It wasn't until very late that someone knocked on the door.

"Dasun, open the door, your grandpa is back."

Liu Cong, who was playing with his mobile phone on the sofa, immediately ran over and opened the door when he heard Li Xiulan's words.

After opening the door, Liu Cong was shocked. Liu Jianguo was helped up by several old people of the same age.

"What happened to my grandpa?"

Liu Cong looked worried at Liu Jianguo, who had a slightly red face.

"You must be Liu Cong, the grandson of Liu Jianguo. You are indeed a talented person." The old man at the head said with a smile to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong was a little confused, but still nodded.

"Yes, this is my grandson."

"I'm not lying to you. He looks very talented."

Liu Jianguo pointed at Liu Cong, who was standing in front of him, and smiled.

Hearing this, Li Xiulan walked out of the room. Seeing Liu Jianguo's appearance, Li Xiulan was very angry.

"You damn old man! Why do you drink so much?"

From Li Xiulan's tone, it could be heard that he was very angry.

"What did I tell you last time? Why do you refuse to change despite repeated admonitions?"

At this time, several old people nearby did not dare to fart when they saw Li Xiulan going crazy.

"What's wrong with me drinking! I'm happy that my eldest grandson won the championship. What's wrong with me drinking two more drinks? "

Liu Jianguo pointed at Li Xiulan and said loudly.

Normally, Liu Jianguo would never dare to contradict Li Xiulan, but now he is just relying on his drinking power.

"Boy, you performed very well today. I'm very happy about your grandpa."

Liu Jianguo broke free from the people behind him and fell directly on top of Liu Cong.

"Sister-in-law, let's leave first. We have things to do at home."

Li Xiulan glanced at a few people, and then said: "Old Zhang, why don't you stop him."

After hearing what Li Xiulan said, Lao Zhang felt very aggrieved.

"Sister-in-law, he said he was happy tonight and insisted on drinking. I couldn't stop him."

After finishing speaking, Lao Zhang took the initiative to close the door.

At this time, there were only three members of their family left in the house.

"Boy, you are awesome! Grandpa gives you a thumbs up, hehe."

After saying that, Liu Jianguo hugged Liu Cong and giggled at Liu Cong.

The sudden smell of alcohol almost made Liu Cong vomit.

"Grandpa, you're drunk, you'd better wash up and go to bed."

"Who says I'm drunk? I'm not!"

Liu Jianguo broke away from Liu Cong's arms and tried to stand up forcefully.

Just as he was about to stand up, his body tilted to the right involuntarily, but fortunately Liu Cong supported him.

"Dasun, hurry up and help him to the room. I'll wash him and let him sleep."

Later, Liu Cong and Li Xiulan helped Liu Jianguo into the house.

After finishing his work, Liu Cong also entered the room alone.

When Liu Cong lay down, he couldn't wait to enter the system space.

He wanted to see how much reputation he got from this Go game today.

After Liu Cong entered the shopping mall panel of the system, he was instantly shocked.

The reputation value that was originally only about 300,000 yuan instantly became 2.2 million yuan.

"I'll go! How come it has more prestige than the last singing competition? Does anyone really watch the Go game?"

Liu Cong did not expect to gain so much reputation in this Go game.

【Ding! The host's popularity in China has increased by two levels, from the original five levels to seven levels]

[And reward the host with a small bottle of combat-strengthening potion]

This unexpected gain made Liu Cong a little overwhelmed. After all, an enhanced version of the combat potion requires hundreds of thousands of reputation points.

Moreover, the enhanced version of the combat potion lasts twice as long as the combat potion, and its combat effectiveness is also stronger than the combat potion.

Before Liu Cong could react, the sound of electronic broadcasting came again in his mind.

【Ding! Since the host won first place in this Go competition, the host is specially rewarded for performing proficient skills]

[Please ask the system to complete your first step in filming within two months as soon as possible]

Liu Cong was dumbfounded when he heard what the system said.

"I'll go! Has the system started to order me to do tasks now? I don't know what kind of reward I will get after completing it."

"But where can I go to film a movie?"

When Liu Cong thought of this, he felt like a deflated ball.

"No matter, let's go to bed first."

Liu Cong wrapped himself in the quilt on the bed and soon fell asleep.

the next day,

After Liu Cong finished breakfast, he told his grandparents that he wanted to go back.

Liu Cong and Li Xiulan didn't say a word about Liu Jianguo's drunk and embarrassing state last night.

"Dasun, do you really want to leave?"

Li Xiulan looked at Liu Cong with some reluctance, while Liu Jianguo next to him was relatively calm.

"Yeah, I'm going back to school."

"Going to school, didn't you just go to school in September this year? I remember you are in the internship period now."

Liu Jianguo put it bluntly, because after Liu Jianguo learned that Liu Cong was promoted to bachelor's degree, he went to find out more about it.

"Grandpa, I've told you, I go to Huaqing University, so of course the semester starts early."

Faced with Liu Cong's statement, Liu Jianguo wouldn't believe it even to death.

"Can you tell me something practical? Do you think my old man is easy to deceive?"

"As you are now, you won't be able to pass the postgraduate entrance examination or Huaqing University." Liu Jianguo said without hesitation.

Liu Cong did not refute, because what Liu Jianguo said was a fact.

A few months ago, it would have been great if Liu Cong could have been admitted to a better general university, and then to the postgraduate entrance examination and then to the low-ranking 985.

"Old man, stop talking."

"Do you still remember how you praised your grandson in front of your friends last night?"

Liu Jianguo seemed to recall the embarrassing scene last night and coughed.

"Let's go, we'll be late soon."

"Call me when you get home."

Liu Cong was used to Liu Jianguo being like this, speaking harshly, but he still cared about himself.

"Okay, I'll make a call when I get home." Liu Cong smiled.

Liu Jianguo remained silent, turned around, took out a box from the back of the cabinet, and handed it to Liu Cong.

"I don't have any use for this Go chess set. I'll keep it safe for you so I don't lose it."

Seeing that Liu Cong didn't pick it up, Liu Jianguo forced the Go game into Liu Cong's arms.

Liu Cong looked at the box made of mahogany and felt that the Go chess inside was definitely no ordinary Go.

"I can not……"

"Just take what your grandpa gave you. This is his treasure. You have to keep it well."

Seeing Li Xiulan explain forward, Liu Jianguo gave Li Xiulan a "you understand me" look.

After hearing what Li Xiulan said, Liu Cong did not refuse and silently accepted the Go game.

After the two left, Liu Cong returned to his house and started packing his things.

Liu Cong looked at the Go chess set next to him that his grandfather had just given to him, couldn't help but smile, and then carefully put the Go chess piece into the box.

Just after Liu Cong finished packing his things, Chen Qiong's call came.

"Hey, are you ready?" Chen Qiong's urging voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, come down right now."

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