In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 125: Chen Qiong takes over the children's amusement park

Even if the old man begged so hard, the big man didn't have the slightest sympathy.

Da da da~

Da da da~

The sound of the excavator's tracks penetrated deeply into the old man's heart.

"Don't ask me to beg you. I'll lend you the money right away."

The old man was like a helpless child at this time. No matter how much he shouted, there was no response from people.

At this time, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong had already gotten off the merry-go-round and were staring at the group of people not far away.

"Hey! You two!"

"Hurry up, this amusement park has been declared closed now, you two should leave now." The big man shouted loudly to the two of them.

Liu Cong could tell from the scars on the big man's face that this man was definitely not a good person.

Da da da~

Da da da~

The excavator gradually approached Liu Cong and Chen Qiong. The old man not far away stood helplessly at the door of the playground.

"Wait!" Chen Qiong shouted.

The excavator did not stop because of Chen Qiong's shout, but continued to move forward.

Chen Qiong became anxious and blurted out.

"Then how much money the old man owes you, I will pay it for you."

After hearing what Chen Qiong said, the big man called for the excavator to stop, and then walked directly in front of Chen Qiong.

"Do you really want to pay that old man back? Can you afford it?"

The big man looked at the two people very calmly, with a hint of contempt on the corner of his mouth.

"It's not that I look down on you two. Just the fact that you are dressed like this and can come to this amusement park to play is enough to prove that you have no money."

"But you are quite beautiful. If you are willing to spend a few nights with me, this matter is not non-negotiable."

Liu Congshun immediately became unhappy after hearing this.

"Hey! Can you pay more attention to what you say!"

Facing Liu Cong's advances, Chen Qiong grabbed him.

This time, reason defeated Liu Cong.

"Young man, do you want to fight with me?"

The big man pointed at the group of people behind him, his expression a little angry.

"No, no, my brother is young and ignorant. Don't compete with him."

"I can afford this money. I'll transfer it to you now. How much is it?"

At this time, the old man also came closer. When he heard that Chen Qiong was going to pay the money, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"It's not much. With interest, it's a full half million." The big man slapped Chen Qiong and said with a smile.

"Boss, why are you talking nonsense with them? Why don't you just break it up!" said the boy next to him.

"I beg you, I will definitely get this money for you, just two days, two days okay?"

The old man still wanted to fight for it. After all, it was his own hard work, and he didn't want it to be lost just like that.

Da da da~

Da da da~

The excavator continued to move forward, and the old man's heart was hanging.

"We have taken out the five hundred thousand and swiped the card directly."

Liu Cong directly took out a bank card. This bank card was what Liu Cong had plundered from Zhou Lei last night. It had exactly 500,000 yuan.

"Go! Get the POSS machine in my car." The big man turned to the boy next to him and said.

After a while, the younger brother took the poss machine and handed it directly to the big man's hand.

"Come on, if you two fool me, don't leave today."

The big man said this with a fierce look on his face. Liu Cong ignored him and took the POSS machine directly.

"Where did you get so much money?"

Chen Qiong wanted to stop Liu Cong, but the money had been successfully passed.

The big man was a little surprised when he saw it, but he quickly calmed down.

"I plundered this money from that beast Zhou Lei last night."

What Liu Cong said was very plain, but Chen Qiong was no longer plain.

She fell asleep last night and had no idea Zhou Lei had been here.

However, looking back, Chen Qiong instantly knew what was going on.

Hou Cheng is just a director, and he would definitely not dare to do such a thing if there was no one behind him.

"Well, yes, it's indeed half a million."

The big man was a little surprised when he saw the invoice printed from the POSS machine. Even the way he looked at Liu Cong was different.

"Now that I've given you half a million, it's time for you to order your men to drive out the excavator."

Once he got the money, he could say anything, and the big man was so happy that he directly told the excavator to turn around.

"Don't worry, I, Ma Fei, keep my promise."

"Since you gave me the money, of course I will take the people away."

"It's just that you can save him for a while, but you can't save him for a lifetime, right?" He said earnestly at this time.

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong nodded at the same time. It could be seen from Chen Qiong's eyes that she actually did not want this amusement park to close down.

After all, this place holds the best memories of her and her grandfather, and she definitely wants to keep the amusement park.

"Two young men, thank you. I will get the money together as soon as possible."

The old man walked up to the two of them, his eyes filled with gratitude.

Facing the old man's enthusiasm, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong looked at each other and smiled.

Seeing that the money was in hand, Ma Fei left with his younger brothers, and the two of them added each other's contact information when they left.

After seeing everyone leave, the old man shed two lines of tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Thank you very much for today. Without you, today's playground would have been demolished by a group of them."

With that said, the old man took out two hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it to Liu Cong.

"You can take this money."

Liu Cong waved his hand, "Grandpa, no need, we've finished playing."

This time, the old man was not stubborn, but quietly took the money back.

"Old man, can you tell me what motivated you to open this children's amusement park." Chen Qiong asked from the side.

This incident seemed to stir up the old man's memories.

"My name is Cao Ming. I am 67 years old. My son left me forever in a car accident ten years ago..."

"This amusement park was all his hard work during his lifetime..."

The more the old man talked, the more sad he became. Chen Qiong hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him, and the old man signaled that he was fine.

"Later on, I kept this amusement park open."

"He wanted to open the largest children's amusement park in Shanghai before his death, but now I am the only one who can help him achieve this goal."

"But, seeing that the amusement park is about to close down, it's because I didn't manage it well."

Speaking of this, the old man's eyes were full of guilt.

"Old man, can we help you complete your son's unfinished dream?" Chen Qiong said suddenly.

Liu Cong was very surprised. He did not expect Chen Qiong to say such things.

"Really? But..."

"But what?" Liu Cong asked.

The old man looked embarrassed, "You have seen the situation of the amusement park now. If you take over, you will also suffer losses."

The old man expressed his concerns, but Chen Qiong didn't seem to want to give up.

"Your current traditional business method will definitely not work, but we can change the model."



Through Chen Qiong's explanation, the old man seemed to understand and kept nodding.

Liu Cong on the side couldn't help but marveled at the business talent displayed by Chen Qiong.

It turned out that Chen Qiong, who was always smiling in front of him, would show such an amazing side.

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