"Yes, are you going to Shanglu too?" Liu Cong replied.

"Yes, let's go to Shanglu to participate in a variety show." Xie Tongtong said to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong is not too surprised by Xie Tongtong's statement. After all, it is very easy for her to participate in a variety show with her current popularity.

"Congratulations! You have made a breakthrough now."

Liu Cong smiled at Chen Qiong, but just such a smile made Xie Tongtong blame herself even more.

"Liu Cong, do you think you would have been more popular than me if there hadn't been that accident? After all, you are so talented."

Hearing what Xie Tongtong said, Liu Cong knew that Xie Tongtong might have misunderstood his smile just now, so he waved his hand to Xie Tongtong.

"Who knows what will happen in the future!"

The two of them talked like this without saying a word until there was an announcement from the station that the high-speed train was about to arrive.

"Liu Cong, I'm leaving first. Let's leave your contact information. I deleted your contact information last time because of a misunderstanding."

Xie Tongtong looked at Liu Cong apologetically. Liu Cong didn't mind very much and took out his phone and added Xie Tongtong's contact information again.

In this way, the two said goodbye after a brief exchange.

When leaving, Xie Tongtong specifically told Liu Cong that she would contact him after finishing what she was doing.

Soon after, Liu Cong also came to his seat.

"Young man, can you help me see where I am sitting?"

A simply dressed old lady with faded reading glasses was standing in front of Liu Cong, holding a paper ticket in her hand.

"Grandma, let me take a look for you."

After Liu Cong took the ticket, he looked at the old man's ticket. After confirming the information, he handed the ticket to the old man in front of him.

"Grandma, you work here."

Liu Cong was afraid that the old lady wouldn't hear, so he deliberately turned up his voice.

"Thank you, young man."

After the old lady sat down, she took out a heavy book from the worn canvas bag, with "High Precision Machine Tools" clearly written on it.

Liu Cong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that such an ordinary old woman could read such a profound book.

Out of curiosity, Liu Cong took the initiative and asked: "Grandma, are you studying mechanics?"

The old man who was about to open the book closed the book again after hearing what Liu Cong said.

"Yes! I have been studying the field of machine tools for most of my life!" The old lady couldn't help but sigh.

Liu Cong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the old man wearing such simple clothes in front of him turned out to be a man who had been working in the field of machine tools for decades.

Later, during the chat between the two, Liu Cong learned.

The name of the old woman in front of me is Yang Mingxia. She is 73 years old. No other information is known.

"Young man, are you majoring in mechanics?"

Liu Cong shook his head and said, "I'm not majoring in mechanics, I'm majoring in electronic information."

When Liu Cong said this, Yang Mingxia was a little surprised.

"But when we were communicating just now, you used many professional terms very accurately."

Liu Cong smiled and said: "I have read a lot of news about ultra-high-precision machine tools recently, so I naturally learned it."

Speaking of this, Yang Mingxia, who was originally relatively relaxed, suddenly became tense. She looked out the window and sighed.

"Our country's industry is still far behind foreign countries! When will we get rid of this stuck fate?"

"I am going to Shanglu on a business trip this time just to discuss funding, and I don't know if I can succeed."

"But, for the sake of the country, I want to give it a try."

Liu Cong looked at the old man in a daze, although the figure of the 70-year-old man in front of him was so weak.

However, now in Liu Cong's view, her figure is so huge.

However, Liu Cong looked back and felt so sarcastic.

China is a majestic country with a population of more than one billion, but it cannot build an ultra-high-precision machine tool.

But now, a waning old man is required to carry such a banner.

During the few hours in the car, Liu Cong stopped playing with his mobile phone. Instead, he chatted about national affairs with the old man in front of him.

Through his conversation, Liu Cong admired the simply dressed old man in front of him even more.

After getting to know him more deeply, Liu Cong realized that the person sitting in front of him was actually an academician.

When Yang Mingxia said that she was an academician, Liu Cong was shocked. He never thought that he would meet such a person on this small high-speed train, and he would be in a second-class seat.

The two then chatted a lot. Driven by vanity, when Yang Mingxia asked about Liu Cong's school, Liu Cong said that he was from Huaqing University.

This also surprised Li Mingxia. Along the way, she told Liu Cong to study hard and serve the motherland in the future.

When he was about to get off the bus, Liu Cong offered to add Yang Mingxia's contact information.

When Yang Mingxia took out the elderly phone in her bag, Liu Cong completely broke his defense.

The screen of the elderly phone in front of me is broken, and the paint on the fuselage next to it is peeled off.

"Young man, I don't have WeChat, so I can only give you my phone number."

Liu Cong smiled and said: "There is an academician's number, and I can brag about it."

Yang Mingxia also laughed after hearing this, "You are an interesting young man. I look forward to seeing you next time."

The train stopped steadily at Shanglu Station, and then the two people left the station from different directions one after the other.

"Is this destiny?" Liu Cong said to himself.

Afterwards, he dragged his suitcase out of the station.

Forty minutes later,

Liu Cong took the No. 11 subway and arrived outside the community where his grandparents lived.

Liu Cong stood outside looking at the wall with a sense of age, a little lost.

In my memory, Liu Cong has not been to this place for five or six years.

"Dasun, here!"

Grandma's voice not far away interrupted Liu Cong who was thinking. Liu Cong turned his head and looked in the direction of the door.

Li Xiulan waved to Liu Cong, and when Liu Cong saw it, he pulled his suitcase and came to Li Xiulan.

Li Xiulan came to Liu Cong and gave Liu Cong a big hug.

"My eldest grandson, you miss grandma so much. It's been so many years since you came to Shanglu."

"Let's go! I've prepared lunch."

With that said, Li Xiulan wanted to help Liu Cong drag the suitcase, but Liu Cong refused.

The community is very old and there is no elevator, so Liu Cong and Li Xiulan can only go up the stairs.

Grandma's home is on the third floor, which is not very high.

The moment Liu Xiulan opened the door, Liu Cong felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Although, Liu Cong has not been to this place for a long time.

After entering, on the bookcase directly in front of Liu Cong, Liu Cong saw many photos taken with his grandparents when he was a child.

In the yellowed old photos, I and my grandparents are smiling so happily.

At that time, my grandparents had no gray hair on their heads, and they themselves were children.

"Dasun, I have tidied up your room for you."

With that said, grandma opened the door to the east.

After watching his grandma go in, Liu Cong dragged his suitcase and went in too.

The room is very tidy, with a bed and a cabinet inside.

The cabinet is filled with many old toys, which Liu Jianguo bought when Liu Cong was a child during the winter and summer vacations.

"Grandma, where's grandpa?" Liu Cong turned around and asked.

"Your grandpa has classes in the morning and won't come back for lunch."

"I'll go back to school after lunch. If you're bored in the afternoon, you can go out for a walk."


After lunch, Li Xiulan simply packed up and went out.

Looking at his grandmother's back, Liu Cong thought of the academician's grandmother he met on the high-speed rail in the morning.

Her grandparents are not like her. They are in their sixties and seventies when they should retire, but they shine in their respective positions.

Liu Cong thought about it, but felt a little ashamed because he couldn't do it.

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