Inside the police station,

Liu Cong was sitting in the trial room at this time, looking seriously at the police in the room and the girls who accused him.

"I said, why do you want to frame me?"

"Did someone arrange for you to come here?"

Speaking of this, the woman in the green coat looked even more excited.

"Uncle policeman, did you hear that?"

"He still refuses to admit it. Can we joke about our innocence?"

Afterwards, the few girls behind also started to lose their composure.

When he found the police next to him, he started complaining and told them what a scumbag Liu Cong was.

After hearing the complaints of several girls, several police officers gradually became uneasy.

Liu Cong looked a bit angry, especially the female policeman next to him.

Faced with such a scene, Liu Cong's face looked uglier than eating shit, so he simply shut up and stopped talking.

Subsequently, the interrogating police officers did not ask Liu Cong for his advice and directly dragged Liu Cong to a small room.

Then, in the small room of the courtroom, several bright lights shone directly on Liu Cong's eyes, making Liu Cong unable to open his glasses.

The policeman was sitting outside the small room, looking at Liu Cong who was covering his eyes inside.

"I'm going to ask you a question now, and you have to answer it honestly."

"Don't look for something to do, you know?"

Liu Cong is also unlucky. The policeman who is trying him is the policeman who looked at Liu Cong in a bad way just now.

Liu Cong nodded sadly.

The policewoman who received the response smiled slightly and said, "Very good."

"First question, how did you meet these girls?"

Liu Cong was confused by this first question, "Sister Police, I don't know them at all!"

"I was really wronged!"

Due to the strong light, tears slowly flowed down from the corners of Liu Cong's eyes.


The lights were intensified again, and this time Liu Cong was forced to use his arms to protect his eyes.

However, due to the strong light emitting a large amount of heat during the irradiation process, Liu Cong's face was already covered with sweat.

"You police officers don't punish people like this."

"You are abusing lynching!" Liu Cong said through gritted teeth.

He never imagined that he would be free one day, even though he was a good and law-abiding citizen.

If I didn't admit this today, I would probably be exhausted by this policewoman.

“Is this how your police abuse lynching?”

At this moment, an angry voice came from behind the policewoman, and she turned around to look.

A middle-aged man in his thirties or forties with a beer belly stood in front of his policewoman.

"Who are you! You are ordering me here!"

"Do I need to explain my affairs to you?"

This policewoman also had a hot temper. When she saw the middle-aged man scolding her, her originally bad temper was instantly ignited.

At this time, several more people in suits and leather shoes came in outside the door. They didn't look like people to be trifled with.

"Let me tell you today! This is a police station, not a place where you can go unpunished!"

The policewoman waved her hands angrily, looking very arrogant and domineering.

"Commander, what kind of wind brings you here!"

A middle-aged bald man ran in in a hurry after seeing the man in front of him.

The middle-aged man with a beer belly looked at the bald man seriously.

"Li Huang, do you know who your police station arrested today?"

"You are so brave! Do you want to take off your hat?"

After Li Huang heard what the middle-aged man said, he was so frightened that his legs went weak.

"Chief, I really didn't know who he was at first!"

"have no idea!"

"I just want to prevaricate this matter without knowing anything!"

"Tell me! Who is the instigator behind this matter!"

After the middle-aged man said this, Li Huang was silent for a few seconds.

Then he said slowly: "No one instigated this matter, it's just that our police station received reports from the public."


Li Huang's face didn't turn red when he said this, but the female police officer next to him was completely stunned when she saw that the middle-aged man standing in front of her was the chief.

Seeing that the policewoman didn't respond, the people behind him turned off the bright light behind Liu Cong.

Because the exposure time was too long, Liu Cong couldn't take his hands away from his eyes for a while.

Seeing Liu Cong's appearance, the people behind him were very angry.

"Let me tell you, if this person in front of you has any problems in your police station, it is not something you can afford."

When the chief next to him heard this, he became even more angry.

"Li Huang, let me tell you! If this matter cannot be resolved, I don't think you will be the director of the branch!"

"And you, get out of here right now!" the chief pointed at the policewoman in front and said loudly.

When the policewoman heard what the chief said, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to say anything. She didn't have the same momentum as when she bullied Liu Cong just now.

"Li Huang, listen to me."

"I don't care how you handle this matter."

"I will definitely take this person away today."

"Furthermore, those photos and evidence were all posted by P. I don't believe that a police station can't see these things."

The general manager in front of him said these words very calmly, but Li Huang's heart was already filled with waves.

"Chief, I didn't do anything!"


"Did I just say something?"

The chief came up to Li Huang and looked directly at Li Huang.

Maybe Li Huang didn't think that Liu Cong inside was so capable that he could tell the truth, and the chief around him might also be pretending.

"Chief, I don't know much about this matter either. We only work with evidence."

"This case was caused by our police department's negligence. We will definitely correct it next time."

Li Huang pursed his big teeth and kept smiling apologetically at the chief in front of him.

Then he pointed at the policewoman behind him who had just violently raped Liu Cong.

"You! Did you hear what the director just said?"

"Get out of here now!"

When the policewoman heard this, she immediately covered her mouth and ran out.

Afterwards, Li Huangqi smiled and said: "Commander, you see this matter is simply a misunderstanding."

"I will also find out what happened behind the scenes later."

"I will definitely give this little brother an explanation."

At this time, one of the young men in suits and ties walked up to Li Huang.

"No need, we have figured out the ins and outs of this matter."

"The first reason we came here is for him."

The man pointed at Liu Cong, who was still inside but had not come out.

Then he said: "The second is to let Hou Cheng in."

As soon as these words came out, they hit Li Huang directly in his heart like a bolt from the blue.

"Chief, I don't know what this young man said."

As he said that, Li Huang gave the chief executive in front of him a look.

But the chief executive had no intention of talking to Li Huang.

"Okay, I'll finish the matter here."

"As for whether you can explain it or not, I think it doesn't mean much anymore."

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