Liu Cong continued filming today until five or six o'clock, then drove back to school from the set.

One good thing about living on campus is that no one is urging me to go home early.

You can swim however you want.

It was another busy day. Liu Cong lay on the bed and read the script he was going to prepare for tomorrow, then lay on the bed and gradually fell asleep.

The next day,

When Liu Cong was on his way to the set, Chen Qiong's call came in.

"Liu Cong!"

"What did you do!"

From the other end of the phone, Chen Qiong's tone could be heard to be very angry, even crying.

Chen Qiong's sudden question confused Liu Cong.

"No, Miss, why are you so crazy so early in the morning?"

"I'm driving." Liu Cong said helplessly.

"Am I crazy?"

"Hurry up and look at your phone! You are on the hot searches on all major platforms."

When Chen Qiong thought about the hot search, she first wondered whether the photolithography machine had been exposed.

"I'm driving now. I'll reach my destination in a few minutes. Wait for me..."

Before Liu Cong could finish speaking, a busy signal came from the other end of the phone.

Liu Cong knew that it was Chen Qiong who hung up the phone on him again.

Five minutes later, Liu Cong parked his car steadily in a parking space on the side of the road.

Today's scene involves Liu Cong driving a taxi and chasing a killer on the street, so today's shooting location has been changed from an abandoned factory to a street.

When we arrived at the filming location, everyone's first reaction when they saw Liu Cong was surprise.

"Liu Cong, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Yu Manting looked at Liu Cong beside her with disgust.

Liu Cong didn't even know what he was doing. Two women spoke to him in a disgusting tone early in the morning.

Everything was fine yesterday, but one night my attitude changed 180 degrees.

Director Guan came to Liu Cong's side and patted Liu Cong gently.

"You'd better check your phone."

Director Guan didn't look at her with disgust, but more with helplessness.

Liu Cong then took out his mobile phone and searched for today's hot news, but found nothing.

So he went on the Douyin APP platform, and when he saw the third most popular search, Liu Cong was completely dumbfounded.

"I'll go! What is this!"

"I'm a fan!"

"I was wronged!"

Liu Cong clicked on the hot videos and scrolled down one after another.

It was found that these women were holding evidence of naked photos of themselves and Liu Cong in their hands, and some even took out pregnancy reports.

When Liu Cong saw these photos, he couldn't even see a trace of P. They looked just like the real thing.

"No wonder Chen Qiong was so excited when he called just now. It turned out to be just for this." Liu Cong said to himself in confusion.

Afterwards, Liu Cong continued to scroll through videos about himself and couldn't finish them.

Other bloggers continue to criticize Liu Cong’s dirty deeds on the Douyin platform.

Their faces were righteous and their words were very fierce.

If Liu Cong knew that he had not done these things, he would have believed what these bloggers said.

Moreover, there are still many netizens scolding Liu Cong for his behavior as an animal.

They picked up the keyboard at this moment, like saints, wanting to seek justice for those girls who lost their virginity.

Flowers Bloom and Wealth: I didn’t expect that an unknown little singer would become popular in this way. It really refreshed my outlook. I look forward to the follow-up. Such people must be severely punished.

Persimmons are poisonous: He looks like a human, but he doesn't think he's the real one behind his back. Let's get him in and step on the sewing machine.

Little C: I will never be a fan of him again. He is such a person. I hope the media will seek justice for these girls who lost their virginity.


"Director Guan, do you believe it or not when I say I didn't do this?"

Liu Cong spread his hands helplessly, with a bitter smile.

"I believe you didn't do this."

"But others won't listen to your one-sided words!"

"Yeah, who would believe it!"

Liu Cong became a little depressed and his voice became much softer.

This incident is no longer like last time. Now Liu Cong's private and shameful things have been spread all over the major platforms.

In this era of extremely advanced information, who would believe Liu Cong's one-sided words?

Even people like Chen Qiong who run a media company don’t believe in themselves, let alone others?

Not long after, Liu Cong's cell phone rang again, this time it was Liu Cong's mother Zhang Guimei calling.

Liu Cong felt bad, but still answered the phone.

"What on earth have you done? Do you know that you have brought shame on our family?"

Zhang Guimei's tone on the other end of the phone was extremely angry.

But Liu Cong could only bear it silently.

"Mom, I really didn't do these things!"

"Didn't do it!"

"The photos were posted online, and you still said you didn't do it yourself!"

"If there is no answer to this matter, I think you will not come into this family again. There is no one like you in my old Liu family!"

With a snap, Zhang Guimei hung up the phone, leaving Liu Cong alone in a daze.

"Liu Cong, the most important thing right now is to find out the cause of the matter."

"If you continue like this, you will probably be banned from the entertainment industry, and you may have to get in."

When Liu Cong heard what Director Guan said was so mysterious, he didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, his mind was in chaos, and even if he used the power of the system this time, it might be difficult to calm down.

Because the scope of expansion is too large, and Liu Cong doesn't know who the other party is.

"I'm sorry, Director Guan, I've caused trouble for you."

"If the movie doesn't get made because of me, I will be the sinner of the crew."

Speaking of this, Liu Cong suddenly thought of a person in his mind.

"Director Guan, do you think Hou Cheng is behind this?"

These words instantly awakened Director Guan on the side.

"It's really possible. Only he can do such a thing."

"Half a year ago, there was also a second-tier actress who was exposed to the news that her private life was extremely chaotic."

"It was on the hot search list at one time, and it was something that you couldn't even buy with money."

"In the end, there was really no choice but to be banned from the entertainment industry."

"According to other directors, the actress just rejected Hou Cheng's unspoken rules."

"That's why Hou Cheng took revenge on him like this."

When Liu Cong heard what Director Guan said, he even suspected that Hou Cheng had done it.

After all, Liu Cong not only offended Zhou Lei during this period, but also Hou Cheng.

Both of these may be the driving forces behind it, of course the latter is more likely.

After having a general goal, Liu Cong no longer wanders around like a headless fly.

Instead, he was thinking about how to resolve the storm.

Obviously, after thinking about it for a while, he still had no choice.

Moreover, hot spots are still growing, and scarves have become hot searches.

The people over there almost shocked Liu Cong to death and said all kinds of disgusting things.

It even extended to Liu Cong's family and ancestors, which made Liu Cong really angry.

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