
Liu Cong dragged his exhausted body back to the apartment. Fortunately, Liu Cong was driving a car.

Moreover, it is difficult for everyone to see the faces in the car clearly at night. It may be that everyone is focused on studying and does not pay much attention to such things at all.

After returning to the apartment, Liu Cong opened the bathroom door, then went in and took a hot shower.

When Liu Cong came out of the shower, he found that there were four or five missed calls on his phone, all from Chen Qiong.

Seeing this, Liu Cong hurriedly dialed over.

"Liu Cong, are you missing now when you were playing with me?"

"Where are you now?"

Chen Qiong's tone was a little cold at this time.

"I was taking a shower just now and didn't receive your call."

"I'm in the school apartment, what's wrong?"

When Liu Cong said what was wrong, he was actually panicking inside at this time.

Because he didn't know if Chen Qiong's temper would explode in the next second.

"Well, I'll go find you. Just send me your location."

This time, Chen Qiong's tone was unusually calm, without any color.

Liu Cong knew that Chen Qiong was really angry this time.

But he couldn't bear to be angry with Liu Cong, so he wanted to find Liu Cong to find out.

Liu Cong also had no ink marks, so he immediately sent the location of his school to Chen Qiong.

"Are you at Huaqing University?"

"How did you end up living in an apartment at Huaqing University?"

Chen Qiong sent two questioning sentences to Liu Cong.

And Liu Cong replied.

"Passed the exam."

Immediately, the two stopped communicating with each other.

Liu Cong put on his clothes and mask, and then came to the school gate alone to wait for Chen Qiong.

Not long after Liu Cong walked to the gate, Chen Qiong called.

"where are you?"

"I'm at the south gate of Huaqing University, which is the main gate."

As he spoke, Liu Cong saw Chen Qiong's black Bentley parked at the gate not far from the school gate.

Then he hung up Chen Qiong's phone and went forward.

When Chen Qiong saw Liu Cong knocking on the car glass, she took the initiative to open the car door for Liu Cong.

After getting in the car, Liu Cong took off his mask.

Chen Qiong looked at it without saying a word, but her hands on the steering wheel tightened.

"I'm going to say, I didn't do this at all. Do you believe me?"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Chen Qiong smiled lightly.

"Do you convince yourself with your statement?"

"The purpose of my coming tonight is to find out the ins and outs of this matter."

"Because my dad also knows about this."

After Chen Qiong said this, Liu Cong fell silent.

"I'm sorry, this matter may have caused you a lot of trouble."

"But please believe me, it is absolutely impossible for me to do such a thing."

Liu Cong kept explaining, while Chen Qiong's car had already driven away.

"Where are you taking me now?" Liu Cong asked.

Chen Qiong remained silent and just drove forward silently.

On the way, Chen Qiong played music.

"I will give you my sincerity and leave the sorrow to myself."

"I gave you my youth and left the years to myself."



"Love is something that no one understands. Love is an eternal melody."


Soon, the song ended, and Chen Qiong immediately turned off the car music.

Liu Cong was a little confused, "Why didn't you listen?"

Chen Qiong pouted and said, "I want you to take care of it!"

"Hey! That's the right tone." Liu Cong said.

"What tone?"

Chen Qiong turned to look at Liu Cong curiously, and found that Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong and smiled like a fool.

Chen Qiong couldn't help but smile when she saw Liu Cong's appearance.


"I'll go and you scold me."

"Why did I scold you?"

"You are Dashabi too!"


Soon after, Chen Qiong drove the car downstairs of his home.

"Why did you bring me to your house tonight?" Liu Cong asked curiously.

Chen Qiong still didn't speak, then opened the door of his house and pushed in.

Immediately, Liu Cong also followed.

It wasn't until Chen Qiong walked to the refrigerator and pointed at the refrigerator that Liu Cong suddenly realized.

"You didn't eat?"

Chen Qiong nodded.

"I know, just wait."

Liu Cong opened the refrigerator without hesitation, and then went to the kitchen to make two dishes and one soup for Chen Qiong.

After the meal was ready, Chen Qiong motioned to Liu Cong to eat, and Liu Cong shook his head.

"I've eaten, you can eat."

After hearing Liu Cong's answer, Chen Qiong started eating in silence.

After eating, Chen Qiong breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Liu Cong, he said seriously: "Do you know how serious your incident is?"

"Maybe you're going to jail!"

"Because your case involves rape."

Liu Cong remained silent and nodded lightly after a while.

"Sister, please believe me, I really didn't do this!"

Chen Qiong was a little impatient.

"Can you please stop saying this? I'm getting calluses from hearing it."

"I know you didn't do it, but now this matter is no longer something I can control for you."

"I spent 10 million today to reduce the trending search, but it can't be reduced at all."

Liu Cong was shocked after hearing this. He did not expect that Chen Qiong would spend a lot of money to help him reduce his fever for his own sake.


"Why are you doing this?"

"How do you want me to repay this money?"

Liu Cong said in a very urgent tone. With his current financial strength, he really couldn't afford to pay back the money.

It's impossible for him to take out the company's money.

"It's okay, I'll deduct it from your salary."

"For the rest, I will punish you to cook for me and sleep with me."

When Chen Qiong said this, Liu Cong was a little embarrassed.

"Cooking is fine, but sleeping..."

"What? We haven't slept together?"

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

"I just asked you if you slept well?"


"Does it feel good?"



The next day,

Chen Qiong drove Liu Cong to Huaqing University early in the morning.

The moment Liu Cong got out of the car, all eyes were focused on Liu Cong.

The main reason was not that Liu Cong was recognized, but that the car was too conspicuous.

In addition, there is such a sexy woman holding his arm next to him.

"Hey, another brother took a shortcut."

"Brother Jie, what do you think is the meaning of our struggle?"

"Who knows? Why don't any rich women like us?"

Two boys on the side passed by Liu Cong and did not shy away from Liu Cong and Chen Qiong.

Liu Cong felt a little embarrassed when he saw the two of them saying this, but Chen Qiong enjoyed it very much.

"Brother, don't worry."

"If you really go in this time, sister is willing to wait for you to come out."

"Even if you don't have a job when the time comes, my sister will still be willing to support you."

(Everyone, writing a book is not easy. If you like the author’s book, please give it a five-star rating! You don’t need to write a review, thank you!)

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