Soon after, Liu Cong followed Xie Tongtong to the private room of the hot pot restaurant.

When going in, Xie Tongtong went in wearing a mask. After all, Xie Tongtong's reputation in this area has spread.

As long as you are a student at Yenching University, everyone knows Xie Tongtong. Even many people at Huaqing University know Xie Tongtong.

The last time Liu Cong went to Shanglu and Chen Qiong also had hot pot, and this time they also had hot pot.

Although the hot pot is delicious, the last time I had Liu Cong shoot the javelin three times in one night, Liu Cong started to get scared.

"What's wrong? Why don't you move your chopsticks?" Xie Tongtong looked at Liu Cong and asked.


Liu Cong's hand holding the chopsticks was trembling a little at this time. Looking at the pot full of red oil, Liu Cong was already worried about his Piyanzi.

However, in order to live up to Xie Tongtong's expectations, Liu Cong still used his chopsticks.

"Is it tasty?"

Liu Cong nodded, "It's delicious, but a little spicy."

"Is it spicy? It's not spicy!"

For this reason, Xie Tongtong deliberately put a duck intestine into his mouth, and then ate it with enjoyment.

After finishing the hot pot, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Liu Cong and Xie Tongtong's dinner tonight came to an end.

"Liu Cong, do you want to go shopping again?"

"No, it's getting late. I have to go back. I'll come back when I have the chance."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Xie Tongtong didn't force it.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

"See you later!"

Liu Cong smiled and waved to Xie Tongtong, then turned around and walked in the direction of his car.

"Liu Cong!"


Liu Cong turned his head curiously and looked at Xie Tongtong.

"are we still friends?"

Liu Cong nodded without hesitation.

"Of course, didn't I tell you that day?"

Liu Cong smiled at Xie Tongtong, "Let's go, you should go back early, and pay attention to safety on the road."


The next day,

Liu Cong woke up naturally after falling asleep. When he turned on his cell phone, he found that there were five or six calls from instructor Ma Bokun.

Liu Cong quickly called back after seeing it, and the call was answered within a short time.

"Classmate Liu Cong, the exams have started."

"You're not going to tell me you're still sleeping, are you?"

When Liu Cong heard this, he jumped up from the bed.

"Oh, I'll take the exam right away."

When Liu Cong came to the examination room, everyone stared at this new face. They even wondered if Liu Cong had gone to the wrong classroom.

At this time, the invigilator slowly walked to Liu Cong's side and whispered to Liu Cong: "Where is your seat? Take your seat quickly."

The invigilator pointed to Liu Cong's seat in the back with great respect.

Then, a dramatic scene occurred.

"Well, I'm sorry, teacher."

"I was in a hurry just now. Can you lend me a pen?"

When Liu Cong finished saying this, the invigilator almost fainted.

In all the years he has been proctoring exams, he has never heard of anyone taking the exam without a pen. Liu Cong was the first.

The invigilator shook his head and said that he didn't either.

At this time, a very cute girl with a mushroom head sitting in front thoughtfully handed Liu Cong a pink pen.

After Liu Cong thanked the girl in a low voice, he took the pen and went to the seat in the last row.

At this time, the exam time has passed halfway.

After Liu Cong got the test paper, he felt a long-lost sense of familiarity. Liu Cong couldn't be more familiar with these questions.

Liu Cong casually looked at the test paper and then began to write.

Liu Cong wrote very quickly, without even thinking.

When the invigilator walked up to Liu Cong, he was stunned by Liu Cong's answering speed.

So I turned over Liu Cong's desk to see if Liu Cong had cheated.

However, Liu Cong did not.

In this way, Liu Cong completed the entire set of advanced math papers in just forty minutes.

Then he stepped forward to hand in the paper. When Liu Cong was about to return the pen to the girl, he found that she had already handed in the paper and left.

Liu Cong had no choice but to put the pink pen in his pocket and return it to the girl during the afternoon exam.

Since Liu Cong didn't know other students in this school, he could only go to the cafeteria to eat alone.

However, Liu Cong has long been accustomed to this kind of solitary life. When he was in college, Liu Cong also ate alone.

Needless to say, there are many types of food in the Huaqing University cafeteria. You can have whatever you want, and it’s also very cheap.

At noon today, Liu Cong bought a small portion of pickled fish and walked to a deserted place alone to sit down.

Just when Liu Cong was about to eat the pickled fish in his hand, a girl sat opposite Liu Cong with food.

When Liu Cong saw a white hand appearing opposite him, Liu Cong raised his head curiously.

"It's you?"

"What's wrong? Are you surprised?"

The girl with mushroom hair in front of her looked at Liu Cong with some confusion.

This girl was the girl who gave Liu Cong the pen in the morning. Liu Cong didn't expect that Huaqing University was so big that he could meet her here.

"Oh, by the way, this is for you."

Liu Cong took out a black pen with a pink shell from his pocket and placed it in front of the girl.

After the girl took the pen, she put it in the canvas bag.

"This classmate, why have I never seen you before? Are you a student in our class?" the mushroom-headed girl asked.

"Is your class Electronic Information Engineering Class 2?" Liu Cong asked.

The mushroom-headed girl nodded.

Liu Cong put down his chopsticks and said, "That's right. I'm a new transfer in your class. My name is Liu Cong."

"What about you?"

Liu Cong gave the mushroom-headed girl a friendly smile.

"That's right!"

After finishing speaking, the girl with the mushroom head had no next words.

Liu Cong saw that the cute girl in front of him had no intention of giving her name, so he didn't force himself and continued to eat.

"I know you. I went to see your last game, and I also know that you are a singer and a Go master."

When the girl with the mushroom head opposite said this, Liu Cong almost spat out the sip of soup he just drank.

"Have you known me since the beginning?"

Liu Cong's eyes widened and he looked at her in disbelief.

The mushroom-headed girl nodded, "Yes, I also know that you graduated from a junior college to a bachelor's degree."

"Then why did you ask me who I was just now?"

The mushroom-headed girl glanced at Liu Cong and then stopped talking.

This was the first time Liu Cong encountered such a strange person. He took the initiative to sit next to him without telling her his name.

After Liu Cong finished eating, he found that the girl with the mushroom head was still eating in small bites.

"Well, thank you for the pen this morning."

"I'm done eating, I'm leaving first."

The mushroom-headed girl nodded to Liu Cong.

"Well, classmate Liu Cong, goodbye."

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