Laboratory of Lu Jiaotong University,

At this time, an old man in his seventies was very unskilled in playing with the smartphone given to him by his son.

"Xiao Wu, come and help the teacher see how this live broadcast room is set up."

After Xiao Wu heard it, he immediately came to the teacher's side and picked up the old man's mobile phone.

Yes, the old man in front of him is Liu Jianguo.

"Teacher, what live broadcast do you want to watch?" Xiao Wu asked.

"It's the Go game, the one we play in Lu Gymnasium."

When Liu Jianguo said this, Xiao Wu understood it instantly. After a while, he handed the phone to Liu Jianguo.

At this time, the camera just cut to Liu Cong.

At this time, he was going back and forth with the middle-aged opponent on the opposite side.

The first time the network host saw Liu Cong, he said he was handsome.

And the comments in the live broadcast room were filled with comments such as "so handsome".

"Xiao Wu, look, this is my grandson. He is very good at Go."

Liu Jianguo saw Liu Cong looking serious in front of the screen, and he excitedly pointed it out to his students.

This is the first time for student Xiao Wu to see his teacher like this. He is usually very serious towards students.

"Teacher, your grandson is really amazing."

Student Xiao Wu gave Liu Jianguo a thumbs up, and Liu Jianguo smiled proudly after receiving the praise.

"That's right, I taught my grandson all his chess skills."


The competition on the field has entered into full swing, and someone has even decided the winner.

As for the middle-aged man sitting opposite Liu Cong, his face was already covered with fine beads of sweat.

Because, he gradually felt the pressure, and the strength Liu Cong showed was beyond his ability to cope with.

With the last chess piece falling, the chessboard was now fully occupied, and the time had reached fifty-five minutes.

The middle-aged man opposite saw that he had lost and sighed slightly.

The defeat has been decided, and the middle-aged man's original attitude of underestimating the enemy has completely dissipated after losing the game.

"Hello, let me meet you. My name is Song Hao."

The middle-aged man smiled and extended his right hand in a friendly manner from the opposite side of the chessboard. Liu Cong also extended his hand without hesitation.

"Hello, my name is Liu Cong."

Since they were still competing, the two stopped talking after a brief exchange.

Instead, they waited in place for all the players to finish the game and then leave one after another.

"Referee, he cheated!"

An angry voice interrupted the silence on the field.

In area C, which is three o'clock away from Liu Cong, there is a Chinese player who is pointing angrily at the Korean player opposite, looking very angry.

Since this was an own incident, the camera in the live broadcast room did not immediately turn to the location of the incident.

But Liu Cong and the other players, who were in the middle of the arena, could see it clearly.

There was some sadness on the field, but also some helplessness.

Because this is not the first time that the Koreans have cheated on the field, and people seem to have regarded their country's cheating as a habit.

However, every time I try to catch them, they often fail because no concrete evidence can be found.

Liu Cong frowned, he despised such behavior.

At this time, Liu Cong secretly vowed in his heart that if he encountered Gao Li's helplessness, he would teach these little Xiba a lesson.

Faced with such a thing, three or four referees have come to Area C, but since there is no evidence to prove that the other party cheated, the matter has been left alone.

Obviously, the Chinese player lost in the end, but he was very dissatisfied with the loss.

Seeing the mean look of the Korean player opposite him, he wanted to go up and beat him up.

But this is a competition ground. If we really do this, it may really cause conflicts between the two countries.

Soon, it was one and a half hours, and this morning's game came to an end.

The winning contestants have all been announced on the big screen in the stadium.

However, the game had to continue in the afternoon.

Today, one hundred and fifty contestants will be eliminated and fifty will advance.

The afternoon games are Zone A vs. Zone B, and Zone C vs. Zone D.

It was almost noon, so Liu Cong took the subway back to the community where his grandparents lived.

After Liu Cong opened the door, his grandparents were sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"You're back, Dasun. Did you win the game this morning?"

Li Xiulan immediately stood up and asked when she saw Liu Cong coming back, while Liu Jianguo next to him was still watching his TV as if nothing was wrong.

It's not that he doesn't want to ask, because he already knows the answer.

Liu Cong smiled and nodded to Li Xiulan.

"Grandma, I win."

When Li Xiulan heard the word "win", let alone how happy she was.

"Old man! Do you hear that?"

"I knew my eldest grandson would definitely win, yet you still argue with me."

At this time, Liu Jianguo calmly picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

Then, he supported the sofa with both hands and stood up slowly.

"What's the surprise? This is the preliminary round, not the final."

"Now that the boys are back, let's eat. The food is almost cold." Liu Jianguo said in a very calm tone.

Li Xiulan was furious when she saw Liu Jianguo looking like this.

"Don't eat for lunch. I'll get angry just by looking at you. Why do you act like a normal person when my grandson wins? You old man is really boring."

With that said, he pulled Liu Cong who was standing there to the dining table, and then asked Liu Cong to sit down.

Liu Jianguo seemed to be used to Zhang Guimei's treatment of him, and he sat down at the table opposite Liu Cong without blushing or heartbeat.

Then, he picked up a bowl of rice from the rice cooker, picked up the vegetables, and started eating.

"Grandpa, didn't you watch the game today?"

Liu Jianguo was stunned for a moment when Liu Cong asked this question, and then shook his head.

"No, I don't have time to watch the game. Those bastards in the laboratory are enough to make me choke."

Liu Jianguo's expression and actions betrayed him, but Liu Cong did not expose his grandfather.

"Hey, that's really a pity!"


After lunch, Liu Cong took a short rest at home, and then took the subway to the competition site.

After arriving at the preparation area, the number of players this time was obviously less than half that of the morning.

Liu Cong found a seat in the back row and sat down, quietly waiting for the game to start.

The Korean players sitting in front started to cause trouble again. Not only did they laugh in the preparation table, but they also talked loudly and even spit the phlegm in their mouths on the ground. They really had no quality at all.

Even the Japanese players next to him looked very disgusted when they looked at Xiao Xiba. In their bones, politeness and civility are the minimum things they must achieve.

It is obvious that the Korean players cannot do this, and I don’t know if they did it deliberately.

Finally, the Chinese contestants couldn't bear it any longer and stepped forward to speak beautifully to the Koreans.




Due to the language communication barrier, the other party could not understand me, but I only knew that the other party was very angry.

Soon, a shouting match began.

At first, the other party scolded one of the four or five, and then four or five of the dozen or so scolded each other.

Even the Japanese players who had a good life joined the war and almost started fighting in the end, but luckily they were stopped by the volunteers next to them.

This made the audience in the seats next to them excited, and they couldn't wait to join in.

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