Soon, all the advertisements on this website were hacked by Liu Cong.

Even the domain name of the website was changed by Liu Cong.

The staff at the other end began to curse after seeing that their website had been hacked.


"Who hacked our website?"

Since these websites are not protected by the state, the state is eager for someone to hack these websites.

After all, these websites can easily lead people astray, or even lead them to lose their money.

If some countries had no way to hack them, they would have found ways to deal with these websites long ago.

Within ten minutes of this website being in Liu Cong's hands, it was all hacked.

Liu Cong’s identity could not even be found on the other party’s website.

Liu Cong turned off the computer with a smile on his face, still thinking about the previous results in his mind.

"I didn't expect that!"

“I’ve always wanted to be a hacker, but it never came to fruition.”

"Now I have the system help me achieve this goal. It's so cool!"


The next day,

Liu Cong walked into the classroom to teach as usual,

It's still the same, Liu Cong is still sitting in the back.

Logically speaking, the classrooms at Huaqing University are basically full in the front and no one is sitting in the back.

However, today is very unusual.

Liu Cong was the only one sitting in the back row, but now there was another student sitting in the back row.

Liu Cong took a closer look, wasn't it the girl with the mushroom head who lent him his pen for the exam that day?

I saw that she and Liu Cong were sitting side by side on the same long table at this time, and there was a notebook on the table.

The mushroom-headed girl was staring at the computer screen seriously, while her ten fingers continued to operate on the keyboard.

Because Liu Cong was very curious, he poked his head and took a look.

You don’t know this by looking at it, and you’re shocked when you see it.

This mushroom-headed girl turned out to be a hacker. She was currently typing codes on the computer.

Liu Cong must not have been able to understand these things before.

However, he now has super computer proficiency skills, and these things are as simple as junior high school arithmetic problems.

"Hey! Are you a hacker?"

"What you are doing is wrong. It is easy to expose the IP address and be easily counterattacked by the other party."

Liu Cong quietly explained the mystery to the mushroom-headed girl.

After hearing Liu Cong's words, the mushroom-headed girl looked at Liu Cong with somewhat resentful eyes.

"Can you stop chirping? You're disturbing my thinking."

Before the mushroom-headed girl could continue, her computer was taken over by hackers.

After Liu Cong saw it, he didn't care anymore. He grabbed the mushroom-headed girl's computer and started operating on it.

At first, the mushroom-headed girl was still dubious. After a minute, the mushroom-headed girl stared at the computer and slowly widened her pupils.

"You're a hacker!"

The mushroom-headed girl looked at Liu Cong in disbelief.

Liu Cong ignored the mushroom-headed girl and continued to operate on the computer.

"Look, you made a big mistake before operating."

"That means you don't hide your IP address, which makes it easy for you to be hacked during the operation."

"Thus taking over your computer."

Liu Cong kept explaining to the mushroom-headed girl while operating.

"Look, while we hide the IP address, you can..."

Slowly, Liu Cong's operations made the mushroom-headed girl a little confused.

"What kind of operation are you doing!" the mushroom-headed girl exclaimed in a low voice.

"This is a technique I created myself, and I don't know what it's called yet."

"Just call me Piao Piao Quan back first."

Mushroom Tou rolled his eyes at Liu Cong, and then said: "Your name is really random."

This time, the critical moment has been reached.

Seeing that the computer's progress bar was still loading, Liu Cong frowned slightly.

"What website are you attacking? It's not illegal, is it?"

When Liu Cong thought of this, he suddenly felt a little scared.

He didn't want to continue to get into trouble.

"No, I'm from the Chinese Hongke Alliance."

"I don't know what's going on these days. The United States attacks various websites in China every day."

"So, in order to retaliate against them, China's Hongke Alliance gathered together and prepared to launch a full-scale attack on the American Internet."

"However, I didn't expect that this website is too difficult to break down. So far, none of us have broken into it."

As soon as the mushroom-headed girl finished saying this, the progress bar in the computer finished loading.

Then a lot of English letters appeared, all of which were the source code of the website.

"I go!"

"The attack is in!"

The mushroom-headed girl exclaimed softly.

At this time, get out of class just ended, and the mushroom-headed girl was even more excited.

"This is the largest shopping website in the United States! You actually attacked it."

Just when the mushroom-headed girl finished saying this, Liu Cong had completely hacked the website.

"What did you say?"

"The largest shopping website in the state of America?"

"Yes! Isn't it written in the code?"

Liu Cong took a closer look and realized that it was really the case.

"Damn it, isn't this a trick on me?"

But Liu Cong looked back and thought again. Before he attacked the website just now, Liu Cong had completely erased the IP address.

Thinking of this, Liu Cong felt relieved.

Seeing that everyone in the classroom was gone, Liu Cong slowly stood up.

"I'm leaving, you can play alone."

When Liu Cong got up and walked out of the classroom, the girl with the mushroom head stopped Liu Cong.

"Hey! Do you want to join our Hongke Alliance?"

"With your strength, you will definitely have a place in it."

Liu Cong stopped, then turned around and smiled at the mushroom-headed girl.

"I'm not called Hey. I have a name. My name is Liu Cong."

"Also, I won't join the Honker Alliance."

With that said, Liu Cong turned his head and prepared to continue walking outside the classroom.

"Liu Cong!"

Liu Cong, who had already raised his feet, stopped again.

"What's going on again!"

The mushroom-headed girl was stunned for a moment, then said: "My name is Jiang Wanying.

"She's a Jiangnan girl."

Liu Cong smiled slightly when he heard the mushroom-headed girl take the initiative to introduce himself.

"Jiang Wanying, nice to meet you!"

"It's noon. I'm going to have dinner. Do you want to come with me?"

When she heard Liu Cong calling her to eat together, Jiang Wanying smiled slightly, showing two tiger teeth, which was particularly cute.

"Okay, let's go together."

On the way, Liu Cong began to ask about American hackers attacking the Internet.

"You mean, China's official website was paralyzed just now?"

Jiang Wanying nodded, "Yes, the country is recruiting manpower to repair it now!"

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