The time has come to an hour,

The closer it gets to the end, the more cautious Liu Cong becomes in his moves, fearing that he will lose everything if he makes a mistake.

In the end, Liu Cong successfully defeated his opponent with his superior chess skills.

Just when Liu Cong had just defeated Panasonic, who was known as Japan's strongest chess player, the live broadcast room just cut to Liu Cong.

When the audience saw Liu Cong defeat the opponent Panasonic Shangxiang, they were in disbelief and kept commenting in the live broadcast room.

Little Sun: Who is this Chinese player? I, an amateur seventh-dan player, didn’t even know there was such a chess player in China.

Xiao Yang couldn't wake up: Wow~ This little brother is so handsome. I don't know if he has a boyfriend. I want to marry him and give birth to a monkey.


"Old Liu, what are you looking at? Why can't you play chess?"

"If you don't want to play chess, give me your seat. Lao Zhang can't wait any longer."

At this time, Liu Jianguo was sitting on the stone table in the pavilion downstairs in the community, and Go was placed on the stone table.

"My eldest grandson won, he won!"

Liu Jianguo was so happy that he jumped up while holding his mobile phone. The other uncles in the pavilion were very puzzled when they saw Liu Jianguo's outrageous behavior.

"Old Liu, what are you crazy about? What grandson?"

"You can't play this chess game yet. You've been staring at your phone for a long time this morning. What's so interesting about this chess game?" Lao Zhang on the other side said with some dissatisfaction.

"My grandson~"

"Who is your grandson? Don't talk about seniority!" Lao Zhang interrupted Liu Jianguo with dissatisfaction.

"No, you need to listen to what I have to say first."

"My grandson, Liu Cong, defeated a Japanese player in the Go competition just now."

Liu Jianguo was so excited that he was out of breath. When everyone saw it, they quickly stepped forward to help Liu Jianguo calm down.

"Lao Liu, don't get excited, it's not good for your heart."

Liu Jianguo calmed down and then said, "It's okay. I'm in good health. I was just a little excited just now."

"You were talking about the recent competition held at Shanglu Stadium, right?" Lao Zhang asked.

Liu Jianguo nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, yes! That's it."

When everyone heard what Liu Jianguo said, they all gathered in front of the mobile phone screen.

"Look, the tallest and most handsome one is my grandson."

Liu Jianguo pointed at the screen with great pride, his head raised to the sky.

"Your grandson is so awesome! He has reached the semi-finals." Someone said next to him.


Everyone gave a thumbs up to the screen.

"That's right, don't look at who his grandfather is. I am the only one who can teach such an excellent chess player."

At this time, there was a burst of sighs from the crowd.

However, it still couldn't hide everyone's envious eyes.

"My grandson will be back soon. I have to go back to celebrate quickly. You can play slowly. I won't accompany you, old man."

With that said, Liu Jianguo walked out of the pavilion under the envious eyes of everyone.


Liu Cong, who had finished the competition on the field, had returned to the preparation table to prepare for the final round of draws.

Before that, there is very bad news about Xia Bing, who is known as China's most promising player to win the championship.

In the Go match just now, due to being outmatched by the Korean player on the opposite side, he was quickly defeated.

This caused people on the Internet to criticize Xia Bing. Some even said that Xia Bing's chess skills are smellier than the feet of the national football team.

Therefore, all of everyone's hopes are now pinned on Liu Cong, the only Chinese player to advance.

Just when everyone was discussing Liu Cong's origins, some people on the Internet uncovered Liu Cong's information.

Everyone was shocked after seeing the introduction of Liu Cong Browser.

It turns out that Liu Cong is the creator of the song "Blue and White Porcelain" which was very popular on the Internet some time ago.

This made everyone's impression of Liu Cong even better. Many people immediately became fans. Who wouldn't love someone who brings glory to the country like this?

After returning home at noon, Liu Jianguo sat on the sofa and played with his mobile phone. He was as calm as usual.

It's just that his face looks much better today than before, and there is even a smile on his lips from time to time.

"Grandma, what happened to my grandfather?" Liu Cong asked.

Li Xiulan shook her head and said, "I don't know either. He's been like this since he came back from playing chess today. Don't worry about him. He's been talking all day long."

At half past one in the afternoon,

More than half of the audience at the Shanglu National Stadium was already occupied.

Liu Cong was at the preparation table at this time, watching every move on the field with an expressionless face.

The two Korean players next to him looked at Liu Cong from time to time, as if they wanted to provoke Liu Cong.

However, Liu Cong ignored them at all, which made the two Korean players look a little ugly.

As the preparation bell rang, the four contestants walked directly to the arena to prepare for the next game.

Due to time constraints, two games will be held this afternoon.

The winning side plays against the winning side, the losing side plays against the losing side, and then the top three in this competition can be selected.

When the game got here, everyone on the field and in the live broadcast room was silently cheering for Liu Cong.

This time, Liu Cong was sitting opposite a Korean player named Do Min-yin.

Before the game, Liu Cong could smell a sour smell from the Korean player on the opposite side, which made Liu Cong avoid it.

After the bell rang, Liu Cong took the lead with the black stone, and the Korean player on the opposite side came from behind.

The time came to thirty minutes, and the two were evenly matched.

However, this time, the pressure placed on Liu Cong by the opposing Korean players was not as great as the pressure placed on Liu Cong by the Japanese players in the previous game.

It is obvious that the Korean player's chess skills are not as good as those of the Japanese player.

At this time, the black chess pieces in Liu Cong's hand were like warriors, constantly attacking the white chess pieces of the Korean players.

Faced with such a strong attack, the Korean players could only defend and were no longer in the mood to attack.

After learning the lesson from last time, the number of referees on the chessboard this time changed from one at the beginning to three now.

The Korean players can no longer cheat even if they think of cheating. If there is any trouble, they will immediately be disqualified from the competition.

This time, Liu Cong didn't put in much effort and defeated his opponent Do Min-yin from Korea.

Facing the defeat, player Du Minyin's last line of defense broke through, and she started crying directly on the court.

You know, this is a national live broadcast.

Everyone in the live broadcast room laughed when they saw Dou Minyin like this.

Hahaha: Xiao Xiba is so funny. He still cries when he can’t beat him. Why is his original mean look gone?

Silence is golden: It really boosts the ambition of the Chinese people. The Japanese players were so arrogant last time, and this time they finally got their comeuppance.


Not long after Liu Cong finished playing, the opponent also ended the chess game. The Korean player on the opposite side also lost to the Japanese player and was defeated.

In other words, this championship has no chance to compete with Korean players.

After the game, there was a 20-minute intermission, and the finals soon began.

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