In the afternoon, Liu Cong took two exams and did not finish them until six o'clock in the afternoon.

I was given an hour to eat and then took another test in the evening.

Four exams a day, the opening exams have come to an end.

Time moved forward a few days, and this day happened to be the weekend.

After finally having a day's rest, I didn't expect a call from Wang Yan.

"Hey! Is this brother Liu Cong? Our director asked you to come here now, and I will send the address to your mobile phone right away."

When Liu Cong heard what Wang Yan said, he thought there was something wrong.

"Okay, sister, I'll be here right away."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cong drove and prepared to set off.

This time, Wang Yanfa’s address was outside the suburbs of Peiping, not far from Liu Cong’s company.

Liu Cong drove for fifty minutes and arrived at the address sent by Wang Yan.

This is a dilapidated old factory area. There are more than a dozen cars parked outside, with prices ranging from hundreds of thousands to several million.

After Liu Cong stopped the car, he went in.

After entering, Liu Cong found that there were more than ten or twenty people gathered inside, all performing their duties.

Liu Cong looks like he is familiar with the venue here, because the camera is not turned on.

Liu Cong looked around and saw no one from Wang Yan, so he prepared to call Wang Yan.

"Young man, what are you doing here?"

"Anyone who has nothing to do with it, please leave as soon as possible. This is where our crew shoots. If anything is lost, you can't afford to pay for it."

This was a middle-aged bald man. He looked towards Liu Cong, waved his hand towards Liu Cong, and signaled Liu Cong to leave quickly.

Liu Cong took a few steps forward in the direction of the man.

"Well, I was introduced by Sister Wang Yan to be the leading actor in the movie."

"Playing the leading role? Is it you?"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, the middle-aged man was a little confused.

Then he glanced at Liu Cong and said, "Wait a minute, I'll confirm with Wang Yan."

With that said, the middle-aged man walked behind him.

After a while, the middle-aged man carried Wang Yan and walked up to Liu Cong.

"Brother Liu Cong, you are here."

When Wang Yan saw Liu Cong, she was very enthusiastic, as if she had known him for a long time.

"Wang Yan, did you really introduce this guy? Why does he look unreliable to me?" The middle-aged man glanced at Liu Cong in front of him and then said.

Wang Yan smiled and said: "Director Guan, believe me, I won't let you down."

"After you see his performance, you will definitely hire him."

"Oh? Are you so sure?"

Guam looked at Wang Yan with suspicion, and then said: "Our crew now has a candidate for the leading role. If there is no one who is particularly outstanding, I will not change it."

"Although this kid is very handsome, this is an action movie, not an idol drama."

Wang Yan nodded, then stepped forward and pulled Liu Cong to her side.

"Now you can re-act the joys, sorrows and joys of that day to Director Guan."

After hearing what Wang Yan said, Liu Cong did not hesitate and immediately performed the joy, anger, sorrow and joy again.

This time, it was Director Guan's turn to be shocked.

"Where do you find this actor? His facial expressions are so perfect that you can't find any flaws."

Wang Yan did not expect that Director Guan would rate Liu Cong so highly, mainly because Liu Cong's indoor performance was even better a few days before this performance.

Director Guan's excitement went away as quickly as it came, and he soon returned to his usual serious appearance.

"Although your performance is superb, we are in an action movie, and you, who is thin and tender, may not be able to film it."

"If it's an idol drama or a costume drama, then the male lead of this drama must be you."

At this time, Wang Yan spoke again.

"Director Guan, how can you know if he can do it if you don't try it?"

"We have to give young people a chance..."

Afterwards, Wang Yan told Director Guan everything Liu Cong said to her that day.

After listening to this, Director Guan was also very moved.

"Are you from Huaqing University? Are you not a student of the performance department?"

"Your real dream is to enter the entertainment industry."

Faced with all the questions asked by Director Guan, Liu Cong of course nodded. After all, he couldn't say that he didn't want to. It was the system that forced him.

"Yes, Director Guan, my dream since I was a child is to be an actor, but my family..."

Liu Cong added some new elements to what he said to Wang Yan. With Liu Cong's acting skills, Director Guan really believed it.

"Okay, I'll let you try. If you can really do it, I'll let you play the male lead."

"You can rest assured that there will never be unfair treatment or hidden rules on our crew."

"You can ask around Beiping. Our crew is the only one who can make great efforts to promote new actors."

"The famous martial arts actor Wu Lei was promoted from our crew."

Wang Yan convinced Director Guan and then gave Liu Cong a look. Liu Cong immediately understood what it meant.

He quickly bowed and thanked Director Guan.

"Thank you, Director Guan, for giving Liu Cong this opportunity."

Director Guan nodded with satisfaction when he saw Liu Cong being so polite.

"Young man, neither humble nor arrogant, good."

"Come with me!"

With that said, Director Guan turned around and walked towards the back.

Before Liu Cong could react, Wang Yan took Liu Cong's hand and followed Director Guan.

"Later, no matter what Director Guan says to you, you must accept it with an open mind."

"What I dislike most about Director Guan is blind and arrogant people, do you hear me?"

Wang Yan leaned against Liu Cong's ear and whispered to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong nodded, "I understand, sister, I will pay attention to it later."

The three of them walked one hundred meters one after another, and then stopped in front of a water tower.

Director Guan pointed to the water tower in front of him and said to Liu Cong: "Young man, if you can jump from this five-meter-high water tower, you will be safe and sound."

"How about I promise you to be the starring role in this movie?"

Director Guan looked back at Liu Cong, who looked dull, expecting Liu Cong to give him an answer.

Obviously, this was Director Guan trying to make things difficult for him, but Liu Cong had no intention of giving up.

"Director Guan, I have an urgent need to urinate. I need to go to the toilet for a few minutes."

Director Guan looked at Liu Cong, then nodded in agreement.

"Go ahead, there is a toilet thirty meters ahead."

Director Guan pointed to a small house not far away.

Liu Cong didn't hesitate and walked over directly.

"Wang Yan, do you think this kid dares to jump?"

Facing Director Guan's questioning, Wang Yan shook her head.

"I don't know. After all, I think it would be difficult for him to jump from such a high water tower."

"If you jump from such a height, you might break your bones."

Wang Yan expressed her worries, and Director Guan just nodded without saying anything.

After a while, Liu Cong ran out of the toilet quickly. After all, the combat potion has a time limit.

Before Director Guan and Wang Yan could react, Liu Cong climbed up the railing on the water tower.

When the two saw this, they opened their mouths one after another.

With a "whoosh~", Liu Cong jumped down from the water tower.

On the way down, I didn’t forget to do a somersault to relieve my strength.

The two of them were dumbfounded, "It's really dancing!"

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