Seeing this, Chen Qiong quickly urged Liu Cong to get in the car.

After a while, with Chen Qiong's kick on the accelerator, the car left the gate of the community.

Standing at the gate of the community and seeing such a scene, I couldn't help but cast envious eyes.

"Damn, he's still in his twenties."

"Why did I fall in love with the security guard, and others fell in love with the rich woman, and she was such a beautiful rich woman."

"It's not fair! It's not fair!"


"Sister, where are we going?"

Liu Cong first broke the awkwardness in the car. After all, the two of them couldn't stay silent like this.

"Take you to a good place, you will know later."

Chen Qiong's face was filled with a smile. After what happened last night, Chen Qiong's attitude towards Liu Cong was different.

I used to act as a big sister, but now I act more like a lover.

Now the two of them have done everything, except for breaking the window paper.

Along the way, Chen Qiong played cheerful songs in the car and took Liu Cong through the noisy and crowded city center.

Later, the car stopped outside a playground.

Looking from the outside to the inside, the entertainment facilities inside are already very old, and it is not surprising to even describe them as dilapidated.

Chen Qiong found a parking place, and then took the initiative to lead Liu Cong towards the dilapidated amusement park.

"This is?" Liu Cong pointed at the dilapidated entertainment venue curiously.

Chen Qiong was not surprised at all by Liu Cong's move.

"I didn't expect that this amusement park is still there, it really surprised me!"

Chen Qiong looked at the dilapidated amusement park in front of her, her eyes filled with memories.

"What's the story?" Liu Cong asked.

Chen Qiong smiled and said nothing, just nodded.

Not long after, an old man who was over seventy years old came out of the amusement park. He saw a man and a woman standing outside the door of his amusement park and shouted, "Are you here to play in the amusement park?"

Chen Qiong and Liu Cong took a closer look and saw an old man standing at the door of the playground.

I saw this old man wearing a blue overalls from a playground, with a cigarette in his hand.

"Would you two come in and play?" the old man said to Liu Cong and Chen Qiong.

Liu Cong could tell that Chen Qiong wanted to play, so he used his elbow to nudge Chen Qiong.

"Hey! What are you doing standing around? Let's go!"

"Yeah! Let's go."

After arriving at the door, the uncle looked at the two of them and then said: "Our amusement park only accepts cash, and the ticket is 98."

Liu Cong was a little puzzled after hearing this. This is the 21st century, and there are still amusement parks that do not require mobile payment. I am afraid there is only one amusement park in Shanglu that does this.

"Why don't you accept cash?" Liu Cong asked.

When the old man saw what Liu Cong said, he looked very calm, picked up the cigarette and took a puff.

"I'm an old man who doesn't know how to use a smartphone, so I can't learn what you young people do."

Hearing what the old man said, Liu Cong looked inside and saw that there were only two or three people scattered around. This might be one of the main reasons why the amusement park was closed.

"Do you have any cash?"

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong seriously, and Liu Cong shook his head.

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the canteen in front to change."

About five minutes later, Liu Cong came back with two sheets of one hundred yuan.

After Chen Qiong took the money, she gave two hundred yuan to the old man at the door.

"This is two hundred yuan, no need to look for it."

After Chen Qiong said that, she took Liu Cong's hand and prepared to go in. Unexpectedly, the old man was very stubborn and insisted on asking Chen Qiong for four yuan. He refused to give in if he didn't want the money.

This made Liu Cong next to him amused. Some people actually thought it was too much money.

The two had no choice but to compromise, took four yuan coins and went in.

The playground is not very big, only about 500 to 600 square meters, and there is a large open space next to it that is not developed.

Although the playground is small, there are still some basic entertainment facilities.

For example, carousels, small roller coasters, water beds, etc...

It wasn't until he entered the amusement park that Liu Cong realized that it turned out to be a children's amusement park.

But why did Chen Qiong come to the children's amusement park? Liu Cong doesn't know either.

"Let's go play Trojan Horse."

Chen Qiong pulled Liu Cong and walked towards a very dilapidated merry-go-round.

Just like this, the two of them were sitting in a row enjoying the afternoon time. Liu Cong could feel that Chen Qiong was happy at this time.

"No wonder this amusement park is closing. Judging from the number of people in this amusement park, I guess I can't even make back the electricity bill for a day."

Liu Cong made the point, and the smile on Chen Qiong's face gradually disappeared.

"Why did you come to this amusement park?" Liu Cong asked.

Chen Qiong was silent. When Liu Cong saw Chen Qiong's hesitation, he didn't plan to ask further questions.

"If you don't want to say it, just say it. Don't force it."

At this time, Chen Qiong suddenly spoke.

"Nothing to be embarrassed to say!"

"When I was young, my grandfather often took me to this amusement park to play..."

Speaking of this, Chen Qiong's face was filled with a happy smile, as if she had really returned to her childhood.

"It turns out that your grandfather is also from Shanglu! You must love your grandfather very much."

Hearing Chen Qiong's recollection, Liu Cong was completely taken in.

Speaking of this, Chen Qiong's eyes dimmed again.

"My grandfather died of cancer three years ago!"

Chen Qiong looked at the scenery outside the carousel in a daze, her eyes filled with endless sadness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong and smiled, "It's okay, it's been such a long time."

However, a person's eyes cannot deceive others. Chen Qiong is just pretending to be strong now.

Before Liu Cong could speak, there was a sudden noise outside the door.

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong looked outside the door and saw seven or eight big men surrounding the old man.

"Everyone, I really don't have the money to pay the rent right now!"

"Would you like to slow down a little while I think of a solution?"

The old man begged the leader of the big man, but the big man didn't seem to appreciate it and looked at the old man seriously.

"Old man, do you see what's behind me?" The big man pointed at a huge thing behind him and said.

When the old man saw the huge excavator behind him, he panicked instantly.

"Please, keep these facilities!"

The leading man didn't seem to have much reaction to the old man's pleading.

"I'm telling you, old man, if you owe us so much rent and don't pay it back, there's nothing we can do about it."

"How much money can you make after taking these things apart? I advise you not to hold on."

"You can't make money by running this children's playground the way you do. Who would go to a playground with such outdated facilities and only accept cash?"

Afterwards, the leading man opened the gate directly without talking nonsense to the old man and drove the excavator into the children's amusement park.

"Please, just the last day, I will collect the money as soon as possible."

The old man was so anxious that his hands began to tremble.

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