"Do you understand what I say?" Chen Qiong asked patiently.

Cao Ming seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to understand.

According to their way of thinking at that time, it was obvious that many of the ideas Chen Qiong said were unacceptable to the elderly.

For example, replace all the equipment in the amusement park and promote it to the outside world.

After all, these equipments were left behind by Cao Ming's son, how could he part with them.

But then again, if changes are not made now, the amusement park will definitely not be able to open.

Why not gamble? In the eyes of the old man, someone who can easily spend half a million dollars is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Okay! Everything is at your discretion."

"Maybe I really need to change my stubborn thinking."

Cao Ming lit a cigarette and took a long puff.


On the way back, Liu Cong drove, while Chen Qiong sat in the passenger seat.

"Do you know why I want to take over this amusement park today?" Chen Qiong asked.

Liu Cong nodded, but his eyes were still staring straight ahead.

"This is my grandfather's belief. Seeing how pitiful he is, you want to help him."

"It is also the sustenance of your soul and the beautiful memories of you and grandpa. I am not wrong."

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with surprise, "How do you know what I'm thinking?"

Liu Cong smiled and said, "It's not difficult to guess. You really think I don't understand anything."

Chen Qiong was sitting in the passenger seat, holding her chin and looking at Liu Cong who was driving seriously.

"I finally know why I like you so much."

"Why?" Liu Cong asked.

"Because you have a maturity that others of your age don't have. I felt this way from the first time I saw you. It seems that my sixth sense is quite strong."

During the unknowing exchange, Liu Cong drove the car downstairs to the community where his grandparents lived.

"I'm here, I'll go up first."

Liu Cong unbuckled the seat belt of the driver's seat and opened the door.

"There is no parking at the entrance of the community, so you should go back first."

Chen Qiong nodded and said, "Well, let's work hard for the game tomorrow."

"I plan to go to the amusement park tomorrow to have a look, and by the way, I will contact the relevant manufacturers to renovate the amusement park, so that the flow of people will be much better."

"By the way, I won't give you the five hundred thousand you gave me. I'll treat it as your investment."

After Chen Qiong finished speaking, he climbed from the passenger seat to the driving position, and then started the car that Liu Cong had just stalled.

"Forget about the five hundred thousand. I got it from Zhou Lei. Think of it as a small compensation from him."

Speaking of Zhou Lei, Chen Qiong had a cold expression on her face.

"I will go find him alone in the future, that's it."

"If this amusement park improves in the future and the old man and I can no longer take care of it, don't shirk it."

"Let's go! Work hard for tomorrow's game!"

When the community security guard saw Chen Qiong parking his car outside again, he wanted to stop him, but found that Chen Qiong had already walked away.

"Hey! Brother, how did you end up with the rich woman? Can you tell me?"

The community security guard took out a pack of panda cigarettes and prepared to give one to Liu Cong, but Liu Cong refused directly.

"Brother, I don't smoke."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, the security guard took back the cigarette.

"Brother, can you~"

Liu Cong couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw this security guard who was similar to himself asking for help in this regard.

"Brother, let me tell you this, I am very good at poker."

After finishing speaking, Liu Cong entered the community, leaving only the young security guard thinking outside.

"Playing poker? Do rich women like playing poker?"


When Liu Cong opened the door, he found that his grandparents had not returned from school.

Looking at the time, it was almost five o'clock. Liu Cong looked at the refrigerator at home, which was full of vegetables.

So, Liu Cong used local materials, took the food directly from the refrigerator and started cooking it in the kitchen.

When the two old men came back, four dishes and one soup were already placed on the dining table.

When Li Xiulan saw a table of dishes, she looked at Liu Cong with relief.

"It's great that my eldest grandson is here, the food is ready."

Hearing Li Xiulan's compliment, Liu Cong touched his nose and smiled.

"Isn't it just a meal? Just spoil him as hard as you can. His dad is so spoiled by you that he can't even cook."

Hearing what Liu Jianguo said, Li Xiulan rolled her eyes at Liu Jianguo.

"I'm happy. I'm just asking you, can you cook?" Li Xiulan asked Liu Jianguo and was speechless.



Liu Cong just watched the two people bickering next to him, and suddenly thought it was quite funny.

after dinner,

At Liu Jianguo's request, Liu Cong accompanied his grandfather to start a chess game.

Soon, Liu Jianguo lost his patience.

"No more playing, go to sleep."

Liu Jianguo didn't even accept the chessboard and turned around and left.

Liu Cong looked at his double-standard grandfather and found the old man more and more cute.

The next day,

Like the previous two days, Liu Cong took the subway directly to the Shanglu National Stadium.

Today, there are fewer people in the preparation seats than the previous two days, but there are more people in the audience. Maybe because today is the weekend, many parents come with their children.

During the preparation period, Liu Cong was sitting in the preparation seat at the back as usual.

Soon, Liu Cong came to the playing field and sat down on the fixed chessboard.

This morning, Liu Cong's opponent was a Japanese player named Inoshita Uika.

According to the information Liu Cong received, Inoshita Shangxiang is the most promising player in Japan to win the championship this time.

Liu Cong's luck was really bad, and he met him here. When people in the live broadcast room saw that Liu Cong's opponent was Jingxia Shangxiang, they all thought that Liu Cong was definitely dead.

Soon, as the bell rang on the field, the game began.

The popularity of today's live broadcast room is much higher than that of the previous two days, and the barrage has increased by several percent.

The morale of the audience was also very high today, and many people held up banners to cheer for their national players.

Among them, the one with the highest morale is the domestic player Xia Bing. He is recognized as a person who has a chance to win the championship.

Liu Cong drew the white chess piece today. According to tradition, the black chess piece goes first.

In the first fifteen moves, the two men fought back and forth.

Thirty moves later, the two of them were tit for tat, refusing to give in to the other.

Sure enough, the final was the final, and even his opponents were more than one level better. This made Liu Cong feel the pressure from foreign players for the first time.

Liu Cong's brain was spinning rapidly at this time. He knew that he could not lose here.

Until the thirty-fifth move, the opponent's Japanese player's chess methods became more and more weird.

Faced with the Japanese players following closely, Liu Cong knew that it would be difficult to win if he did not change his tactics.

Liu Cong became more and more obsessed. The black and white children in his eyes seemed to have turned into a black and white army.

Every chess piece in his hand is like a soldier killing the enemy on the battlefield.

As time passed by second by second, the chess game became more and more tense.

Liu Cong stared at the chessboard, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

(Classes are full today, and there are exams in the evening. There are still two chapters that I will send out one after another at nine or nine-thirty)

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