra-high-precision machine tools.

At first, Liu Cong looked at the factory buildings on the rental platform. However, it was either a food processing factory or a clothing factory, which was completely inconsistent with Liu Cong's expectations.

"The industry is really depressed now! So many factories are being resold." Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh while lying on the bed.

After continuing to check for a while and finding no new findings, Liu Cong closed the rental app.

"Forget it, scoring points is still important. The competition is coming up in a few days, so I have to hurry up."

In this way, except for dinner time, Liu Cong spent the rest of the time playing Go.

The hard work paid off, and finally after Liu Cong won sixty games in a row, his ranking reached 19th, and his score reached a full 2150 points.

At the top of the list was a Japanese player who had a good life. After Liu Cong clicked on the homepage, he found that the opponent had played nearly a hundred games.

And he only lost once, and the only time was when the other party took it lightly and lost to him.

The next day,

Liu Cong went out early in the morning as usual for work.

Of course, Liu Cong had a very important purpose for coming out today, which was to conduct an on-site inspection to see if there were any cheap and useful factories.

Liu Cong rode his motorcycle all the way to the suburbs, because the city center was basically a commercial district and there were no factories for Liu Cong to use.

Liu Cong searched for a suitable factory in the suburbs of Peiping all morning but could not find a suitable factory. The only machinery factory that was about to close down actually asked for 200 million yuan, which frightened Liu Cong.

It’s not that Liu Cong thought it was too expensive, Liu Cong really couldn’t afford it, so he had to give up.

It was almost noon, and Liu Cong was riding his motorcycle in the industrial park but could not find a place to eat.

Until he saw a roadside stall, Liu Cong knew that if he didn't have a meal here, he would be hungry today.

Liu Cong ordered a pork rib rice, found a table and sat down.

At this time, three or four young men in their thirties came to the table next to them, and all of them had short haircuts and looked very capable.

"Zhang Ji, why don't we stop persisting? Some things cannot be achieved by ourselves."

"We'd better sell the factory. Now we can't even afford food, so we still need to engage in research and development of hammers."

After the young man next to Zhang Ji said these words, he quietly lit a cigarette and said no more.

Zhang Ji was silent for a while, and then said: "Sun Xin is right. Rather than letting it sit here and wasting it, it is better to sell the factory and get some money back now."

Judging from Zhang Ji's expression, he was actually in pain when he said this.

"Have you figured it out? That's right!"

A fat man next to him patted Zhang Ji's shoulder happily.

"Actually, let me tell you, it would have been better if we had listened to Qian Lei and built CNC machine tools."

"We have to study some ultra-high-precision machine tools. We originally had some savings, but now we have no money left."

The man rubbed his brow helplessly, regretting the decision he had made before.

"Jiang Tianliang, stop talking, let's break up after this meal."

"We can get back a penny by selling the venue and equipment." Zhang Ji said in a daze.

Liu Cong next to him started to lose his composure from the moment they talked about the ultra-high-precision machine tools.

Unexpectedly, he met a dead rat. He could meet someone who specialized in this field every time he had a meal, and he was planning to break up due to lack of funds.

Liu Cong couldn't hold himself in any longer and immediately got up from his seat and walked towards the four of them.

The four of them were also very confused when they saw a stranger standing in front of them.

"Here, do you have something wrong?"

Zhang Ji looked Liu Cong up and down and did not look down on Liu Cong because he was a young man. Instead, his tone was very gentle.

This made Liu Cong feel an inexplicable fondness for Zhang Ji when he saw him for the first time.

"Brother, what I heard you talking about just now was about ultra-high-precision machine tools." Liu Cong asked Zhang Ji in front of him again.

Zhang Ji was a little confused, but still answered Liu Cong's question.

"Yes, do you also know about ultra-high-precision machine tools?"

Before Liu Cong could speak, Sun Xin next to him interrupted Liu Cong.

"Young man, are you planning to buy our factory?"

"That Ducati belongs to you, I think. I think you are also a wealthy owner."

In fact, Sun Xin said this unintentionally, and he did not expect Liu Cong to buy their factory.

Unexpectedly, Liu Cong's next words surprised the four people present.

"Yes, I just want to buy it, but the premise is that I have to go and inspect it."

After the four of them heard Liu Cong's words, they couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the young man in front of them carefully.

No matter how they looked at Liu Cong, he didn't look like someone who could do research and development.

"Are you kidding?" Zhang Ji said with some confusion.

Liu Cong nodded seriously.

"Of course I'm serious. I've been looking for this place all morning and haven't found a suitable place."

At this moment, the boss had already brought Liu Cong's pork rib rice.

But Liu Cong looked back and saw that his seat was occupied by someone else, and the seats next to him were also full.

"Well, I might have to squeeze in with you." Liu Cong smiled awkwardly.

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