The four people exchanged chessboards with each other. This time, sitting opposite Liu Cong was a Japanese player named Oda Fatora.

As the name suggests, the other party is a fat man weighing about two hundred pounds.

Although he is very fat, he looks much more comfortable than the players from Kimchi Country, and he is quite polite.

As the last bell rang on the field, it also meant that after this game, the 13th Go Competition came to an end.

Facing an unknown and powerful player, Liu Cong did not dare to slack off at all.

On the opposite side, Oda Fat Tiger took the lead with the black stone, and Liu Cong followed with the white stone.

Obviously, this time Liu Cong played slower than ever.

If Liu Cong was originally a soldier who fought bravely on the battlefield, now he is a soldier standing on the wall to defend.

He was looking for an opportunity, an opportunity that would allow him to reverse the entire situation of the war.

Liu Cong didn't dare to be careless. It can be said that Liu Cong and his chess have completely entered a state of harmony between nature and man.

Liu Cong couldn't hear a bit of the noise outside, and focused entirely on the chessboard.

Gradually, the chess game reached thirty moves, and Liu Cong was still completely in a defensive state.

This can make some viewers who know Go in the live broadcast room anxious to death.

Tomorrow will be better: Come on! Don't be defensive! If you continue like this, you will lose!

Invincible Tyrannosaurus Warrior: Seeing as my little brother is so handsome, it doesn't matter even if he loses.

677: Sure enough, handsome people can really be eaten.


In a certain community in Shanglu,

Seven or eight elderly people over seventy years old gathered around the stone table, looking at their mobile phones with serious expressions.

"Old Liu, why is your grandson always on the defensive? If you continue like this, you will lose. Half of the game is already lost."

"Yeah, that won't work."

Various doubts came from the crowd.

"Stop talking and watch the chess game carefully."

Liu Jianguo stared at his mobile phone, his eyes full of determination.

on the playing field,

Liu Cong held the chess pieces in his hand and placed every white chess piece on the chessboard accurately.

Just after Fat Tiger Oda finished playing the black chess piece, a light flashed in Liu Cong's eyes.

Yes, the opponent made a mistake.

At this time, Liu Cong's white chess piece was like a soldier who had been pent up for a long time waiting for reinforcements, and launched a fierce attack on the bottom of the city wall.

"Attack! Player Liu Cong is attacking!"

The host was in the audience and excitedly explained to the netizens.

Some spectators who knew Go at the scene were extremely excited to see Liu Cong not defending and counterattacking.

On the field, the opposite Oda Fat Tiger saw Liu Cong switching from defense to offense, and he panicked instantly.

He realized that just because the sunspot he just dropped gave Liu Cong an opportunity to counterattack.

However, it was too late.

At this time, the white chess piece in Liu Cong's hand was like a savage beast, constantly attacking Oda Fathu's black chess piece.

Finally, at about an hour and ten minutes, Liu Cong ended the battle.

On the opposite side, Fat Tiger Oda, after seeing his defeat, sat blankly in his seat and did not recover for a long time.

As the host on the field excitedly announced Liu Cong's victory, the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

I am Wanzi: This is the first time I saw someone playing Go with such enthusiasm. I will have to practice Go again.

Li Ming: Did we really win? Really can't believe it.

I am not a medicine god: masters are among the people. Now that I think about it, those titles for the ninth level of Go are really a bit ridiculous.


In the pavilion in the community,

Following Liu Cong's victory, bursts of cheers came from inside.

"Old Liu, now I finally understand why those young people are so excited when watching game competitions."

"Seeing your grandson defeat the Japanese player opposite me makes me want to yell."

Hearing what Lao Xu next to him said, everyone laughed.

Judging from each of their facial expressions, they were really happy.

After Liu Jianguo heard these words, he looked proud.

He also did not expect that his unlucky grandson would one day stand on the Go field and win glory for the country.

"That's right, there is no one in my old Liu family who doesn't live up to expectations!"

"I'm happy that my grandson has brought glory to the country today. I'll treat you to a restaurant tonight."


Inside the Shanglu National Stadium,

Liu Cong stood on the podium, holding a golden trophy in his left hand and a 500,000 bonus certificate in his right hand.

There were media members in the audience holding cameras and taking pictures of Liu Cong.

After tonight, Liu Cong's fame can be said to have spread throughout the Go world, even overseas.

What awaits Liu Cong is a situation of both fame and fortune.

After Liu Cong got off the podium, as Liu Cong expected, a large number of media swarmed in.

Compared to the runner-up and third runner-up, their side is relatively indifferent.

One is the language difference, and the media is not interested in these foreign players at all.

"Excuse me, player Liu Cong, how do you feel about winning this Go championship today?"

"Contestant Liu Cong, what are you going to do with the 500,000 yuan you received after winning the prize?"

"Player Liu Cong, I heard that you are still a student now. You are so young. Who did you learn your Go skills from?"


For a moment, various questions troubled Liu Cong, and some people even asked about Liu Cong's private life.

Liu Cong was relatively calm when faced with these problems. After all, he had experience in this area before.

So he patiently answered the questions Liu Cong thought he could answer.

After some interviews, the reporters dispersed one after another, preparing to leave the gym.

To Liu Cong's relief, no audience blocked Liu Cong to take photos.

At this time, Liu Cong's phone rang. After Liu Cong answered the call, Chen Qiong's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Congratulations, you won the national championship in this Go competition."

Chen Qiong first expressed her blessings on the other end of the phone, and then discussed issues related to children's amusement parks with Liu Cong.

Through Chen Qiong's description, Liu Cong also had a general understanding of Chen Qiong's future plans.

"Well, that's it. We'll discuss this matter in detail when we get to Peking."

When Liu Cong said the last sentence, he hung up the phone.

After returning home, Li Xiulan also prepared dinner for Liu Cong. When she saw Liu Cong coming back, she quickly ran to the kitchen to help Liu Cong heat the food.

"Grandma, where is my grandfather?" Liu Cong asked.

"Your grandpa! He went out drinking with his friends. At this point, I guess he will be back soon."

Liu Cong didn't want to know too much about Liu Jianguo's private life. After Li Xiulan heated up the food, he started to eat.

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