In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 153: If you don’t have wings, then face the difficulties

Liu Cong rolled his eyes at Chen Qiong and said nothing.

According to the continued development of this incident, even if I don't go in and step on the sewing machine.

It is estimated that I will not be able to survive in the entertainment industry, so how can I earn reputation points and obtain scientific research materials by increasing my popularity in the future.

Thinking of this, Liu Cong couldn't help but frown.

"What? Are you still worried about your own affairs?"

"Didn't I tell you everything? If you are really desperate in the end, I can support you."

This time, Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong seriously, and Liu Cong chose to remain silent.

"Actually, I know why you are like this."

"It still has something to do with how you saved me that night."

Regarding this, Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong and felt very guilty.

Liu Cong smiled and said, "This matter is over, so don't mention it again."

"Trust me, I will find a way!"

Liu Cong slowly opened Chen Qiong's arm, and then gently patted Chen Qiong's shoulder.

"Okay, you can go back and do your own business."

"Don't try to cool down the search for me." Liu Cong warned.

"Oh, I see."

"If you have any difficulties in the past two days, just tell me."

Liu Cong smiled and hummed, then turned and walked towards the school.


"Did you really get into Huaqing University? You haven't told me how you got into it!"

Liu Cong waved his hand behind Chen Qiong's back.

"That's because of my charm."

Chen Qiong smiled brightly when she heard what Liu Cong said.

"You know how to brag, who doesn't know you have two brushes!"


After returning to school, Liu Cong planned to drive to the crew to finish the play he was going to perform today.

Fortunately, Liu Cong was wearing a mask along the way and no one recognized him.

This made Liu Cong, who was originally anxious, breathe a sigh of relief.

Walking downstairs to Zijing Apartment, Liu Cong opened the car door with his key.

At this time, Principal Zhu’s call came in.

"Classmate Liu Cong, why didn't you tell me that such a big thing happened to you?"

The principal's tone was very serious.

"Principal, it's not that I don't want to say it, but it's just that I don't need to say it at all."

Liu Cong smiled helplessly on the other end of the phone.

After hearing this, the principal fell silent.

Until more than ten seconds later, the principal's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Give me an accurate answer. Have you done this?"

Liu Cong didn't hesitate and answered the principal directly.

"Principal, please believe in the character of students. It is absolutely impossible for me to do such a thing."

"Well, I believe you."

"Even if you did this, I will quickly help you settle it."

The principal's tone was very firm, and Liu Cong was a little moved after hearing this.

"Principal, you don't need to worry about this matter. I'll handle it myself."

"You've helped me enough."

Liu Cong's tone was very sincere, because he was really grateful to these people who still believed in him when he was in the midst of public opinion.


Just as Liu Cong was about to say thank you, a busy signal came from the other end of the phone.

Liu Cong shook his head and immediately drove to the crew for filming.

After arriving at the crew, a large number of media gathered outside the crew.

There are local TV stations and some online bloggers.

"Director Guan, what do you think about the boy on your crew playing the role of fucking a fan?"

"Director Guan, it is said that you also participated in this matter?"

"Director Guan, please tell me how you will handle this matter next?"


Director Guan, on the other hand, stood outside the crew door and faced the media without saying a word.

Finally, he became impatient.

"Can you please stop asking such low-level questions?"

"I believe it is impossible for him to do such a thing, and I, Guan Long, will not do it either."

"Get as far away from me as you can!"

After everyone heard what Director Guan said, they were instantly unhappy.

"Hey! Why are you swearing!"



Just when Director Guan was being criticized by a group of reporters, Liu Cong took the initiative to push aside the crowd.

He walked to Director Guan's side and silently took off his mask.

When everyone saw Liu Cong's true face, everyone was a little surprised at first.

Then everyone picked up the shooting equipment in their hands and took pictures of Liu Cong.

During this period, Director Guan wanted to put the mask on Liu Cong again.

However, they were all stopped by Liu Cong.

"Director Guan, it's useless, let them film it." Liu Cong said with a smile.

After everyone finished filming, they started repeating what they just said to Director Guan.

Faced with the aggressiveness of reporters, Liu Cong did not choose to remain silent.

"Reporters from the news media and well-known bloggers on the Internet, good morning!" Liu Cong said calmly.

After hearing Liu Cong's words, everyone's originally impatient mood gradually calmed down.

"I believe everyone knows me, so I won't introduce myself."

"I don't know how to explain this to the public."

"But please believe me, I will never do that kind of thing."

"That is to say, the photos and evidence on the Internet were all fabricated by someone who wanted to frame me deliberately."

When Liu Cong said this, everyone was in an uproar.

"You said that the evidence on the Internet was forged, but do you have any definite evidence?"

"You are an unknown little singer. Why would others frame you?"

"What are your next steps?"


Facing the crowd's questions, Liu Cong remained silent because he didn't know how to answer these questions.

At this time, Liu Cong felt his left hand being grabbed.

Then he was dragged back with great force.

After the two of them entered, Director Guan ordered the crew to close the door tightly.

The reporters outside seemed to be unwilling to give up and were still looking desperately at the door of the set.

But there was no response.

"Liu Cong, look at the good things you have done!"

"Without you, our crew wouldn't have so many things going on!"

Manting Yu looked at Liu Cong with hatred on her face, and some actors nearby agreed after hearing what Manting Yu said.

While everyone was muttering below, Director Guan spoke.

"Yu Manting, no one is right or wrong in this matter."

"If he was wrong, I, Guan Long, would never hire him. Now that I have hired him, I choose to trust him."

"If you are not convinced, I see no need to continue this drama."

After hearing this, some people remained silent, while others were ready to get up and leave.

Seeing this, the crew immediately stepped forward to comfort him.

"Everyone, I'm sorry."

"The cause of this incident is me. I delayed everyone."

"I am so sorry."

Liu Cong took the initiative and bowed deeply to everyone.

When Yu Manting saw it, she folded her hands in front of her chest, looking arrogant.

"You deserve this."

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