In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 147: Build the ultra-high-precision machine tool, and the principal will be your

Liu Cong had just finished eating and was about to take the plate and leave.

Lin Yichen suddenly appeared in front of him, looking at Liu Cong who was holding the dinner plate expressionlessly.

"Liu Cong, is it necessary? We are finished."

"What? What's over?" Liu Cong looked at Lin Yichen in front of him with a blank expression.

"What did you say it was?"

"I already told you that it's impossible for me. Why do you still come in and pretend to meet me by chance?"

Lin Yichen looked at Liu Cong seriously, without any expression on his face.

"Haha, what are you talking about? Why do you want me to come to you?"

Liu Cong laughed so loudly that the people dining next to him heard it.

"Don't think I don't know that you still don't give up on me."

"You are a junior college major and I am a key undergraduate major. You have to know your current position."

"I'm not the same person I used to be."

Li Yichen held his hands in front of his chest and looked at Liu Cong with an indifferent expression, with a sneer leaking from the corner of his mouth.

"No! No! Are you so narcissistic now?"

"Did I say I came to find you?"

"Besides, I have a girlfriend now and she's doing well."

Speaking of this, Liu Cong thought of Chen Qiong.

Looking at the arrogant Lin Yichen now standing in front of him, Liu Cong regretted why he fell in love with this girl in the first place.

Moreover, he had fantasized about getting back together with Lin Yichen countless times, which was really ridiculous now that he thought about it.

Liu Cong did not explain anything to Lin Yichen, but took out a student ID card from his pocket.

Then he opened it and put it in front of Lin Yichen.

"Look! I'm not what you call a junior college student now."

"I've been promoted to a bachelor's degree! I've been promoted to a bachelor's degree!"

Liu Cong repeated this sentence twice.

Lin Yichen unbelievably snatched the student ID card from Liu Cong's hand. When he saw Liu Cong's identity as a student of Huaqing University, he was stunned for several seconds.

Liu Cong didn't give Lin Yichen a chance to think, and took the student ID card from Lin Yichen's hand.

Then he picked up the dinner plate he had just put down and left, leaving Lin Yichen alone in a daze.

Time moved forward a few days,

"Classmate Liu Cong, you are skipping class again!"

Just as Liu Cong was about to open the car door and prepare to go out, the principal stood in front of Liu Cong.

"Principal, why are you here today?"

The principal smiled and pointed at Liu Cong, "Okay, at first the teacher told me that I didn't believe it, but now it turns out it is true."

"Do you still want to graduate?"

Liu Cong looked at the principal and touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Isn't this the principal of you?"

"Principal, don't worry, I will never fail the class." Liu Cong patted his chest and assured the principal.

"Haha, I know you won't fail the exam."

"It's up to you. Huaqing University will not restrict your freedom."

"I just came to Zijing Apartment today to see how the students here are doing."

Liu Cong was instantly relieved when he heard that the principal was not here to find him.

"Principal, don't say anything else."

“The accommodation environment of this Bauhinia Apartment is really beyond praise, it’s awesome!”

The principal laughed.

"Can that be bad? I dare say this is the best university apartment in the entire city of Peiping, bar none."

At this point, Liu Cong nodded in approval.

"Classmate Liu Cong! Is there any progress in the ultra-high-precision machine tool laboratory you built last time?"

"Do you need the school to allocate some funds to you?" the principal asked caringly.

"Principal, no need, I still have money in my account."

"There is no progress yet, but I believe it will be soon." Liu Cong said with a smile.

"Classmate Liu Cong! If you really build this ultra-high-precision machine tool this time, I will directly give you the position of principal."

After Liu Cong heard what the principal said, he waved his hands repeatedly.

"No, no, no, this can't be done."

"I skipped classes every day as a student, so don't expect me to be the principal."

After Liu Cong chatted with the principal for a few words, he drove to the set.

After a few days of familiarity, Liu Cong also became familiar with the life of the crew.

Dozens of minutes later, Liu Cong's car stopped at the entrance of the original abandoned factory.

At this time, everyone from the crew had arrived. When Yu Manting saw Liu Cong coming, she took the initiative to say hello to Liu Cong.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning!" Liu Cong responded politely.

"Today's workload is quite heavy. You have several fighting scenes." Yu Manting reminded.

Liu Cong nodded and said, "I know, so I ate several meat buns before going out today."

As he spoke, Liu Cong rubbed his belly, which made Yu Manting grin.

"Liu Cong! You are here!"

"Get ready quickly and change your clothes."

"We're going to start filming."

Director Guan came to Liu Cong's side, put his arm around Liu Cong's shoulders, and smiled at Liu Cong naturally.

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away."

Liu Cong came to the changing room, put on a pair of fighting sportswear and came out.

"Let's start, Director Guan!" Liu Cong said to Director Guan.

Director Guan nodded with satisfaction when he saw Liu Cong's outfit.

"Well, spirit!"

"Hey! We're filming!"

Just as everyone was preparing to continue, Hou Cheng's voice reached everyone's ears.

Director Guan turned around and saw Hou Cheng standing outside the gate not far away with a few strong men behind him.

When Hou Cheng saw Director Guan seeing him, he walked over here unhurriedly.

Seeing that Director Guan was a little excited, Hou Chengli immediately raised his hand and pointed at Director Guan.

"Guan Long, don't get excited, I'm here to negotiate with you today."

Hearing that Hou Cheng came to negotiate with him, Director Guan felt a little calm.

However, Hou Cheng's next words made Director Guan even more angry.

"That's it. I plan to buy your movie. What do you think?"

Hou Cheng looked at Director Guan with a smile, and then greeted the big man behind him.

The big man stepped forward and handed Hou Cheng a contract.

"Guan Long, as long as you sign this contract, you will get 10 million immediately. What do you think?" Hou Cheng looked at Director Guan and said calmly.

Hearing this, Director Guan's fists were already clenched.

"Hou Cheng! Are you here to play tricks on me?"

"Leave quickly! I don't want to see you!"

Director Guan waved and signaled Hou Cheng to leave quickly.

Hou Cheng, who was standing in front of Director Guan, had no intention of leaving and smiled coldly at Director Guan.

"Guan Long, I give you this chance."

"If you are stubborn, don't blame me for being rude." Hou Cheng said to Director Guan in a threatening tone.

"Hmph! If you have any tricks, just use them."

"I'm not scared. Don't think I can't see your little tricks."

"Aren't you just afraid that my movie will take away your schedule?"

"You want to buy my movie for just 10 million? My investment in this movie is almost 100 million."

"Are you a joke invited by the monkey?"

"Go! Go!"

This time, Hou Cheng did not stay here.

"Hmph! I hope you don't regret it."

"You'll make a profit just by taking these ten million dollars. I didn't expect you wouldn't want it."

"Just look forward to your situation next."

After Hou Cheng finished speaking, he showed a half-smiling expression.

Then he took a few strong men and left in a swaggering manner.

"Guan Long, I hope you can still be so arrogant in a while."

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