In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 160: High-level officials from the United States come to China

In the conference room of Huaxia Precision Co., Ltd.,

Representatives from the United States and China sat on opposite sides of the conference table.

Translators stood on both sides of us, preparing for the next negotiation.

"Mr. Li, I think the purpose of my coming here this time is clear to you."

"You also know why."

After the man from the United States finished speaking these words, the translator next to the middle-aged man named Li began to translate for him.

After hearing these words, the middle-aged man nodded.

"Well, I know, it's not just about the photolithography machine."

"Logically speaking, representatives from Holo came to negotiate with me about this matter. Why are you here now?"

It was obvious that the middle-aged man named Li did not seem to welcome these Americans who came from afar.

Because people in this country have always been known for being cunning and unscrupulous.

Therefore, people here in China do not want to communicate with these sewer rats at all.

"Li, I won't go around with you anymore."

"Before coming, we already had a meeting with Holo."

"Everyone has agreed to let us come over and negotiate with your company."

"We are willing to pay 1 trillion to acquire your company. What are your ideas?"

The people on the American side were full of aggression in their words, but the people on the Chinese side were not panicked at all, and instead wanted to laugh.

"Mr. Edward, do you think this is realistic?"

"When you previously restricted the export and production of chips from other countries to our country, you did not see you sending representatives to discuss with us."

"Did the emergence of our company prevent you from suppressing technology? That's why you came all the way to negotiate with us?"

Seeing that there was no words spoken, the middle-aged man named Li smiled disdainfully.

"Listen to me what you are doing!"

"China is no longer the impoverished China of the last century. You should stop using old tricks to put pressure on us."

"Besides, our company belongs to the state."

"Do you think the country will compromise on this matter?"

The translator next to Edward completely translated what the middle-aged man said to Edward.

After Edward heard this, his expression was a little ugly, but it seemed to be as expected.

At this time, the American next to Edward couldn't sit still.

"This Chinese, if you are really like this, we will have to be tough."

Facing the threat from the opposite side, all the senior officials in China smiled, and they smiled happily.

"Haha, this one."

"I would like to ask how you can be so forceful? Is it possible that you have to use force to solve the problem?"

"I'm afraid this is a bit unrealistic, right?"

"I advise you to go where you came from."

"We in China do not welcome you."

At this time, the leading middle-aged man directly drove them away without giving any face to the other party.

The other party also felt that he was losing face, so he left in a daze without even saying hello.

After these people left, several senior Chinese officials sat in the conference room and pondered.

"Li Huajian, what do you think of the conversation of those Americans just now?"

A paunchy man of about the same age as him looked at Li Huajian with a questioning look on his face.

Li Huajian shrugged, looking very indifferent.

"How do you see it? Just use your feet to see it."

"Isn't it too flattering to look at them with your eyes?"

After hearing Li Huajian's words, there was a burst of laughter in the room.

"Okay, that's it for this meeting!"

"Report this matter to the senior management as soon as possible and let them take countermeasures."

"I think they will quickly seize the market."

"It's nothing more than a price war with us. I think they will definitely not succeed this time."

Speaking of this, Li Huajian couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

Huaqing University, inside the classroom.

Liu Conghe, as usual, was sitting in the back row waiting for get out of class to end.

The moment the bell rang, Liu Cong rushed out of the classroom at lightning speed.

After many experiences, Liu Cong knew that if he had to run faster, he would have to wait in line again.

After lunch, Liu Cong planned to go back to the apartment to take a nap.

At this time, Director Guan suddenly called.

"Liu Cong! The movie will be released tonight. Do you want to come to the cinema to watch the premiere!"

Director Guan on the other end of the phone sounded a little excited, and seemed to be looking forward to the release of the movie.

Liu Cong thought for a while and then gave Director Guan a definite answer.

"Director Guan, I won't join in the fun when the movie is released."

When Director Guan heard what Liu Cong said, he didn't force it.

"okay, I get it."

"I will pay your remuneration to your account within these two years."

Later, Liu Cong said some words of congratulations on the other end of the phone and hung up the phone.

At night, Liu Cong lay quietly on the bed in the apartment and played with his mobile phone.

At this time, the system's electronic notification sound suddenly came to my mind.

[The host successfully completed the filming of the film and it was successfully released]

[Now we specially reward the host engine manufacturing information and master this skill]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host Huaxia Famous Level for rising one level]

[Specially reward the host with super computer proficiency skills]

When two electronic broadcast sounds sounded in Liu Cong's mind.

Liu Cong was so frightened that he immediately got up from the bed again.

"Holy shit, this system always catches me by surprise."

"The skills attached to this system are getting more and more outrageous."

"It used to be entertainment skills and stuff."

"Good guy, give me a computer super proficient this time!"

Although Liu Cong said so, he didn't take this skill seriously at all.

After all, on the previous planet, it was very easy for Liu Cong to crack a small website by himself.

It is illegal to do this kind of thing, so Liu Cong has never dared to try it.

But Liu Cong helped his friends build many websites.

Therefore, if you don't have particularly powerful computer skills, you won't be able to catch Liu Cong's attention at all.

Ever since, in order to verify the power of this skill, Liu Cong climbed out of bed.

Then he turned on the computer he had placed on his desk.

At first, Liu Cong didn’t know what website to crack.

After all, Liu Cong is a good citizen who abides by laws and regulations. Liu Cong will definitely not do such illegal things.

Gradually, Liu Cong focused on websites registered abroad.

"Hey, how could I forget this kind of website?"

“I don’t know how many young people have been harmed by this kind of website, we must deal with it!”

Liu Cong did what he said, so he randomly found a bad website.

Then he started his journey as a hacker.

Before doing this again, Liu Cong must hide his IP address.

Liu Cong thought that changing the IP address was too troublesome, so he simply changed the address to the United States.

Just go ahead and do it, Liu Cong directly relied on the skills provided by the system to write a code with only a few dozen KB.

Liu Cong can guarantee that he has never learned these things before, but it is extremely easy to write them like this.

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