after dinner,

The grandfather and grandson once again placed the chess records in the living room.

"Thirteen out of five - press!"

While talking, the white chess fell down

Grandpa, who was sitting opposite, scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously when he saw Liu Cong's chess game.

Twenty-five minutes later,

Liu Jianguo became a little impatient, so he said to Liu Cong: "I'm not going to play anymore. Can't you let me, an old man, do it?"

"I don't know who you learned your Go skills from, so why are you so good at it?"

This was the first time that Liu Cong heard Liu Jianguo praise himself for being awesome.

Seeing Liu Jianguo's half-smiling expression, Li Xiulan next to him smiled.

"Old man, I didn't expect that the game of Go that you are so proud of would one day be defeated by your own grandson, and you would lose completely."

When Liu Jianguo heard what Li Xiulan said, he glanced at Liu Xiulan.

"I asked him to do it. He will compete tomorrow. I can't hit him, otherwise I would have used my unique skills long ago."

Li Xiulan saw Liu Jianguo's reluctance to admit defeat and couldn't help but said: "You are such a tough talker."

Liu Cong watched the two old people singing together, as if he had returned to the summer vacation when he was fifteen years old.

His grandfather secretly bought toys for himself, and refused to admit that he bought them. His grandmother also said this.

Maybe in my grandfather's life, face was more important than anything else.

At this moment, Liu Cong regretted why he didn't give in to him every time he played chess, even if he let his grandfather win a game.

Liu Cong looked at his grandfather who was clearing the chessboard and suddenly asked: "Grandpa, will you and grandma come to watch my game?"

Liu Jianguo was stunned as he packed up the chessboard, "You can advance to the finals. It's too early to say this now."

"Your grandfather and I have been playing chess for decades, and I am still an amateur at 7th Dan."

This time, Liu Jianguo did not say the next words, but raised his head and looked at his grandson.

Then he sighed slightly.

"Let's talk about it then. If I don't have a class, I can go check it out."

Hearing Liu Jianguo's words, Liu Cong smiled, and Li Xiulan also laughed.

"It's getting late. Let's go to bed. There will be a game tomorrow morning."


The next day,

Liu Cong got up at half past seven and washed up.

At this time, Liu Xiulan had already gotten up early and prepared breakfast.

Liu Jianguo, on the other hand, was sitting next to the sofa with his legs crossed, studying the chess records.

"Dasun, old man, it's time to have breakfast."

Li Xiulan's shout made the two of them walk to the table in unison.

"Let's have a good competition, don't get eliminated in the first fucking game."

After Liu Jianguo finished speaking, he picked up the millet porridge and put it in his mouth. Li Xiulan, who was next to him, heard what Liu Jianguo said and hurriedly knocked on the table a few times.

"Bah, bah, bah, you old man said these unlucky words before the game."

Liu Cong, on the other hand, didn't care much about this and drank the porridge in his bowl calmly.

"No, you have to believe me."

"At least I won first place in the singing competition."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Liu Jianguo immediately became dissatisfied.

"Can this be the same? Your singing is just a small show, and it's a local competition."

"And the Go competition is a national-level event, and there are even nine-dan professional Go players from abroad. It can't be compared."

Seeing that the grandfather and grandson were arguing again, Li Xiulan immediately interrupted the conversation between the two and ordered them to eat quickly while she cleaned up the dishes.

At eight fifty in the morning,

Liu Cong entered the National Stadium located on Lianhua Road, Yongqiao District, Shanglu City with his personal participation information.

After entering, the place changed from the deserted state of yesterday. There were already many people sitting scattered in the auditorium.

As time goes by, it is estimated that there will be more people.

The stadium is full of live broadcast equipment, preparing to broadcast the game nationally, and even overseas channels can watch it.

Liu Cong followed the staff to the preparation table.

There were two hundred groups of players participating in the competition this time, and no one was absent. Liu Cong found a relatively quiet seat and sat down.

In the center of the arena, there were more than two hundred volunteers standing.

They are all amateur players who love Go, and they were specially invited to observe whether there was any cheating during the game.

Shortly after,

All two hundred contestants were seated in the center of the stadium.

The opponent sitting opposite Liu Cong was a middle-aged man in his forties. Seeing that Liu Cong was so young, he didn't take Liu Cong seriously.

But out of politeness, the two still looked at each other and smiled after seeing each other, and there was no communication after that.

Soon, thousands of people were already sitting in the stadium's auditorium, which Liu Cong didn't expect.

Most of them were young middle school students or college students. According to Liu Cong's guess, it was probably students from the city schools who came to support the scene.

After all, few young people would be interested in this kind of traditional game.

Seeing that there are still about ten minutes left before the game,

The host also slowly walked to the stage in the center of the stadium, picked up the microphone and began to talk about various precautions for the game.

"Next, let me announce to you some precautions for the Go game..."

"The match lasts for one and a half hours. If the two of them haven't finished the match after one and a half hours, the match will be based on..."


The male host's rich voice penetrated the entire arena and the audience.

During this process, volunteers nearby had already begun distributing chess boards and chess pieces.

Liu Cong feels that this should be done very rigorously. After all, some people may cheat on the chessboard before the game.

For example: A player from a certain country who loves to eat kimchi.

"Now, I announce that the 13th International Go Competition will begin now."

Following the host's order, everyone in the arena was also struck.

The contestants all started to raise their right hands and picked up the Go game.

Liu Cong was assigned a white chess piece this time, and the middle-aged uncle opposite was assigned a black chess piece, so he took the first step.

At first, the two of them played back and forth, but the middle-aged man opposite did not pay attention to Liu Cong. He always played chess with Liu Cong in a very relaxed manner. Maybe he had such a personality.

In order to keep the players' minds active, the scene was very quiet and there was no sound.

The camera in the live broadcast room kept rotating, and many people on the field were instantly visible on the camera.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also filled the screen:

Liangmin: In the last competition and the previous one, no one from our country could win the championship. I hope I won’t be disappointed this time.

Qiao Lima: Come on! The dignity of the motherland needs you to maintain it. We can no longer be looked down upon by Xiao Xiba.


There are already five million people watching this game in the live broadcast room, and it is a game specially broadcast by China Channel 5. The popularity is beyond words.

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