The farce quickly subsided, and the Koreans became less arrogant at this time.

Soon, it was time for the afternoon game.

The original four areas have now become two-person areas. Sitting opposite Liu Cong is a Japanese.

He was about thirty-four or five years old. He was very polite and even took the initiative to shake hands with Liu Cong when he saw him.

Due to the language barrier between the two, they did not have much communication.

Following the host's order, the bells on the field began to ring, which meant that the afternoon game had officially begun.

Liu Cong didn't dare to be careless this time. After all, he was playing against a Japanese player who had a good life.

Although the other party is very polite, he knows the person but not the heart. No one knows what medicine the other person is selling in his gourd.

Soon, the competition on the spot reached a fever pitch.

The opponent's Japanese player was also like Liu Cong, who played chess ruthlessly, but he didn't cheat like Xiao Xiba. He played openly and honestly.

The two sides were evenly matched for about twenty minutes, but after twenty minutes, Liu Cong could clearly feel that the other side was exerting more force.

Maybe he felt that the pressure Liu Cong put on him was too much, so he had to show his true strength.

Liu Cong also officially started to take it seriously, because he couldn't lose this game, it was a matter of honor.

If he loses to a player who had a good life as a child, his grandfather will scold him for the rest of his life.

The gymnasium in the afternoon was more lively than that in the morning, and the number of people in the live broadcast room was much larger than that in the morning.

It actually reached a terrifying popularity of seven million, not counting the TV ratings.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was more active than in the morning.

Fushen: Come on! Pretty boys, I like you.

CC: Let me fuck Xiao Xiba, I get annoyed when I see them.

Pink sheets: Why do you feel that our Chinese choice is still not the enemy?


There are good and bad versions of barrage floating screens, with mixed reviews.

Beiping City, Academic Affairs Office of Yenching University.

At this time, Liu Yang was also holding his mobile phone and paying attention to every move on the field, watching the time come to more than fifty minutes.

Some groups on the field had already decided the winner. At this time, Liu Cong judged from the way the opponent played chess that the opponent was probably the Japanese player he had defeated twice on the Internet.

The other party seemed to recognize Liu Cong's identity, his eyes filled with disbelief.

This was the first time Liu Cong saw the opponent's true strength, and the opponent also felt the pressure from the Chinese players sitting opposite him.

The time came to one hour and ten,

At this time, most of the people on the scene had finished playing, and there were only four or five groups still playing, including Liu Cong's group.

Gradually the camera turned to Liu Cong's group, and the commentator was not far away explaining the game with professional knowledge.

Liu Jianguo, who was at Shanglu Jiaotong University, was also watching the match nervously.

Seeing that his grandson is slightly better than the other party, he seems to be less nervous.

When the time came to one hour and twenty minutes,

When Liu Cong played the last white piece, the opponent was completely defeated and looked at Liu Cong absentmindedly.

There was no danger, and Liu Cong was successfully promoted this time.

After the game, Liu Cong learned the opponent’s real name: Kurai Taino

He is a famous nine-dan professional Go player in Japan. He even won third place in the last Go competition.

At this time, Liu Jianguo couldn't help but smile when he saw his grandson's name displayed on the big screen in the stadium.

Since twenty-five members have been promoted, it is obvious that there will be a draw next.

Liu Cong and other promotion personnel were taken to the small room in the west as yesterday, and then drew lots.

Obviously, Liu Cong didn't have the same luck as last time this time and got an empty draw.

The interview lottery was directly drawn by a Korean player. Seeing the complacent look of the Korean player, Liu Cong was furious and felt disgust from the bottom of his heart.

As the people at the scene disappeared one after another, Liu Cong also left the scene alone.

Originally, Liu Cong planned to go back directly, but an unexpected phone call suddenly came in the middle of the journey.

"Sister, why do you have time to call today?" It was Chen Qiong who called.

"Sister, don't I miss you? I want to ask you how you are doing alone in Shanglu."

After the incident that day, Liu Cong felt very sorry for Chen Qiong, so he did not talk back to Chen Qiong.

"If you want me, come and see me in Shanglu. If you can come and see me, I will think you are telling the truth." Liu Cong said to Chen Qiong on the other end of the phone.

"Hey, I happen to be in Shanglu, come and meet my sister." Chen Qiong's words made Liu Cong dumbfounded.

"Are you in Shanglu? What international joke are you kidding?"

"I'll send the address to your phone later. I'm going to order a meal on my phone now. I heard there's a restaurant on Jinling Road that serves delicious Sichuan food."

Before Liu Cong could reply, a busy signal came from the other end of the phone.

Liu Cong was used to Chen Qiong hanging up the phone unexpectedly.

Soon, Liu Cong received the address from Chen Qiong.

Liu Cong opened the navigation and saw that it was only about ten kilometers away. He could take Metro Line 2 directly there.

Liu Cong called his grandfather's phone and told him that a friend was inviting him to dinner and he would not be eating at home tonight.


Thirty minutes later,

Liu Cong found the Sichuan restaurant located by Chen Qiong based on the map. Looking through the window, he could see that it was already full of diners.

This shows how popular this restaurant is.

"I'm here." Liu Cong sent a text message to Chen Qiong.

After about two minutes, Chen Qiong came out of the restaurant.

Today, Chen Qiong wore a royal sister makeup, exuding the aura of a queen inside and out, which made people coming and going couldn't help but take a second look at Chen Qiong.

Chen Qiong looked around for a week, and finally found Liu Cong looking around beside the Sichuan restaurant not far away.

"Here it is~" Chen Qiong shouted.

Liu Cong looked in the direction of the sound and found that Chen Qiong was standing at the door of the Sichuan restaurant, watching her with joy.

Chen Qiong was dressed very beautifully today, wearing a red fur, slim leather pants, and a pair of high heels. She looked like a queen.

"Hey! Here we come."

Soon, Liu Cong came to Chen Qiong's side. Chen Qiong gave Liu Cong a big hug when he saw Liu Cong coming up.

This made passersby envious of Liu Cong.

The two walked into the Sichuan restaurant. Liu Cong was shocked by the place. Every table inside was full of people.

"How did you book a seat?" Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong in disbelief.

Chen Qiong smiled slightly, "Because this Sichuan restaurant is owned by my family."

"Your family drives it!"

Liu Cong couldn't imagine how much a store so close to the center of Shanglu would cost per year, but he was certain that it would be a lot.

"Let's go upstairs. There is a private room upstairs specially reserved for you."

Liu Cong followed Chen Qiong upstairs, and soon all kinds of dishes were served.

Yes, yellow throat, hairy tripe, duck intestine...

"Try it, I'm sure you'll be satisfied."

Chen Qiong put the blanched duck intestines and tripe into Liu Cong's bowl and looked at Liu Cong with a smile on his face.

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