Facing the promise made by Li Shuqing, Liu Cong smiled and nodded.

"Then thank you in advance, senior."

Li Shuqing waved his hand and said, "You're out of touch with these words."

"I admire you very much as a junior. You are the most outstanding Huaqing alumnus I have ever seen."

Faced with Li Shuqing's praise, Liu Cong could only cover up his embarrassment with a smile.

"Hey! Look at my memory."

"I came to see you today because I have something important to tell you."

Liu Cong was a little confused, "Senior, didn't you come to discuss the photolithography machine with me?"

Li Shuqing shook his head and said, "No, it's about ultra-high-precision machine tools."

Liu Cong was a little surprised. He didn't expect the principal to tell the senior about this matter.

"The principal wants me to help you."

"He is very optimistic about you, so he asked me to help you with more funds and personnel."

"Subsidy?" Liu Cong asked.

"That's right, it's funding."

"I seem to have forgotten to introduce my identity to you."

"I am currently the chief CEO of China Resources Group."

Liu Cong was shocked when he heard that Li Shuqing was the CEO of China Resources Group.

China Resources Group is one of the Fortune 500 companies in the world!

Covering semiconductors, integrated circuits, drones, and even entertainment.

At this moment, Liu Cong's heart could no longer be described in words.

"What? Did it scare you?"

Liu Cong nodded subconsciously, "It did scare me a little. I really didn't expect that a dignified CEO of the Fortune 500 would sit with me and eat ground pot chicken."

"If I had known your true identity earlier, I would have treated you to a five-star restaurant."

Li Shuqing laughed.

"Junior, just think of me as your senior."

"Putting aside my status as a CEO, I am also a scientific research maniac."

"So, don't be nervous, we are both the same type of people."

Even though Li Shuqing said this, Liu Cong still felt a little pressure.

But he still nodded in agreement.

"Okay, senior."

"That's right!"

Li Shuqing stepped forward and held Liu Cong's neck, like a good friend he had known for many years.

"So, if you have any difficulties in research and development, you can tell me." Li Shuqing said.

Facing Li Shuqing's helping hand, Liu Cong shook his head.

"Senior, I don't have anyone who needs help yet."

"The funds and manpower are sufficient for the time being. If you need it at that time, I will definitely not be polite."

This time, Li Shuqing did not force it.

"Okay! If you have any difficulties, just ask and I will definitely help you."

Liu Cong didn't show any courtesy to Li Shuqing anymore and agreed immediately.

"I will definitely do it, senior."

After the meal, Liu Cong paid the bill and the two walked out of the restaurant.

"Senior, didn't you drive here today?"

Liu Cong turned to look at Li Shuqing.

"My car was borrowed today and I took a taxi."

After hearing what Li Shuqing said, Liu Cong looked at the sky outside and saw that it was already drizzling.

So Liu Cong took the initiative to ask for help.

"Senior, if not I will send you back."

"It's not easy to take a taxi on this street now, and it's already raining."

Li Shuqing looked at Liu Cong, then nodded in agreement.

Twenty minutes later,

Liu Cong and Li Shuqing came to the luxury villa area in the center of Peiping, where Chen Qiong's parents lived.

So, Liu Cong followed the direction Li Shuqing pointed to the downstairs of his house.

Liu Cong looked at such a luxurious villa and couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he could buy such a villa.

"Junior, would you like to come in and sit down?"

Li Shuqing, who was sitting in the passenger seat, sincerely invited Liu Cong.

"No, senior."

"It's getting late, I should go back and rest."

"I will definitely come to visit you some other day."

Li Shaoqing nodded.

"Okay, then go slow on your way back."

After saying goodbye to Li Shuqing, Liu Cong drove back to school alone.

Even though it is already eight or nine o'clock in the evening, there are still students walking towards the library one after another.

Here, everyone is busy.

After Liu Cong returned to the apartment, he washed himself and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Liu Cong drove to the set.

Because I have a heavy filming schedule these days, I don't have time to attend school at all.

After arriving on the set, Liu Cong first discussed with the crew how to shoot today's scene, and then started the most important part of the day's filming.

Fortunately, Director Guan didn't let him jump into the water tower, otherwise Liu Cong wouldn't be able to do it now unless he drank a small battle potion.

"Liu Cong~! Be stronger and show me the strength you had when you jumped into the water tower that day."

At this time, Liu Cong was fighting with the killer on the opposite side. Hearing Director Guan's orders from behind, Liu Cong increased his intensity.

"Yes! That's it."

"Fight forward!"


"Swing your legs!"

"Read the lines!"


After completing this series of actions, Liu Cong almost fell to the ground from exhaustion.

Fortunately, it's already lunch time.

"Brother Liu Cong! You performed very well today."

At this time, Wang Yan handed a box lunch to Liu Cong.

After Liu Cong took the lunch box, he smiled slightly at Wang Yan.

"Thank you, Sister Wang Yan!"

"Keep working hard this afternoon to keep up with this filming progress."

"It won't be long before we finish filming this movie."

Liu Cong nodded and said, "Well, Sister Wang Yan, I will work hard."


A high-end club in Beiping City,

Hou Cheng was sitting on the sofa with a scantily clad girl in red hugging him.

"Boss Wang, are you satisfied with this?"

Hou Cheng placed the suitcase on the table in front of Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang opened it and saw that it was full of golden and brilliant metal.

This made Mr. Wang, who was teasing the woman next to him, smile instantly.

"Xiao Hou! It's you who will cause trouble."

"Don't worry, don't worry about the movie being released."

"It's definitely you alone!"

Mr. Wang waved his hand and patted his chest to assure Hou Cheng.

Hou Cheng was overjoyed, "Then thank you Mr. Wang this time."

"I'll give it to you another day..."

Hou Cheng deliberately prolonged his tone, and Mr. Wang immediately understood Hou Cheng's intention.

Both of them couldn't help laughing.


As soon as Mr. Wang left, four or five women and a man came into the club.

"Director Hou, I have found everyone."

The young man in the lead pointed to several women around him.

All of these women are as beautiful as flowers, with pink and apricot faces.

"Well, Xiaodong, you did a good job this time."

"Did you bring the evidence?"

With that said, the man named Xiaodong took out many photos and reports from his bag.

Hou Cheng took the report and read it for a long time, then laughed.


"These photos are very realistic. I can't see anything fishy even if I look at them carefully."

"You already know what to do if I don't tell you what happens next!"

"I'm not short of money. No matter how much money I spend this time, I will get rid of this kid."

As he said that, Hou Cheng showed an evil expression.

"Director Hou, I know what to do without you having to tell me."

"Leave this matter to me!"

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