After Hou Cheng left, the originally lively crew became very quiet.

There was an unhappy look on everyone's face.

"Everyone should go and do their own thing, don't worry."

Director Guan waved his hand to everyone, indicating that everyone should go about their business.

Everyone didn't take it seriously, so they continued to do other things.

Liu Cong on the side felt a strange aura on Director Guan's body, so he hurried forward to ask.

"Director Guan, does Hou Cheng often do this kind of thing in your film industry?"

Director Guan was a little surprised to hear Liu Cong say this.

"What makes you say that?"

Liu Cong said with some seriousness: "Because I have been in contact with Hou Cheng, and I can't even describe him as despicable."

"Well, you're right."

"His reputation in the industry is indeed not very good. He has done many dirty transactions behind the scenes."

"But no one can do anything to him, because the forces behind him are not something I can easily offend."

This was the second person Liu Cong heard about the special forces behind Hou Cheng.

The first person is Chen Qiong.

"Aren't you afraid? Director Guan?" Liu Cong asked.

"I'm afraid of him being a hammer!"

"I don't believe he can ban me in the industry."

Director Guan gritted his teeth and stared angrily in the direction Hou Cheng left.


In the afternoon, Liu Cong drove back to his campus.

It wasn't until he arrived downstairs at Zijing Apartment that Liu Cong saw a man in his thirties, 1.75 meters tall, looking around with a briefcase on his back.

When he saw Liu Cong's car driving into the parking space, he deliberately looked at Liu Cong's license plate number.

After confirming that it was correct, he immediately walked to Liu Cong.

At this time, Liu Cong got out of the car and pressed the lock button with the car key.

"Are you Liu Cong?"

Liu Cong looked at this thirty-year-old man with some confusion.

"Are you here to find me?"

The man nodded, "Yes, I came here specifically to see you today."

Liu Cong was even more confused when he heard the man say this.

Because Liu Cong had never met such a person before.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Shuqing."

"Like you, I am also a scientific researcher."

Liu Cong was stunned for a moment, then said: "Brother, you have found the wrong person."

"I'm not a researcher, I'm just a student."

Li Shuqing smiled and said, "Classmate Liu Cong, you don't have to be wary of me."

"I also graduated from this school, and Principal Zhu is my teacher."

Hearing this, Liu Cong suddenly understood.

"Don't worry, the principal doesn't mean any harm. He just wants us to get acquainted."

Li Shuqing kept his posture very low.

Seeing this, Liu Cong gradually let down his guard.

"Hello, my name is Liu Cong. Nice to meet you."

Liu Cong took the initiative to extend his right hand to the other party. After Li Shuqing saw it, he also extended his hand with a smile.

After a few short seconds, both of their hands slowly moved away from each other's palms.

"Senior, why did the principal ask you to come to me?" Liu Cong said with a smile.

Li Shuqing shook his head, "There are indeed some things that I need to discuss with you."

"Should we go to my apartment or find a restaurant outside and eat and sleep at the same time?"

"After all, it's almost time for dinner. I don't think you've eaten yet, senior?"

Li Shuqing nodded lightly, "Indeed not. If I can't wait for you anymore, I'm going to have dinner."

Liu Cong was a little surprised, "Senior, you didn't wait for me here all afternoon, did you?"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Li Shuqing smiled and shook his head.

"That's not true. I've only just arrived."

"Then why didn't the principal give you my contact information? It would be embarrassing for you to wait here for me."

Li Shuqing laughed.

"The principal only told me your license plate number and asked me to wait for you downstairs in the apartment."

"I thought he didn't have your contact information either."

Liu Cong touched his nose.

"It seems that the principal, who has so many things to do, sometimes becomes negligent."

Speaking of this, the two looked at each other and smiled.

When going out, Li Shuqing took Liu Cong's car.

Soon after, Liu Cong took Li Shuqing to the snack street where Xie Tongtong called him out that night.

When Liu Cong saw the sign for the hot pot at his old place that night, he immediately drove forward without thinking.

Liu Cong didn't know what to eat until he drove around this street.

Looking at the large army behind him, Liu Cong knew that it was students who were finishing school.

If we don't make a decision, we won't have anything to eat tonight.

Just when Liu Cong didn't know what to eat, Liu Cong discovered a ground pot chicken restaurant not far away.

Liu Cong has really never eaten ground pot chicken, so he wanted to try it.

"Senior, why don't we have ground pot chicken tonight?"

"The large army behind here is coming."

Liu Cong smiled awkwardly at Li Shuqing.

"This is the one. The ground pot chicken here tastes pretty good."

"This store opened here when we were studying here, and business has always been good."

Liu Cong heard what Li Shuqing said and wanted to taste what it tasted like, so he parked the car in front of the store without hesitation.

After the two of them entered, the landlady greeted Liu Cong and Li Shuqing warmly in Huizhou.

Liu Cong and Li Shuqing asked for a private room and walked in.

After about fifteen minutes, a four-pound chicken was served.

Then the waiter placed noodles around the round pot, and then asked the two of them to eat it with the soup to make it more delicious.

This was Liu Cong's first time eating ground-pot chicken, and he thought it was quite delicious.

I thought, if Xie Tongtong invites me to the snack street next time, he will take her to eat ground pot chicken.

Because he really didn’t want to throw the javelin anymore.

Soon, the two of them finished the four-pound chicken and the cake dipped in soup.

After eating, Liu Cong touched his belly comfortably and burped.

"Senior, you just said you came to see me for something, what was it?" Liu Cong asked.

Speaking of this, Li Shuqing, whose facial expression was still very relaxed, gradually became serious.

"Is such that."

"The reason why I came to see you today is because the principal asked me to come."

Faced with what Li Shuqing said, Liu Cong was very confused.

"Senior, why did the principal ask you to come to me?"

Li Shuqing smiled and said, "It's because of your scientific research."

"Research question?"

"Yes, scientific research issues."

"You were the one who developed the photolithography machine that caused a sensation all over the world some time ago, right?"

Liu Cong nodded, "This is what the principal told you."

"Yes, it's me."

Li Shuqing patted his forehead excitedly.

"It's really you! Can you tell me how you developed this photolithography machine that stumps all scientific research institutions in China?"

Liu Cong didn't know how to answer, so he lied.

"It took me three years to develop a photolithography machine. In the end, I missed the college entrance examination and went to a junior college."


Liu Cong almost believed what he said.

Li Shuqing, who was sitting across from him, really believed what Liu Cong said and looked at Liu Cong with admiration.

"So you still have this past that you can't look back on."

"When the principal told me that you were a junior college graduate, I still didn't believe it. But when I heard you say that today, I really admire you!"

Li Shuqing looked at Liu Cong sincerely. Seeing that Liu Cong didn't speak, Li Shuqing said again: "If you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me."

"I will definitely solve it for you beautifully."

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