Seeing Liu Cong like this, the four of them didn't say anything. After all, they were used to fighting over tables.

“Little brother, do you really want to buy our company?”

"Let me tell you first, what we sell is very expensive." Zhang Ji said looking at Liu Cong who was eating a big meal.

Hearing what Zhang Ji said, Liu Cong stopped cooking and looked up at the four people on the table.

"I don't buy your company."

After hearing Liu Cong's words, the four of them instantly lost interest.

"Young man, are you kidding us? You just said you were buying it."

Jiang Tianliang looked a little impatiently at Liu Cong. Although they were in dire straits now, they couldn't bear to tease him.

"I just used the wrong word. I don't want to buy your company. I want to buy shares in your company."

Hearing this, the four people sitting at the table looked at me and I looked at you. There are some monks who are two feet tall and confused.

The next moment, the food for the four people was also ready. Liu Cong looked at the four people and felt that cooking now was the most important thing. After all, Liu Cong had been working all morning and his stomach was already empty.

"Eat first. If you need anything, we'll talk about it after dinner. Don't be in a hurry."

Seeing Liu Cong eating so deliciously, the four of them started using their chopsticks.

After eating,

Liu Cong planned to follow the four people to their company to check out the situation. After all, he couldn't invest without permission, what if he was a liar.

It's only a five-minute walk from the street stall to their company.

During this period, Sun Xin kept looking at Liu Cong's motorcycle. With that fiery look in his eyes, Liu Cong knew that he was a motorcycle fanatic.

"Want to try?"

When Sun Xin heard this, he was a little surprised.

"May I?"

Liu Cong didn't waste any time, and directly shifted into neutral. Sun Xin got on the motorcycle, and a series of skillful shifting into gear and accelerator after the motorcycle really surprised Liu Cong.

"Little brother, you may not know that he used to be a motorcycle enthusiast."

"But later the company was not doing well, so he sold the motorcycle in order to advance capital."

Liu Cong felt a little regretful when he heard what Zhang Ji said.

"Your company has reached this point now. How did you persist in it?"

After Liu Cong asked this question, his face slowly darkened, and then he sighed.

"It's a long story."



After listening to Zhang Ji's story, Liu Cong did not expect that these people chose this industry for the sake of the country.

"It seems that you are still a group of patriotic people. Liu Cong admires you."

Liu Cong's words came from his heart. He never thought that a group of people could go to this extent for love, even if they are desperate.

It is really helpless to sell the factory now. After all, no one is willing to take over this mess.

To put it bluntly, ultra-high-precision machine tools are a bottomless pit, and no one knows how much investment it will take to complete the research and development.

Even if the country has spent countless funds for so many years, it is difficult to make a breakthrough in this area, let alone a small company.

Liu Cong also truly admires their courage. The three of them develop ultra-high-precision machine tools, and they are undoubtedly trying to stop the car.

Maybe, these thirty-year-old brothers are still full of passion.

Soon, the four of them arrived at the door of the company. The name Huaxia Shule Co., Ltd. was clearly visible on the stone tablet at the door.

Sun Xin reluctantly parked his motorcycle in the open space in front of the company, and then reluctantly gave the key to Liu Cong.

"Little brother, this is our factory, let's go in and take a look first."

The old gatekeeper at the door was a seventy-year-old man. Seeing Sun Xin calling him uncle, Liu Cong also guessed that this person was probably his relative.

"Xiaoxin, I have something to tell you. It's not that I'm unkind."

"You haven't paid me a salary in three months, and I also need to eat."

Sun Xin looked at the old man in front of him, feeling a little embarrassed at this time.

"Well, uncle, I'll pay you your salary once we turn around this month, okay?"

Hearing what Sun Xin said, the security guard was a little unhappy, but he didn't say anything and just let him go.

After some understanding by Liu Cong, he realized that there were only about ten people in this company with the four of them.

When the company's employees saw the four people coming back, they simply said hello to them, and then they all lowered their heads and played with their mobile phones.

Seeing that the enthusiasm of the company's employees was so low, Liu Cong could guess the company's current situation.

Later, Zhang Ji took Liu Cong from the office area to the laboratory. When Liu Cong saw the various scattered parts, Liu Cong couldn't help but frowned.

After seeing Liu Cong's reaction, Zhang Ji explained: "Little brother Liu, it's like this."

"With the current situation of our company, it is extremely difficult to continue researching this ultra-high-precision machine tool."

"People in the company don't think we can develop it, so they want to sell these parts to get some blood back, but I never let them."

"After all, these were once my hard work, and I can't bear to part with them."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ji's heart seemed to be bleeding.

At this time, Jiang Tianliang, who was next to him, persuaded him again: "Boss, let's stop dreaming."

"This technology cannot even be developed by the country, let alone us. Thinking about it, the four of us were quite naive at the time."

As he said that, the eyes of the other two people also gradually dimmed from bright.

Four young men, for the sake of their ideals and the country, devoted themselves to the research and development of ultra-high-precision machine tools.

But later, reality gradually bent the backs of these four teenagers, and the four teenagers were no longer young.

"If I have the chance, I really don't want to give up. Now the country is in a critical moment, and I want to use my part to protect my motherland."

Zhang Ji clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

Seeing Zhang Ji like this, the dim eyes of the three companions seemed to slowly begin to light up.

Then they all nodded in unison.

"Brother, if you can spend 50 million to support us now, we are willing to give you 30% of the company's shares."

Zhang Ji looked at Liu Cong sincerely, and Liu Cong understood the meaning of Zhang Ji's 30% share. After all, the company belonged to the four of them.

"I want fifty percent."

Liu Cong extended a slap to the four of them. It was really helpless to hear Liu Cong speak so loudly.

After all, no one is willing to invest in themselves now. If others spend 50 million to buy their company, it will be very good, but who is willing to buy this mess? Maybe it’s just Liu Cong.

"Okay, let's just settle it, 50% will be 50%." Zhang Ji said happily.

From Zhang Ji's tone, Liu Cong heard reluctance and relief.

"You don't have to feel unbalanced. After all, I'm here with technology."

"Technology?" The four people said in unison.

(My family is sick, so updates will be slowed down in the past two days, which is really helpless. Please forgive me, but I will update two chapters a day, and the time may be later.)

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