Hearing Zhang Guimei's question, Chen Qiong smiled.

"Auntie, no."

Zhang Guimei immediately beamed when she heard what Chen Qiong said.

"Then what do you think of my Liu Cong? Does it suit your taste?"

When Liu Cong, who was washing vegetables in the kitchen, heard what his mother said, he couldn't hold the vegetables safely and ran out in a hurry.

"Mom, I'm a guest, why did you tell me this the first time you came here?"

Liu Cong was holding chili peppers in one hand and broccoli in the other, with a Go game on his body and a funny look on his face.

Chen Qiong couldn't help but want to laugh when she saw Liu Cong's look. Zhang Guimei knew there was something going on when Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with such an expression.

"Xiaoqiong, how old are you!"

Liu Cong became anxious when he heard Zhang Guimei asked Chen Qiong his age.

"Mom, I'm a girl, it's very presumptuous of you to do this."

But Zhang Guimei didn't care what Liu Cong said, she looked at Chen Qiong with a smile on her face.

"Auntie, I am 28 this year."

Originally, Chen Qiong thought that when she said she was older than Liu Cong, Zhang Guimei would give up and stop the topic.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Guimei became even more happy after hearing this.

"It's good to be six years older. A female senior is holding gold bricks. A female senior is not happy enough!"

When these words blurted out from Zhang Guimei's mouth, Liu Cong doubted whether Zhang Guimei was still a serious mother to him.

When Chen Qiong heard what Zhang Guimei said, she turned her head away shyly.

"Xiao Qiong, is Auntie right?"

Zhang Guimei put her head next to Chen Qiong and looked at Chen Qiong with a smile on her face.

"Mom, please don't embarrass my friend. We are really just ordinary friends." Liu Cong explained.

This time, Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong and nodded tacitly. Maybe he was overwhelmed by Zhang Guimei's enthusiasm.

"Yes, Auntie, we are really just friends."

"It's not impossible for friends to develop in that direction."

Liu Cong was very surprised by Zhang Guimei's abnormality. Is this the same woman who had been shouting that she would break her legs if she fell in love?

Not long after, Liu Yang came back from get off work and was very happy to see guests coming to his home.

It's just that Liu Cong doesn't feel very comfortable, because since he showed off his cooking skills, the burden of cooking has been handed over to him.

Liu Yang and Zhang Guimei were chatting happily on the sofa around Chen Qiong, while they were alone busy in the kitchen.

During dinner, in order not to expose the secret.

Chen Qiong deliberately pretended that the dishes cooked by Liu Cong were delicious. In fact, Chen Qiong had eaten the dishes cooked by Liu Cong several times.

After dinner, Chen Qiong planned to go back.

After leaving, Zhang Guimei also deliberately added Chen Qiong's contact information.

As a result, Zhang Guimei and Chen Qiong seemed to have reached an agreement, that is, they would often come over for dinner.

Liu Cong sent Chen Qiong downstairs alone. It could be seen that Chen Qiong was really happy today.

"Brother, your parents are doing well. I really look forward to coming to your house for dinner next time."

Liu Cong did not respond to Chen Qiong's words, but pretended to be dead fish.

"What? Aren't you welcome?"

Liu Cong shook his head, "You'll make me suffer again next time. I'll have to cook and wash the dishes again."

Chen Qiong laughed after hearing this.

"Okay, then I'll come more often."

With that said, Chen Qiong stepped on her Martin boots and got into the car.

After returning home, Liu Yang and Zhang Guimei both came forward and looked at Liu Cong with gossipy faces.

"Tell me! So is Chen Qiong your girlfriend?"

Faced with Zhang Guimei's cross-examination, Liu Cong shook his head.

"That's not true!"

Hearing this, Liu Yang next to him tugged on Zhang Guimei's sleeve.

"Forget it, let the young people solve their problems."

After Liu Yang said this, Zhang Guimei gave up.

"I think Chen Qiong is good. Although he is a few years older than my son, he is good in all aspects. Moreover, he is a graduate student at the University of Faria, and his academic qualifications are not bad."

Zhang Guimei smiled brightly when she said this.

"Liu Yang, you don't know that Chen Qiong drove a Bentley this afternoon. That car costs millions."

Liu Yang, who was next to him, was a little surprised when he heard this.


"Guimei, when did you become so ignorant?"

Zhang Guimei looked unhappy when Liu Yang said this.

"Is that material? I'm thinking about my son's future."

Liu Cong saw his parents arguing over Chen Qiong in the living room and shook his head helplessly.

"Dad, Mom, these horoscopes haven't been mentioned yet, why did you get involved in this?"

The two glanced at Liu Cong, and then continued to discuss Liu Cong's life-long events.

Even Liu Cong didn't expect that his parents would react like this when Chen Qiong came to his home.


Early the next morning,

Liu Cong got up and after breakfast, Liu Cong planned to take a look at his research.

Liu Cong's car arrived at the company gate, and suddenly, the principal called.

"Classmate Liu Cong! Come here quickly!" the principal on the other end of the phone said with an excited tone.

Liu Cong didn't hesitate. After hanging up the phone, he turned around and drove towards Huaqing University.

Half an hour later, Liu Cong arrived at Huaqing University.

When they arrived at the agreed place, the principal had already arrived.

"Principal, what's going on! It's always mysterious."

This time, the principal didn't sell it, and directly stated the purpose of calling Liu Cong here this time.

"Classmate Liu Cong, the lithography machine is about to be built!"

"It's already in the experimental stage now, and the chip drawings you gave us have greatly improved our work efficiency. Our team doesn't need to spend time designing chips."

Liu Cong did not expect that the lithography machine would come out so quickly, in less than half a year.

It can be said that Liu Cong really admires the scientific research speed of this research team.

You know, such an important tool that benefits the country and the people is the result of countless teams working day and night.

"Principal, is it so fast?" Liu Cong asked.

The principal, who was still excited, gradually calmed down.

"Yes! We have no choice. After all, you can see the current international situation."

"If we stop developing it, many sanctioned companies in the country will go bankrupt."

"Classmate Liu Cong, I have to say that you made a great contribution this time."

"I have already reported your name to the country. Forgive me for such an impulsive move. I just don't want your research results to go to waste."

Facing the principal's behavior, Liu Cong was surprised at first, but then slowly calmed down.

After all, the principal is confident that if he tells this matter, he will definitely be able to save himself.

Soon after, the two came to the research institute of the lithography machine.

At this time, there were about a hundred people gathered in the research institute, all wearing dust-free clothes, looking at this behemoth in unison.

Soon after, the staff took out a wafer from the side of the photolithography machine.

All the staff present could feel their excitement through their clean clothes when they saw the wafers placed in front of them.

"We made it!"

"We really developed it!"

"Mom, I'm making a difference!"


Seeing this, Liu Cong also had a smile on his face.

"Principal, we succeeded!"

(Thank you for sending me the inspiration capsule. Your support is my biggest motivation. I wish you a healthy and happy life!)

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