With that said, the leader in suits and leather shoes took Liu Cong out of the small room.

At this time, Liu Cong had calmed down slightly, but when he opened his eyes and looked ahead, his eyes were still blurry.

"Are you okay?" The leader in a suit asked with concern.

Liu Cong smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he didn't have a big problem.

In this way, the man's expression softened slightly.

"I've taken him away, and you can figure out what happens next."

After the man said this, he left Li Huang and the chief alone and left directly.

"You know what? You got into big trouble this time!"

"If you are involved in this matter, I can't protect you!"

The chief said these words almost through gritted teeth.

But Li Huang didn't take it seriously yet, because he was used to being arrogant and domineering in the police station for so many years.

I'm not afraid of these at all. As long as it can be solved with money, it doesn't matter.

"Chief, what is the identity of this boy?"

"Why did you protect him?"

"Could he be a relative or son of someone above?"

After hearing Li Huang's words, the chief sighed and then shook his head.

Then he whispered something into Li Huang's ear.

Immediately, Li Huang's pupils slowly became larger, and he looked at the president with an incredible look.

"Chief, you said he has that kind of background!"

"This~this~how could this happen!"

The president's words in Li Huang's ears completely subverted Li Huang's outlook on life.

"Why does he still want to be in the entertainment industry when he has such a status!"

"It's over, it's over!"


After coming out, several people led Liu Cong into the car.

In the car, the leader and Liu Cong were sitting side by side.

"Thank you for coming to save me today!"

"Are you sent by the principal?"

Liu Cong's words confused the man.

"What principal?"

"We were sent down by people from above."

"It's not convenient to say who the specific person is at the moment. You will know when the time comes."

Seeing the man say this, Liu Cong didn't ask any more questions.

Later, he expressed his gratitude to the people in the car.

Soon after, several people brought Liu Cong to the crew.

"We will send it here. You can do whatever you need to do from now on."

"Don't worry about retaliation anymore."

After hearing what the man said, Liu Cong was very confused.

But I didn’t ask much because the other party wouldn’t tell me if I asked.

"Well, thank you for what happened today."

"Help me also thank the person behind you."

After finishing speaking, Liu Cong opened the car door himself and walked slowly to the set.

When leaving, Liu Cong didn't forget to look back and found that the car had disappeared from Liu Cong's sight.

After entering the set, Liu Cong found that everyone was just sitting there.

Some people are playing with their mobile phones, and some are chatting.

Guan Dao, on the other hand, was sitting alone on a big rock, holding his chin with his hands and staring blankly ahead.

Upon seeing this, Liu Cong immediately went forward.

"Director Guan, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Cong shouted, but Director Guan didn't respond.

So, Liu Cong increased his voice.

Director Guan reacted immediately this time, and most of the crew also looked over at Director Guan.

"Liu Cong! You're not!"

Director Guan and the crew all looked at Liu Cong in disbelief.

And Liu Cong could only smile awkwardly, "Sorry."

"I caused trouble for everyone, and I won't do it again."

Liu Cong's words made everyone mistakenly think that he was quitting the crew.

"Liu Cong, what should we do if you leave us like this!"

"Are you right, Director Qi Guan?"

Yu Manting came up and looked at Liu Cong fiercely and said.

"When do I say leave? I mean then I can continue acting."

"Things have been settled."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Director Guan stood up from the stone.

"Is what you said true?"

Seeing Director Guan being so excited, Liu Cong nodded gently to express his confirmation.

After seeing Liu Cong come back, no one asked anything.

After cheering up, I went to film.

But what everyone didn't expect is that because of Liu Cong, the film industry may be about to undergo earth-shaking changes.

After the performance, Liu Cong drove back to his school as usual.

But when Liu Cong returned to the apartment and turned on his mobile phone, he was completely dumbfounded.

His previous hot searches have been squeezed out, replaced by various clarification news.

The original photo of P was directly restored by an unknown master on the Internet.

When everyone sees this, it becomes clear instantly.

At this time, most of the original questioning voices on the Internet disappeared.

Instead, they all misunderstood some of Liu Cong's words.


"Who the hell is behind this!"

“Where are my hot searches?”

"Why did it become a clarifying video!"

Hou Cheng angrily raised the goblet and threw it heavily to the ground.

Xiaodong next to him was also trembling with fear.

"Director Waiting, according to the police station, Liu Cong has been rescued this afternoon."

Xiaodong's voice became smaller and smaller, and Director Guan became more and more angry after listening.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me earlier!"

Hou Cheng's roar frightened Xiaodong so much that he took several steps back.

"Who took him away?" Hou Cheng asked.

"I really don't know."

Seeing this, Hou Cheng went up and kicked Xiaodong so hard that he didn't dare to speak.

Later, Hou Cheng dialed Li Huang's phone number.

Soon after, Li Huang on the other end of the phone answered the call.

"Bureau Li, that..."

Before Hou Cheng could finish speaking, Li Huang's curse came from the other end of the phone.

"QNMD you killed me!"

"Let's not contact you anymore, I don't know you!"


There was a busy signal on the other end of the phone.

When Hou Cheng called again, the call on the other end of the phone kept showing, so he must have been blocked.

"Fuck! What the hell is going on!"

Hou Cheng threw his phone on the table angrily.

"Director Hou, this is bad!"

At this time, a young man suddenly broke in from outside the door and said breathlessly.

Hou Cheng frowned slightly,

"What is all the fuss about?"

"Director-in-waiting, hand! Cell phone!"

The young man pointed to his cell phone and then handed it to Hou Cheng.

When Hou Cheng saw the message above, he almost lost his grip on the phone.

"Who did this?"

"This is who exposed my information."

Hou Cheng panicked. He had never been so panicked before.

Bang~ sound.

The door was kicked open, and several policemen in police uniforms broke in directly.

"Who is Hou Cheng?"

The moment Hou Cheng looked at the police officer in front of him, the police officer recognized him instantly.

"You are Hou Cheng, right?"

"You are now suspected of colluding with the government and xiqian crimes. I have received an order from my superiors to arrest you immediately!"

"Moreover, you are also suspected of slandering national heroes."

"So, you can't run away no matter what this time."

Hearing this, Hou Cheng was so frightened that his legs went weak.

"I didn't! No! You are spitting nonsense."

Faced with Hou Cheng's roar, the policeman laughed instead of being angry.

"Director Li has explained everything and you still want to quibble?"

"And we have collected the evidence."

"take away!"

The leading policeman did not talk nonsense with Hou Cheng and directly ordered the policeman behind him to take Hou Cheng away.

"I was wrong!"

"I have plenty of money. I'll give it to you. Don't arrest me!"

As the door was closed, Hou Cheng's voice completely disappeared.

Xiaodong stood there alone in a daze, not knowing what to do for a moment.

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