"Young man, I really like the atmosphere of your laboratory."

"I haven't seen such passionate and energetic young people for a long time. It feels really good."

Zhang Guimei said this from the bottom of her heart.

"Grandma, how are you? Do you want to join us?"

Although everyone calls Academician Yang Mingxia academician, Liu Cong still calls her grandma, which is more cordial.

Academician Yang Mingxia hesitated, unable to make any choice for a while.

Everyone in the laboratory was looking at Academician Yang Mingxia expectantly.

Seeing Academician Yang Mingxia so difficult to make a choice, Liu Cong knew that his efforts were not enough, and it was time to resort to a trick.

"Okay, I see hope in you young people, and I am willing to join you."

As soon as Academician Yang Mingxia said these words, Liu Cong stood there dumbfounded.

When everyone heard that Academician Yang Mingxia was going to join them, they jumped up with joy.

"With Academician Yang joining us, we will definitely be able to successfully develop it."

"I see hope."

"It's great. With Academician Yang here, we can directly ask her about the many professional knowledge we don't understand."


At this moment, it seemed that everyone saw victory waving to them.

Liu Cong did not expect that Academician Yang Mingxia would agree so readily.

"Grandma, did you agree too early?"

"You don't even know what our strength is, so you dare to agree to join us casually."

Academician Yang Mingxia smiled and shook her head.

"As long as you have the energy of young people like you."

"Looking at the whole of China now, I dare say that we can't find a few companies developing ultra-high-precision machine tools."

“Because they all think this is a bottomless pit and are unwilling to invest.”

"However, I see hope and a future in you young people..."

After everyone listened to Academician Yang Mingxia's words, everyone felt as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood, and they were instantly full of fighting spirit.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have found a leader.

"Grandma, I think you won't regret joining us." Liu Cong smiled.

"Brother Zhang, is the information in the computer now?"

After Zhang Ji heard what Liu Cong said, he shook his head.

"There's no way I could put something this important on my computer."

With that said, Zhang Ji took out a USB flash drive from the safe nearby.

"Boss, we keep these information in the safe now."

"Moreover, the computers we use are not connected to the Internet, for fear that outsiders will steal our information."

With that said, Zhang Ji walked to the computer that was not connected to the Internet and entered the password.

"Boss, I have opened the file now." Zhang Ji said to Liu Cong.

Zhang Ji knew what Liu Cong's purpose was. He wanted to show these materials to Academician Yang Mingxia.

"Grandma, sit down and take a look. You won't be disappointed." Liu Cong smiled.

Yang Mingxia was very suspicious of what Liu Cong could show her, so she stepped forward and sat at the computer desk.

Liu Cong took the initiative to open the folder for Academician Yang Mingxia, and Academician Yang Mingxia took a look.

He took out his reading glasses from his canvas bag, then sat down by the computer and started reading.

At first, Yang Mingxia's expression was normal.

But the closer I saw it to the end, the more my eyes widened in disbelief.

"Where did you get this information from?"

"This is really wonderful! This solution completely bypasses all patent restrictions."

Yang Mingxia was extremely shocked at this time.

The hand holding the mouse could not help but tremble.

No one responded to Academician Yang Mingxia, and some people went directly back to their posts to study the matters at hand.

At this time, only Liu Cong and Zhang Ji were still standing behind Academician Yang Mingxia.

An hour and a half later,

Academician Yang Mingxia slowly took off her reading glasses, with tears still in her eyes.

"Young man, please tell me where you got this information!"

Academician Yang Mingxia was very excited at this time, and she couldn't help but grab Liu Cong's sleeves with both hands.

Want an accurate answer.

"Academician Yang, this ultra-high-precision machine tool was built by our boss."

After hearing Zhang Ji's explanation, Academician Yang Mingxia stared at Liu Cong in disbelief.

"Did you write this information?"

"Impossible! This involves a lot of professional knowledge, which is definitely not something you, a college student, can understand."

However, the facts are here.

"Grandma, do you still remember the conversation I had with you on the high-speed rail that day?"

"Did I talk to you a lot about the expertise of ultra-high-precision machine tools?"

Yang Mingxia thought about it for a moment, and it seemed that such a thing really happened, and then nodded.

"I know the evidence is not sufficient to prove that I researched this valuable information."

"But I can guarantee that no one in China can think of a plan like mine."

"Because it can avoid all foreign patents, it can be said that it is a completely new thing."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Academician Yang Mingxia nodded.

"I believe you did this."

"After all, in the field of machine tools, if I say number one in China, no one would dare to say number two."

Zhang Ji and Liu Cong cannot deny this, because what Academician Yang Minxia said is true.

"Grandma, don't worry, we will definitely give you the best treatment when you come to us."

When Liu Cong said this, Academician Yang Mingxia smiled and shook his head.

"At my age, money and fame are no longer important to me."

"The only thing I care about now is my country."

"Our country is in dire straits right now, so I can't just watch the country being choked."

Academician Yang Mingxia said this with a sad look on her face.

Then, they quickly dispersed.

Because she found information from this information.

She could conclude that as long as she was given enough time, she would be able to build an ultra-high-precision machine tool.

"Grandma, let me tell you in advance."

"We are a business, and businesses must aim to make profits, so..."

Academician Yang Mingxia nodded, "I know this. Enterprises must aim to make profits."

"Otherwise, all this research funding would be wasted, wouldn't it?"

Faced with Academician Yang Mingxia's understanding, Liu Cong and Zhang Ji smiled at each other.

"As long as it's something that benefits the country, I support you in making this money."

"You young people still want to marry a wife!"

When Academician Yang Mingxia said this, Liu Cong and Zhang Ji laughed from behind.

"Thank you very much for your understanding, grandma."

"Grandma, when are you going to come over?" Liu Cong asked.

However, Academician Yang Mingxia's next answer shocked the two of them.

"Do you have a bed here? I plan to stay here."

"What? You want to live here?" the two said in unison.

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