"Yes! Don't you want to live here?"

When Yang Mingxia asked, they really didn't have one here.

Everyone goes back to rest after finishing their work today, and few people can stay here overnight.

"Grandma, we really don't have any here yet!"

"You are so old, so don't be too tired."

"Yes, Academician Yang, please don't overwork yourself." Zhang Ji agreed from the side.

Academician Yang Mingxia, on the other hand, had an indifferent attitude.

"At my age, I can't sleep in the early hours, so I might as well do some research."

"Besides, I can't drive, and the suburbs here are very far from my home."

"You can't let me, an old man, run back and forth every day, right?"

Even though Academician Yang Mingxia said this, Liu Cong and Zhang Ji still felt it was inappropriate.

However, Zhang Ji immediately had another plan in mind.

"Boss, we still have a few empty rooms in our company. Maybe we can convert them into dormitories."

"At that time, if the company employees need it, they can move in."

Liu Cong said with some confusion: "Is this okay?"

"Why not?"

"As Academician Yang said, if you can't sleep at night, you can go directly to the laboratory to do research."

“Isn’t this killing two birds with one stone?”

Hearing what Zhang Ji said, Liu Cong suddenly felt that something made sense.

"You just have to deal with this matter. If everyone agrees, I have no objection."

Seeing that things were settled like this, and it was getting late.

So, Liu Cong planned to go back.

And Academician Yang Mingxia and Liu Cong beside her would not let her stay here tonight.

"Grandma, please go back with me today. I will pick you up tomorrow morning."

Academician Yang Mingxia nodded and said, "Well, I won't be here today."

"Just send me to the research institute right away. I'll go back and explain the matter."

When Liu Cong heard what Academician Yang Mingxia said, she knew that she had made a choice between the institute and Liu Cong's company.

"Hey! Okay, I'll send it to you right now!"

In this way, with everyone watching, Academician Liu Cong and Yang Mingxia left the laboratory.

In the car, Academician Yang Mingxia looked forward and sighed involuntarily.

"I'm such an old woman! I've been in the institute my whole life."

"The dedicated dedication to the machine tool industry of the motherland has brought out batch after batch of people."

"But now no one can stay by my side to inherit my legacy."

Speaking of this, Academician Yang Mingxia frowned, and she didn't know what she was thinking about at this time.

Either regret or worry.

"Grandma, where did they go?" Liu Cong asked.


"Half of them went abroad after completing their studies, and half were distributed in various universities and companies in China."

As he said that, Academician Yang Mingxia's eyes became even more hollow.

"Grandma, what about your children? Can't he inherit your mantle?"

"Or are they unwilling to learn this?"

Seeing that Academician Yang Mingxia did not answer his question, Liu Cong smiled again and said, "That's right."

"After all, the machinery industry is so boring and boring, and few people are interested in it."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Academician Yang Mingxia shook her head with a wry smile.

"My whole life! My only regret is that I don't have a son or a daughter."

"For the sake of my career, I didn't even get married."

"Isn't it the time when our country was developing? For the sake of the country's development..."

Academician Yang Mingxia introduced the past events to Liu Cong very calmly.

Liu Cong learned from Academician Yang Mingxia why this old man was not married.

Because she loves this land of China, and because she wants to prevent the country’s machine tool field from being stuck.

Liu Cong sincerely admired the old man sitting next to him who was over seventy years old.

"Grandma, although you are alone now."

"But there is a country and us behind you. You are not alone."

"If that doesn't work, just treat me as your grandson."

Liu Cong grinned, and Academician Yang Mingxia also smiled when she looked at Liu Cong who was driving at this time.

"Thank you, young man!"

"I should call you Liu Cong, but I'm used to calling you young man."

At this time, the old man looked at Liu Cong with extremely gentle eyes.

"Grandma, you can call me whatever you want."

As he spoke, Liu Cong came to the entrance of the research institute again.

Then I parked the car steadily in the afternoon parking space.

Should it be said or not, after practice, Liu Cong was finally able to reverse the car into the garage skillfully.

"Young man, I'm getting off."

Seeing this, Liu Cong quickly loosened his seat belt and prepared to open the door for Academician Yang Mingxia.

Yang Mingxia smiled at Liu Cong and said, "No, young man, I can open the door myself."

With that said, Academician Yang Mingxia unbuckled her seat belt, then opened the door and got out of the car.

"Let's go, boy!"

Academician Yang Mingxia looked at Liu Cong with a smile, then closed Liu Cong's car door and waved to Liu Cong.

On the way back, Liu Cong felt uncomfortable when he thought of the story that Academician Yang Mingxia just told him.

It is really rare for a person to be able to do this.

Soon after, Liu Cong drove into the school gate and then parked his car downstairs in his apartment.

Turning on his phone, Liu Cong found that it was already half past six in the afternoon.

And he hasn't eaten yet, so Liu Cong plans to walk to the cafeteria to eat.

The moment Liu Cong opened the canteen door curtain, a familiar face appeared in Liu Cong's sight.

She has light blue dyed hair and colorful clothes painted on her face. Even though the weather in Peiping is so cold now, she still can't resist wearing so little.

The person in front of him was Lin Yichen, and Liu Cong almost didn't recognize him when he saw it.

If Ariel Ariel's eyes weren't very special, Liu Cong wouldn't have recognized her at all.

"Why are you? Why are you in our school?"

Lin Yichen looked at Liu Cong with some surprise, and Liu Cong was also surprised to meet her here.

"The school is so small! I can meet you here."

Liu Cong shrugged helplessly, and then prepared to go in to eat.

At this time, a voice made Liu Cong stop where he was.

"Yichen, your milk tea."

Chen Yang was walking towards the gate with two cups of milk tea in his hand.

Chen Yang seemed to see Liu Cong looking at him, and subconsciously glanced in Liu Cong's direction.

"Hey! This wasn't the day we were in the bar~"

I saw Chen Yang pointing at Lin Yichen who turned his head and pointed at Liu Cong who was about to go in to eat.

Liu Cong became even more speechless after seeing Chen Yang.

I didn't expect that I would be so unlucky today. When I go out and meet people, they are all people I don't want to see.

Ariel Lin didn't say anything, she just took the milk tea from Chen Yang, then pulled Chen Yang out.

"Hey! Yichen, who is that!"

"A licking dog."

Liu Cong stood there and smiled helplessly.

"I didn't expect that I would be such a person in her eyes!"

"That's it! That's it!"

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