After Liu Xiulan left, Liu Cong looked around the old house for a while.

Seeing that it was time to work in the gymnasium, Liu Cong hurried downstairs with the key that Li Xiulan left behind when she left.

Later, Liu Cong took a taxi directly from the downstairs of the community. The short ten kilometers cost Liu Cong fifty yuan, which made Liu Cong feel distressed.

This is Liu Cong's first time to come to the National Sports Center in Shanglu. From the outside, the National Sports Center in Shanglu is no less than the Bird's Nest in Peking.

After getting off the taxi, Liu Cong walked towards the sports gate. Soon, Liu Cong found the registration office.

At this time, the registration office was already crowded with people.

They all came to register on site and came to collect their participation cards.

Looking at the dozens or twenty people at the registration desk, Liu Cong planned to wait for them to finish before going forward to register.

At this time, four or five people who were much shorter than Liu Cong came from behind. They were all about thirty years old, and the youngest was probably in his twenties.

They were wearing clothes with the Japanese flag pattern, and Liu Cong knew at first glance that these were players who had a good life.

The Japanese people immediately became the focus of the audience as soon as they arrived, but most of them had hostile eyes, and only a small number of people had dull eyes.

Since ancient times, China has had a deep hatred for such island countries.

When Liu Cong saw the players who had a good life as a child, he had already made up his mind that he would not be merciful on the field and would use 20% of his strength.

Shortly after the Japanese players, Koreans also arrived at the registration site.

If the Chinese people look at the Japanese with hatred in their bones, then they look at the Koreans with pure hatred and no good impression.

With them here, this game won't be so peaceful.

Seeing that the people who signed up were arriving one after another, Liu Cong walked straight to the registration point.

The person in charge is Liu Cong, a young and beautiful lady with a charming appearance and classic beauty.

"Please show your ID or letter of recommendation." The young lady said calmly.

Liu Cong touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Um, sorry, I don't have either."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, the young lady frowned slightly.

"Are you a volunteer? Volunteers don't need to sign up. Go directly to the venue and someone will meet you inside." The young lady said patiently.

"I'm not a volunteer..."

"Viewers, there is no competition today, you come tomorrow."

Liu Cong was confused by the staff in front of him and didn't know what to say. Liu Cong took a deep breath.

"I came here through an online competition."

"Online competition?"

The young lady is a little surprised, because so far, she has not met any contestants who came through online competitions.

Therefore, the staff simply ignored this item when registering.

Liu Cong is not surprised. After all, the top three in online competitions are basically professional players every year.

They want to directly test the quality of this year's contestants through online rankings. After all, many professional players also play chess directly through the Internet every year.

"Don't you have a certificate or a letter of recommendation?" the young lady asked.

Liu Cong shook his head and said, "No, I came here through an online competition."

"Your staff contacted me this morning and asked me to register here."

Immediately, the young lady gave Liu Cong an ID card from the table without saying anything and wrote Liu Cong's name on it.

After Liu Cong entered, he found that the stadium was very spacious.

The auditorium inside alone can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and the staff have already set up a chessboard in the open space in the middle.

The open space is divided into four areas, namely ABCD.

People choose which area they will compete in by drawing lots, and even their opponents will be drawn randomly at that time, so there will never be any unfairness.

"Are you here for tomorrow's game?"

A staff member on site saw Liu Cong looking around and stepped forward to ask.

Liu Cong nodded and said, "Yes."

"Please show your participation card and I will take you to draw lots later."

Hearing what the staff said, Liu Cong took the initiative to take out the work badge issued by the young lady outside, and then handed it to the staff inside.

After the staff saw the competition card, they led Liu Cong to a small room in the west direction of the venue.

There is a large opaque box inside, which contains the numbers to be drawn and the competition area.

"Wait a moment until the Korean player in front has finished drawing."

The staff pointed to the five or six Korean contestants in front wearing white competition uniforms.

At this time, the five people looked very arrogant, as if everyone owed him a million.

"What's there to say?"

The staff was also very unhappy when they saw this attitude.

"If you encounter this group of people during the game, give them a good fucking beating."

"These guys are more annoying than the players who had a good life in their childhood. At least they were very humble in their childhood. What the hell are these people!"

Liu Cong gave an OK gesture to the staff.

"I will try my best."

Soon, it was Liu Cong's turn to draw lots.

Liu Cong took out the signature and looked at it. It said District B, No. 25.

Liu Cong handed the drawn signature directly to the staff, who immediately registered Liu Cong.

After finishing his work, Liu Cong also felt that there was no need to stay here. After all, the game will not start until 9:30 tomorrow.

Afterwards, Liu Cong walked out of the gymnasium gate.

When he went back, Liu Cong didn't take a taxi again. After all, the taxi fare of fifty yuan was still a lot of money for Liu Cong, who was used to saving.

When I got home, it was already around 5:10 in the afternoon.

By this time, Liu Jianguo and Li Xiulan had returned from class.

The reason why the two of them came back so early was because their grandson was back. Under normal circumstances, the old couple would just eat together in the school cafeteria and never come back to cook.

When Liu Jianguo saw Liu Cong coming back, he deliberately kept an expression on his face. Li Xiulan, who was next to him, saw Liu Jianguo turning Liu Jianguo with her elbow like this.

"How come the eldest grandson doesn't say a word? Why does he become more aloof and cold as he gets older?"

After Li Xiulan said this, Liu Jianguo glanced at Liu Cong.

"Well, here we come."


"Are you sure you are here to participate in a Go competition?"


"I do not believe."

Grandfather and grandson exchanged words with each other.

Seeing that Liu Jianguo didn't believe it, Liu Cong took out the participation certificate and handed it to Liu Jianguo.

Liu Jianguo raised his eyebrows when he saw it.

"Hey! It's really true!"

"How did you get your qualification?"

After a brief moment of surprise, Liu Jianguo began to question Liu Cong.

Liu Cong did not hide anything, and then told Liu Jianguo about the process of registering for the competition online. Liu Jianguo regretted it after hearing it.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? If I had known I would have signed up, I would definitely have passed if you could have passed."

Seeing Liu Jianguo's confident look, Liu Cong didn't want to attack him.

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