In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 132: Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Yan Weimin

Liu Cong looked at the principal next to him excitedly.

The principal nodded, "Yes! Student Liu Cong, we succeeded."

"Our country will no longer be stuck in the field of high-end chips in the future."

Having said this, the principal breathed a long sigh of relief.

The current laboratory is more lively than the New Year, and there are even people dancing excitedly around the lithography machine.

If this were an ordinary laboratory, we wouldn't be able to speak more than a few words a day, and everyone would be concentrating on their own things.

This state lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and everyone began to quiet down.

The principal choked up as he looked at the group of scientific researchers wearing dust-free uniforms.

These lovely people have suffered so much in the past few months.

When you are hungry, you eat instant noodles and compressed biscuits, and when you are thirsty, you drink mineral water.

Many people moved their beds into the laboratory, took a nap when they were sleepy, and got up to do research when they woke up.

"Everyone has worked hard during this period!" the principal said to everyone with a trembling voice.

After everyone heard what the principal said, they all shook their heads in unison.

"For the prosperity of the country, it doesn't matter if we people work hard."

"For all this, our hard work is worth it."


Seeing everyone saying this at the same time, Liu Cong burst into tears.

At this moment, Liu Cong felt how worthy of his admiration this group of people was.

For the sake of the country, they abandoned their wives and children's life and went directly to the laboratory, where they stayed for nearly half a year.

"Okay! Well done to everyone!"

"Don't worry, I, Zhu Zixiao, will never treat you badly."

Principal Zhu said these words with tears in his eyes.

After Liu Cong and the principal came out, the principal led Liu Cong straight to the conference room.

"Principal, why are we going to the conference room?" Liu Cong asked curiously.

"The people above want to see you."

Hearing what the principal said, Liu Cong froze on the spot.

Then the principal said: "I know that young people like freedom, and you don't want to be sent to a research institute to do research."

"I made a promise to them when they came that I wouldn't interfere in your personal life."

"After all, you still want to come to our school, right? Of course I can't let them take you away."

Liu Cong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what the principal said.

"Principal, I was not prepared for you to be so sudden."

The principal smiled and said: "Where was your bravery at the beginning? I still remember Gao Ming told me that you were not nervous when the Chinese Academy of Sciences flew a helicopter to come to you?"

"Why, are you still scared?"

Sure enough, the principal's method of motivating generals really works.

As expected, Liu Cong went to the conference room with the principal.

After arriving at the conference room, the principal opened the door to the conference room.

It was still the same conference room as last time, but this time the people in it were different.

After everyone saw the principal coming, they all stood up from their seats in the conference room.

"Principal Zhu, you are finally here. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

The speaker was an old man who was about the same age as the principal. Although he was already in his sixties, his hair was still black and shiny, and he didn't look like a sixty-year-old man at all.

"Yan Yuan, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

The principal shook hands with the old man in front of him with an apologetic look, and then shook hands with the people behind him.

According to Liu Cong's observation, among the dozen or so people who came today, the youngest among them is over forty years old.

Judging from their age alone, the origins of everyone here are not simple.

After shaking hands, the principal came to Liu Cong and pointed to Liu Cong next to him.

"This is the person I'm telling everyone. He invented the lithography machine alone."

Everyone was completely shocked when they heard the principal's introduction, and everyone's face was filled with incredible expressions.

"How is this possible at such a young age!?" Academician Yan looked at Liu Cong in surprise.

But the facts were placed in front of Academician Yan, forcing him to believe this fact.

"Classmate Liu Cong, let me explain it to you one by one."

"This is Yan Weimin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

When Liu Cong heard about the National Academy of Sciences, Liu Cong was also surprised. The National Academy of Sciences is one level higher than the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Although they are both affiliated with the country, the meanings of the two representatives are completely different.

Liu Cong came to his senses and shook hands with Academician Yan in a friendly manner.

"Hello, Academician Yan."

"It's an honor to meet you!"

When Liu Cong held hands with Academician Yan, he still couldn't believe that the young man standing in front of him was a researcher of lithography machines.

However, Academician Yan still smiled at Liu Cong with a kind look on his face.

"Principal Zhu calls you classmate Liu Cong, I will also call you classmate Liu Cong."

"I heard from Principal Zhu that you were a junior college student before, right?" Academician Yan asked.

The moment Liu Cong nodded, Academician Yan was shocked again. He did not expect that a junior college student could solve a problem that the whole of China could not solve.

It wasn't until the principal explained to Academician Yan that Academician Yan's expression gradually softened.

"This is from the National Academy of Sciences, Tu Chen."


Liu Cong shook hands with Tu Chen politely.

"National Academy of Sciences, Li Guang."

"Zhao Guozhu."


After Principal Zhu introduced everyone here, everyone sat down one by one.

"First of all, on behalf of the president of Huaqing University, I would like to welcome you."

"Your arrival has brought glory to the cold school." The principal came to the main podium and said to everyone.

"Principal Zhu, you are too modest. If Huaqing is considered a poor school, then there will be no good schools in the country." Academician Yan joked.

The topic didn't last long, and then it was over.

The principal's expression slowly became serious.

"I asked everyone to come here today for three purposes."

The first is to introduce Liu Cong to you, and the second is that our school plans to announce the lithography machine to the outside world. "

"Third, I want to put our cooperation on the agenda."

"So, you may have to come forward from the National Academy of Sciences at that time."

"After all, Huaqing University alone cannot swallow this huge cake."

In fact, Principal Zhu's concerns are right, which also reflects the principal's foresight.

After all, if there is no support at the national level for a high-tech product like a photolithography machine, it would be impossible for just one school to carry the banner.

"Well, after all, when we were developing lithography machines, our Chinese Academy of Sciences also provided a lot of manpower. If you don't give us a piece of the cake, I, Lao Yan, will be the first to disagree."

As soon as Academician Yan finished speaking, he realized something was wrong again, so he changed his words again.

"The word "split the cake" is not used well. It should mean sharing the blessings and sharing the hardships."

"After all, everyone is contributing to the country."

The principal nodded in agreement with Academician Yan's statement.

"Yes, it's all for the country."

"However, the biggest contributor is none other than classmate Liu Cong. If it weren't for classmate Liu Cong, we would have been at least ten years late in developing the 5nm lithography machine."

Liu Cong felt that Liu Cong was not exaggerating at all when the principal said this.

On the earth where Liu Cong lived in his previous life, mass production of 5nm lithography machines will only be achieved in 2031.

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