When Liu Cong saw this, he remained silent.

Because silence is the best choice at this time, and explaining too much will be detrimental.

Seeing that the atmosphere on the set was so awkward at this time, Wang Yan quickly stepped forward to adjust the atmosphere.

"Everyone, please don't worry about this matter."

"Since Liu Cong has taken the initiative to apologize, let's forget it."

"No one wants to cause trouble to the crew, but sometimes there is really no way."

"Everyone, it's better not to sit around here and get busy."

Wang Yan looked at Liu Cong with a smile, and then gently patted Yu Manting's shoulder.

"Yu Manting! This is not what he wants to see."

"Since he has admitted that he did not do this, you should not dwell on this point."

"It's fate that we all come together, so don't worry about it."

After hearing what Wang Yan said, Yu Manting's expression softened a little.

But he still said: "Who knows if he is really a scumbag."

Seeing this, Wang Yan spread his hands helplessly, because he didn't know whether Liu Cong was the one.

But she believed Liu Cong was not.

"Okay, let's start filming."

"All the reporters outside have left."

Director Guan gave an order, and all the crew entered the top job.

After that, no one mentioned what happened just now.


"Xiaodong, how are things going now?"

Hou Cheng was lying lazily on the sofa in the club, holding a goblet in his hand filled with red wine.

"Director Hou, this matter has been on the second or third trending searches for a day and a night."

"Should I continue spending money to buy traffic now?"

Hou Cheng, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, was not surprised when he heard the news.

He nodded gently, "No need!"

"The next step is to send him to jail."

"This is how I want to tell him."

"Anyone who offends me, Hou Cheng, will not only destroy his reputation, but I will also deprive him of his freedom."

"In the face of irrefutable evidence, explanations are always redundant."

Hou Cheng shook the goblet in his hand and drank the red wine in one gulp.

Then he slowly stood up and walked to Xiaodong.


"You know what to do next even if I don't tell you, right?"

"I know you are a smart man, you must know what I am thinking."

Hou Cheng patted Xiaodong's shoulder, with a stiff smile on his face that could only be used in the workplace.

"Director Hou, I understand what you mean."

"Don't you just want to give that boy..."

"Haha, you are still smart." Hou Cheng smiled heartily.

"The witnesses and physical evidence are all there. Even if his kid jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to clear his name."


It was already two o'clock in the afternoon,

Liu Cong had just finished filming a fighting scene and was sitting alone on the steps in a daze.

With nothing to do, Liu Cong entered the space of the system mall.

Liu Cong looked at the reputation value of more than 2.3 million in his mall, and for a moment he didn't know how to spend it.

So, Liu Cong thought of the secret-exploring artifact in the system mall.

But when Liu Cong wanted to find this mysterious artifact in the mall, he found that its price was as high as 10 million reputation points.


"Why is it so expensive!"

"What did I miss last time?"

Liu Cong was amazed. Originally, Liu Cong wanted to buy a mysterious artifact to check Hou Cheng's background.

I didn't expect that this mysterious artifact would be so expensive. Is it possible that he can find out any secrets?

Liu Cong has never tested this matter, so he doesn't know.

Just as Liu Cong was thinking, a familiar experience happened in front of him again.

I saw two police cars driving directly to the crew where Liu Cong was, before Liu Cong could fully react.

Several young police officers came to Liu Cong's side.

"Are you Liu Cong?"

The person who asked Liu Cong what to say was a young female police officer. After seeing Liu Cong, her face was full of disdain.

"Yes, I am Liu Cong."

"Excuse me, what are you doing here this time?"

As soon as Liu Cong finished speaking, the female police officer took out an ID card from her bag.

"I'm from the Second Detachment of the Peking City Public Security Bureau."

"Through the public confusion and evidence, you have been suspected of being a qiangjian, causing many young women to become pregnant."

"You come with me now."

After speaking, the policewoman did not give Liu Cong any chance to explain.

He directly asked the male police officer behind him to put handcuffs on him.

"That, I really didn't do it! I was wronged."

Liu Cong was dragged directly into the police car by three or two policemen, without giving Liu Cong any chance to explain.

By the time they came out, the police car had already driven away.

Liu Cong was in the car and kept explaining to the police, but no one paid any attention to him.

The policewoman next to her wanted to give Liu Cong a slap in the face when she saw Liu Cong like this.

In the face of such a sudden disaster, even Liu Cong, who has a system, has nothing to do.

Now he could only pray that this matter would come to light.

However, now that the incident has developed like this, the probability of the truth coming out is probably extremely small.

Therefore, Liu Cong had no choice but to admit defeat this time.

The car drove slowly on the road, and Liu Cong just leaned against the window and looked at the scenery outside.

With a heavy heart, he was thinking about what other equipment in the system could save him from danger.

Before Liu Cong could finish thinking, the car had already entered the police station compound.

Then, just like that, two or three police officers took Liu Cong directly to the courtroom.

When Liu Cong came to the courtroom, there were already four or five girls who were about the same age as Liu Cong sitting inside.

"Liu Cong! You are really a complete scumbag!

"You not only hurt me, you hurt them."

A girl wearing a light green coat looked very excited. As she spoke, two lines of tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

The other girl in a black coat didn't talk nonsense at all. She came up and slapped Liu Cong.

Fortunately, the policeman nearby reacted quickly and stopped the girl directly.

This move frightened Liu Cong so much that he leaned back.

"Hey! I said you are doing this just for money?"

"I don't know you, right? You touch your conscience, won't your heart hurt if you do this?"

When Liu Cong said this, the girls not only did not reflect, but also looked even more excited.

"Liu Cong! Are you still a human being?"

"Did you turn your back on me after taking off your pants?"

"Is there anyone like you? You are worse than a beast!"

Seeing this, several police officers rushed forward to comfort several women who were injured in love.

Liu Cong was sitting blankly on the cold seat with an expression even more unfair than Dou E's.


In the crew of "Death Taxi", several strangers wearing suits and leather shoes appeared.

"You said Liu Cong was taken away by the police?" the young man in charge asked.

Director Guan was smoking a cigarette and said in a depressed mood: "Yes, he was taken away."

Seeing this, the expressions of several people changed.

"Do you know which police station it is?"

Seeing the leader asking this, Director Guan shook his head.

The young man who didn't ask for the exact answer quickly greeted the people behind him.

"let's go!"

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