"By the way, why did you come to Shanglu?" Liu Cong put down his chopsticks and asked after finishing the meal.

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong and wrote lightly: "Let's talk about cooperation with Hou Cheng from last time! What else can we do?"

Hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong frowned.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't cooperate last time? Why did you come to Shanglu to talk again this time?"

Liu Cong was very confused as to why Chen Qiong had heard that Hou Cheng was from Peiping, so he suddenly came to Shanglu.

"He said that he needed to discuss a film cooperation when he came here this time. If he could sign it, he would directly cooperate with our company."

"So, I came here without thinking."

Hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong became even more suspicious. After all, Hou Cheng's attitude towards leaving the field was very resolute last time.

"Are you coming tonight?" Liu Cong asked.

Chen Qiong nodded, "Yes, we are discussing cooperation in a K bar in Shanghai."

"K, right? Why do you need to interview and cooperate there?"

Liu Cong was very puzzled, but Chen Qiong, who was sitting opposite, looked calm.

"It's normal. It's easier to sign in a place like this. As long as the wine is drunk, people will turn around and sign the contract." Chen Qiong said lightly.

"Did you come alone? Not with your friends?" Liu Cong asked.

Chen Qiong smiled, then used the chopsticks in his hand to pull the bottom of the hot pot a few times.

"How do I have friends? You have known me for so long. Have you seen me going shopping with my best friends?"

Liu Cong recalled it and found that he really didn't find any friends in Chen Qiong's life.

This reminded Liu Cong of what Chen Qiong said to him when he came out of his father's villa that day.

"Will you send me the location of your meeting later?"

When Chen Qiong heard what Liu Cong said, she raised her eyebrows.

"What? Do you want to accompany me?"

Liu Cong shook his head and said, "No, if you are drunk by then, I can be your driver and take you to the hotel."

"How do you know I will definitely drive there when I have a meeting tonight?"


"Okay, you guessed it right, I will send you the address and room number later."


After finishing the meal, it was already 7:25 in the evening.

Liu Cong looked at the dark sky outside. It was covered with dark clouds and there was no moon.

"Do you want me to take you back?" Chen Qiong asked standing at the door of the Sichuan restaurant.

Liu Cong looked back at Chen Qiong who was standing behind him, and then waved his hand.

"No, it's very convenient to take the subway."

After returning home, Liu Cong saw his grandfather sitting on the sofa studying Go.

This time, Liu Jianguo did not ask Liu Cong to play chess with him, but instead asked Liu Cong to wash up and rest early.

After washing up, Liu Cong was lying on the bed watching the live replay of today's game to see if he could find any information that would be beneficial to him.

In fact, Liu Cong didn't get any useful information.

Gradually, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

At this time, Chen Qiong suddenly sent a voice message.

Liu Cong frowned after hearing this.

It was obvious from the voice that Chen Qiong's speech was a little unclear. From the noisy level of the scene, Liu Cong judged that Chen Qiong should be in the toilet.

Liu Cong immediately called Chen Qiong back, but was hung up on.

Liu Cong felt bad and immediately rolled out of bed, put on his clothes and ran outside.

"Dasun! Where are you going?" Li Xiulan asked sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"I have an emergency. I'll be right back."

Muse K Bar, No. 450, Tangnan Road, Shanglu City.

Chen Qiong was lying on the toilet at this time, and the mobile phone in her hand had been taken away.

"Do you know why I asked you to come to Shanglu for a meeting?"

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Qiong lying on the toilet with evil eyes. Chen Qiong tried to stand up but found that he couldn't use the strength at all.

"Don't waste your efforts. You can't leave tonight. I just put medicine in your wine glass."

Speaking of this, Hou Cheng's smile became even brighter.

"Hou Cheng, if you touch me, you won't get anything good!" Chen Qiong said weakly.

"It's not that I want to touch you, but that someone else wants to touch you."

"Don't worry, he should be here soon."

Hou Cheng bent down and greedily smelled the fragrance emanating from Chen Qiong's body.

"You are truly a beauty in the world! If you hadn't told me not to touch you, you would have been mine tonight."

Hou Cheng's face was now close to Chen Qiong's body. Chen Qiong wanted to resist but had no strength at all.

"Who is it?"

Chen Qiong was breathing heavily and it was difficult to speak.

"You'll find out later, it's definitely someone you know."


Liu Cong called Chen Qiong several times in the taxi, but there was no answer on the other end of the phone.

This made Liu Cong anxious and wanted to get to the scene quickly, for fear that something would happen to Chen Qiong.

Fortunately, Chen Qiong sent Liu Cong the specific location and room number on his mobile phone, otherwise Liu Cong wouldn't know how to find her now.

Muse K Bar, Room 5200, Chen Qiong has been helped by Hou Cheng and others to sit down on the sofa in the private room.

Chen Qiong's consciousness was completely blurred at this time, and she slumped directly on the sofa, still breathing heavily.

"How are you going to deal with this girl tonight?"

The young man on the side pointed to Chen Qiong, who was unconscious on the sofa.

Hou Cheng looked at Chen Qiong in front of him and did not speak. Instead, he quietly lit a cigarette and took a long puff.

Just as Hou Cheng was about to speak, the door of 5200 was opened.

A man in his thirties with a slicked back hair walked in, followed by several younger men.

Hou Cheng took a closer look, and his originally serious expression instantly turned into a smile.

"Young Master Zhou, you are here."

The person who came in was Zhou Lei. After he came in, he looked around first. When he saw Chen Qiong lying on the sofa, a smile appeared on his expressionless face.

"Director Hou, thanks to you this time, I won't miss out on your benefits when things get done."

"My father recently invested in a film and television company and will let you be the chief director in the future."

As soon as these words came out, Hou Cheng was extremely happy.

Who is the other party? That is the future heir of the Zhou family, a man with hundreds of billions of assets.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou. Don't worry, we will definitely handle this matter to your satisfaction." Hou Cheng said confidently.

Zhou Lei no longer cared about what Hou Cheng said, and ran directly to Chen Qiong's side, wanting to confirm whether it was him or not.

After all, the environment of the K bar is a bit dark. If you make a mistake, your joy will be in vain.

Zhou Lei couldn't hide his joy when he saw it was him.

Chen Qiong lay motionless on the sofa, like a sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"What did you give her?" Zhou Lei asked, pointing at Chen Qiong.

Hou Cheng saw Zhou Lei's worry and stepped forward to say something in Zhou Lei's ear.

"Oh? You still have this kind of good stuff. Where did you buy it? Give me some too."

Hou Cheng chuckled and said, "Young Master Zhou, don't worry, I will definitely take care of it."

Zhou Lei saw Hou Cheng being so understanding and patted Hou Cheng on the shoulder.

"Yeah, very good."

"I will take him away. I owe you a favor tonight."

With that said, Zhou Lei planned to pick up Chen Qiong and get ready to go out.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open.

I just heard a bang~.

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