However, Liu Cong now has no other choice but to find a way to deal with it.

Huaqing University female dormitory,

At this time, Ma Xiaoli was crying like a tearful person.


"Why is Liu Cong such a person? Fortunately, I still like him so much."

"He is the first person I really like. I am heartbroken!"

Rongrong on the side saw Ma Xiaoli crying so sadly and took the initiative to hand her a piece of paper.

Ma Xiaoli took the paper handed to her by Rongrong and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"One is not enough, give me a few more."

Seeing this, Rongrong handed all the papers on the table to Ma Xiaoli.


"I will never believe in love again."

At this time, Lin Yichen on the side finally started to speak.

"Ma Xiaoli, are you okay?"

"He is just a scumbag. I feel it's not worth it for you to cry for her."

"Instead of being obscene in school every day, you should listen to me."

"Hurry up and find a rich second generation, so that you can have both material and love."

"In what age are you still chasing stars?"

Lin Yichen's words made Ma Xiaoli, who was still crying, stop crying instantly.

Then he looked at Lin Yichen on the bed seriously.

"Ariel Ariel, I don't want you to interfere with my affairs!"

"It's like you know more about him!"

"I believe he would never do such a thing."

After hearing Ma Xiaoli's words, Ariel Lin showed a disdainful smile.

"I don't know who just said that I no longer believe in love, and now I'm still speaking for him."

"You really have double standards."

At this time, Rongrong next to her couldn't stand listening anymore.

"Ariel Ariel, can you talk less?"

"I haven't seen Xiaoli, are you still sad?"

Facing Rongrong's questioning, Lin Yichen looked indifferent.

"There's nothing I can do about her glassy heart. What I said is the truth."

As soon as these words came out, Ma Xiaoli cried even more sadly.

"Ariel Ariel! What are you talking about?"

"You didn't even know your boyfriend was sleeping with someone else, and you're still here laughing at me."

"What right do you have to laugh at me!"

After Lin Yichen heard this, his body trembled.

Then she burst out laughing, "Ma Xiaoli, can your methods be more clever?"

"In order to prove the innocence of your so-called crush, you actually found such a stupid method."

"You don't know that the man who is like a man in your heart is the one who was abandoned by me back then."

After Lin Yichen finished speaking, Ma Xiaoli and Rongrong were shocked at the same time.

"What did you just say?" Ma Xiaoli walked to Lin Yichen's bed and asked.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yichen showed a very proud face.

"I said Liu Cong is my ex-boyfriend, the man I abandoned."

After hearing Lin Yichen's words, both Ma Xiaoli and Rongrong fell silent.

After more than ten seconds, Ma Xiaoli took the initiative to break the calm.

"Is what you just said true?"

Ariel Lin looked at Ma Xiaoli, whose eyes were still red and swollen, and said patiently: "Yes!"

"You heard me right, Liu Cong is my ex-boyfriend, the one I abandoned."


On the other hand, because something big happened to Liu Cong, the crew is not interested in filming at the moment.

"Director Guan, how about this?"

"I'll quit now, and then you can find another actor to play this role. Do you think it's okay?"

When Liu Cong said this, he obviously had his concerns.

He was afraid that he would implicate the crew and have the entire crew take the blame for him alone.

Liu Cong could afford it, but the crew couldn't afford it.

However, Director Guan's next words made Liu Cong burst into tears.

"Liu Cong! Do you know what you looked like in my eyes when I first saw you?"

Liu Cong shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"It's purity!"


Liu Cong was a little surprised by Director Guan's comments.

Then he smiled bitterly and said: "Director Guan, thank you for your high praise."

"But now in the eyes of the public, I am just a gangster, a guy who is worse than a beast."

"Even my mother didn't believe me."

Director Guan smiled and patted Liu Cong on the shoulder.

"I, Guan Long, don't have much ability, but I value friendship and trustworthiness."

"Otherwise I would have been above Hou Cheng."

"Don't worry, I won't expel you from the crew because of this matter."

"So, just act well."

"If you are really like what you said on the Internet, Guan Long will suffer the loss."

"We will have nothing to do with each other from now on."

At this moment, Liu Cong was moved.

This seemingly vulgar and bald man actually believed in himself unconditionally when he was questioned by everyone.

"Thank you, Director Guan!"

"Please rest assured, I will not let you down."

"If there is really no room left in the end, I will compensate you for all your losses."

Liu Cong said it very seriously.

But Director Guan didn't take it seriously.

"Forget it, let's talk about the rest later."

"The most urgent thing now is to solve your current thorny problem first."

As the incident unfolded, Liu Cong's friends and those whom he had not contacted for a long time sent messages to greet Liu Cong.

Chen Ping'an: Liu Cong, what's the matter with you? Is this really what it says on the Internet?

Wang Dachun: Liu Cong, you wouldn’t really do such a thing, would you? It seems that you can't escape the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry.

Xu Xiaoling: What a scumbag! I was lucky I liked you so much when I was in school. I didn’t expect you to be such a scumbag. Please delete each other!


Liu Cong looked at the messages sent by everyone one by one. Some were encouraging and some were slanderous.

But more of them have a skeptical attitude.

After all, Liu Cong is still a very positive person in the eyes of some people.

Even faced with such a situation, Liu Cong still didn't show any panic expression on the surface.

Instead, I insisted on performing today's plot well.

During the filming process, Liu Cong was recognized by many passers-by.

They all took photos of Liu Cong and uploaded them online.

Liu Cong had no way to deal with such a thing. After all, Liu Cong couldn't go up and scold these passers-by.

If so, your situation will be even worse.

Liu Cong could only endure this silently.

In a luxurious villa in Peiping, Hou Cheng held a cup of tea in his left hand and tasted it carefully.

He is holding his mobile phone in his right hand and is scrolling through short videos.

While brushing, he showed a hint of a lewd smile.

"In a few days, you will be removed from the entertainment industry!"

"I can't do it to you openly, but why can't I do it to you behind your back?"

"I have plenty of money!"

Speaking of this, Hou Cheng's smile became even more unrestrained.

"Brother, you really made my sister feel bad!"

At this time, a woman was wearing a white bathrobe, tightly wrapping her white body.

With two huge breasts exposed like this, this woman is Ma Rong.

"Sister, you've finished washing!"

Hou Cheng rubbed his hands and looked at Ma Rong excitedly.

Ma Rong hooked her hand and smiled shyly at Hou Cheng: "Brother! Come on!"

"Okay! Brother is here!"

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